Daniel Easler's page

8 posts (9 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Erik Mona wrote:
Dryder wrote:

I want to know everything!

Especially, if Part 6 is the last one with RISE OF THE RUNELORDS ending at around level 15.
Or will there be more, which you just haven't advertised yet?!

Pathfinder is open-ended, and the flagship of our GameMastery line. We hope to produce 100 or more, in the years to come.


I am also a former member of a military organization named Pathfinder Company (parachutes and helicopters and stuff). Nostalgia dictates that I subscribe.

Erik Mona wrote:
Dryder wrote:

I want to know everything!

Especially, if Part 6 is the last one with RISE OF THE RUNELORDS ending at around level 15.
Or will there be more, which you just haven't advertised yet?!

Pathfinder is open-ended, and the flagship of our GameMastery line. We hope to produce 100 or more, in the years to come.



I'm on board, even though I can barely afford it. I had paid for D. & D. for years out in advance back when I could afford it. I have no doubt Pathfinder will be awesome. I will definitely ask about it at the local Dragon's Lair (even though I already subscribed), and I'm behind paizo 100%. Those Hasbro execs wouldn't know an icosahedron if it slapped 'em in the face. Just take it easy on my cash flow. I need to save more money for miniatures (and a honeymoon, but that's secondary).


Skeld wrote:

Wow, I see where you're coming from. You've gotten screwed over big time. If I were in your shoes, I'd cancel my subscription and get the full refund. Don't buy Pathfinder, since it's so obviously not what you want/need. Finally, you could log-off the messageboards and refuse to readthem or post anything else. Tha'll show them.

Wow, that's awesome! I agree. You should get back at those money grubbing bastards by never playing Dungeons and Dragons again.

Agamon the Dark wrote:

Am I upset that a tradition is ending? A little, but I'm not adverse to change.

What I'm upset about is WotC's decsion to take the content online, as part of what is being affectionately called their "electronic thingy". An apt term, I think. Almost every venture in software and online content that they've done has run from disaster to not worthy of mention.

But this decision smells like a stinker to me. A big mistake, I think. I wish they'd have risked something other than the Dragon and Dungeon brands on what will likely end up a failure.

Agreed. You make alot of sense. Some are saying that we (the naysayers)are merely adverse to change, but I certainly am not.

I was really excited when 3rd Ed came out and I absolutely love it. It was exactly the refreshing that D&D needed. I think it has been headed in the right direction since then, has decades of richness yet to unfold, and that this is a completely wrong move (I think this change is a harbinger and will entail more than just the discontinuation of Dragon and Dungeon, I think something on the level of 4th Ed or some equally ridiculous marketing scheme), not just for WotC but for the RPG industry in general.

How many people were introduced to RPGs through Dragon and Dungeon over the years? These publications are icons and that is marketing you can't buy. I really believe that the majority of people, myself included, do and will continue to prefer the newsstand format.

I had years left on both of my subscriptions, but I won't be getting into any online content. I'm not interested. I have bought into Pathfinder though. Paizo has gained my trust.

Change isn't the problem. I love it when it's for the better. D20 and the OGL kick ass. I smell a change in the wind. And it smells like an Otyugh's Sunday dinner. Stinky.

Vic Wertz wrote:
simon_t_vesper wrote:
Unfortunately, another question is necessary: I can't seem to find my credit when I go to the checkout counter. Am I just blind, or is there a bug somewhere?

The credit will be added to your account in September, after your subscriptions conclude.

But I want to subscribe to Pathfinder now you krazy kobold!!!

RogueMonkeyChief wrote:

While it's true that WotC is not evil, the mind flayers, beholders, and other monsters who serve as its secret masters are, in fact. Except the slaad, who are merely chaotic neutral. There's a reason they're not in the SRD.

Seriously though, while I was angry at first, I've pretty much let go of the negativity I was feeling. I'm extremely excited about Pathfinder (and everything Paizo is working on, really); I wish WotC the best of luck with their online initiative, but it's something I want no part of.

Agreed. mostly. I don't wish WotC the best of luck. I hope they crash and burn and realize the depth of their stupidity. And I hope others join us in not taking part.

There is zero reason for a 4th edition right now. ZERO. PERIOD. The current ed is just starting to blossom mostly under the guidance of paizo. The adventure paths are awesome. This game is just starting to get the attention it deserves from all corners (Drow of the Underdark!!! I can't freaking wait!!)

!!!!I'm not about to spend a single solitary dime on another set of basic rules no matter what!!!!!

The current ones are too good. They have got decades upon decades of play left in them with little or no revision. With the OGL anyone who wants a little different flavor can have it. The market is just starting to expand. You want modern? high seas? cyberpunk? star wars? star trek? You can do anything with D20. I have years left on my Dragon and Dungeon subs, but I will gladly buy into Pathfinder on the ground floor. To echo another posters sentiments. If I wanted to spend more time in front of a computer (buying crap online from WotC) I wouldn't be rolling dice. I wouldn't be playing D & D.

I like reading books!!!

It seems so simple and obvious to me. They (WotC under the Hasbro umbrella) think they can milk more money out of me, just another dumb consumer gobbling whatever crap up (Ohh the next big thing.. I'm salivating in my Slurm) that they can throw at me. They've got another thing coming. I won't hesitate to boycott them entirely. (Except for the Drow of the Underdark, but after that I'm done. I love Drow chicks, but I can get my Drow fix from other publishers as well) I've got enough stuff already and paizo's new Pathfinder will undoubtedly be awesome. I'll have my RPG fix and more.

Erik and everybody at Paizo, thanks for being fans and creating stuff for fans. You guys will continue to get my dollar votes. Rest assured.

David Roberts wrote:
I have to echo the sentiments of most everyone on these boards, that the Paizo years have been some of the best - I'm talking Roger Moore good.

Well, I'm full of hope because I think that Craig is the best Bond EVER. And I think that Pathfinder might just be the best RPG magazine EVER. I think its gonna get better and better. They'll have more creative license. I'm going to make my dollar votes count.