
Danny Atwood's page

Organized Play Member. 21 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 4 wishlists. 15 Organized Play characters.

Is there a version of the Players Guide that can be shown to arachnaphobes, one that doesn't have spiders crawling all over the border of every single page?

Also, is this AP going to be a huge problem for someone who would rather not have their phobias thrown at them in their gaming time?

The druid in my party decided to wild empathy the rats they're always asked to catch and send them to destroy the rum rations that were killing the crew. That evening, they all got a rum ration polluted wth dead rat and about half the crew have filth fever now.

Sandara only has one lesser restore a day, and apart from treating disease with heal checks, this could be quite deadly.

My plan for the next session is for the Captain to get rid of the rum ration - he doesn't want a dead crew, after all - and ALL alcohol (at least until the disease runs its course and people are either better or dead from it).

Everyone who is sick will be put into Stitchman's care, which means those who still work will be exhausted from having to handle two or three person's jobs for the day. Sandara will ignore her tasks for the day to help healing people, which Scourge will want to whip her for and the Captain will stop from happening. Scourge will take out his frustration on the PCs any way he can.

I'm interested in how sending works in relation to characters disguising themselves as someone else.

Let's say you make up a false identity - Mr. Goodweather - and make some friends. One of those friends tries to cast sending to Mr. Goodweather.

Does the spell
A) connect to you, because your friend intended you as the recipient?
B) fail, because there is no such person as Mr. Goodweather?

Take this a step further. Instead of a false identity made up, let's say you stole someone else's identity - Mr. Fairweather - and pretended to be him. You meet some people who have never met the real Mr. Fairweather, so in their mind, you are him.

One of those people casts sending to Mr. Fairweather. Does the spell

A) connect to you, because you are the person they intended as the recipient?
B) fail, because the caster isn't actually familiar with Mr. Fairweather? They've never even met!

And to add another level of complication, let's say your friend from the second example later gets to know the real Mr. Fairweather but remains ignorant of your deception. He has no idea that you and Mr. Fairweather are different people. As far as he's concerned, the guy he knows today (the real thing) is the same person as the one he met originally (you). He has something to tell Mr. Fairweather and so casts sending. Does the spell:

A) connect to you, because you were the one he first thought of as Mr. Fairweather?
B) connect to the real Mr. Fairweather, whom he knows now?
C) fail because of buffer overflow error? (caster failed to select a single target)
D) randomly connect to either you or the real Mr. Fairweather based on things like
- which of you is physically closer to the caster
- which of you is more familiar to the caster
- which of you the caster dealt with most recently
- other

Now in the other direction, if you're familiar with someone and a bad guy impersonates them and fools you, it seems logical to me that a sending would go to your real friend and not the imposter.

But what if your real friend was dead, and the imposter completely fooled you. Would sending now connect to him, or fail?