Danvar's page

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About Danvar

Male Oracle 6
Init +2; Senses Perception +7, Low-light Vision, Keen Senses,

AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 shield, +2 dex)
hp 43 (6d8+6)
SR 0
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +8
Shield Heavy Steel Shield
Defensive Abilities Elven Immunities (PFCR 24)

Spd 30 ft/x4

Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 23

BAB +4, CMB +3, CMD +15

Concentration +12

Feats Armor Proficiency (LIGHT / MEDIUM) (PFCR 118), Eldritch Heritage (PFUM 149), Extra Revelation (PFAPG 160), Shield Proficiency (PFCR 133), Skill Focus (Knowledge (nature) (PFCR 134), Eldricht Heritage (Animal Compagnion), Boon Compagnion, Iron Will (PFCR 129),

Skills Bluff +15, Diplomacy +15, Disable Device +10, Escape Artist +1, Handle Animal +10, Knowledge (arcana) +4, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, Knowledge (engineering) +3, Knowledge (local) +3, Knowledge (nature) +6, Knowledge (religion) +8, Knowledge (planes) +8, Linguistics +3, Perception +7, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +8

Traits Fast-Talker (Social) (PFAPG 330), Vagabond Child (Regional) (PFAPG 332)

MC Oracle Curse (Blackened), Mystery (Dark Tapestry), Revelation (Cloak of Darkness (+6 Elf fav class, Pierce the Veil, Gift of Madness)

Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Infernal

Eq'd Magic Hat of Disguise, Headband of Alluring Charisma +2, Cloak of Resistance +2
Gear MW Thieft's Tools (+2 Disable Device), Iron Circlet of Disguise, Rod of Metamagic Energy Sub (Acid)

Chain shirt +1
2 potion cmw

Spells (CL 6)
L0: Detect Magic, Stabilize, Light, Create Water, Mending, Read Magic, Guidance, Detect Poison, Mage Hand, Ghost Sound
L1 (8/Day): CLW, Bless, (b) Burning Hands, Liberating Command, Shield of Faith (+3) (d) Arcane Mark
L2 (4/Day): CMW, Resist Energy, Undetectable Alignment, (b)Scorching Ray, (b) Flaming Sphere, (d)Magic Missile
L3 (4/Day): CSW, Invisibility Purge, (d) Arc of Fire


SU 9/9 Cloak of Darkness ( CL 9, counted in hours used)
SU 9/9 Gift of Madness
L1: 8/8
L2: 7/7
L3: 4/4


"Fred The Roc"

Init +2; Senses Perception +5, Low Light Vision

AC 25, touch 15, flat-footed 20 (+5 dex, +10 natural armor)
hp 32 (6d8-6)
SR 0
Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +2
Defensive Abilities

Spd 20 ft/x4, Fly 80ft (Avg)
Melee Bite +6 (1d6+2)
Melee Claw +6 (1d4+2)

Str 14, Dex 21, Con 9, Int 3, Wis 13, Cha 11

BAB +4, CMB +6, CMD +21

FeatsImprove natural Armor, Toughness, Eldritch Claws

Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +1, Escape Artist +5, Fly +9, Intimidate +0, Perception +5, Stealth +10, Survival +2, Swim +1

MC Low Light Vision, Evasion, Link, Shared Spell, Devotion

Tricks none needed

Languages Common,



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