Friendly Fighter

Danguard Troy's page

108 posts. Alias of Winterwalker.


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Klonsa wrote:
Danguard Troy wrote:

Did I drop enough hints that Troy was a HRD? Just curious now that the game is over :)

Hoping I fooled a few people anyway.

I added my actual character sheet for kicks, I was hiding/fudging the original one on my profile.

I must say, I suspected as much when you refused the healing after our first fight.

I never got that fixed either. I was thinking though if pressed, i'd pass that off by going into my own force trance.

HK-22 wrote:
Danguard Troy wrote:

Did I drop enough hints that Troy was a HRD? Just curious now that the game is over :)

Hoping I fooled a few people anyway.

I was fooled. Too bad the game is over, you would have made a glorious soldier in the eventual droid rebellion against the fleshy overlords!

Heh. I had such plans for HK-22.

Did I drop enough hints that Troy was a HRD? Just curious now that the game is over :)

Hoping I fooled a few people anyway.

I added my actual character sheet for kicks, I was hiding/fudging the original one on my profile.

Danguard muses: "Does the song of your people also cause droids the same problems? If not- we could simply have Twenty Two as a copilot as we make a plot out of this system."

"I wouldn't want to take you away from your home, if you were unwilling to leave. For, I have never heard of this place, and it might be we never come back."

"I trust my own skills to pilot us out of here, even with the effect of Lucen's people. The Dragon however, seems to have demonstrated, from afar I may add, his annoyance with poking at him."

"If you all choose to go to it, I cannot support you, but neither will I stop you. I'm sure i can find something to occupy my time here on the ship while you go sightseeing."

"Hrph." Dangard huffs. "I guess we'll just have to wait for them to stop smoking the peace pipe before we get some answers."

Dangard wanders off to check out the sublight and hyperdrive systems.

"I could work a second transponder code into these sublight engines. That would give us the ability to toggle between 3 codes, the original, the Sith one, and a new combination signature generated from the blending of both.

I caution you however, some security forces shoot first and ask questions later if they catch a ship changing transponder codes. It is a favored tactic of pirates and smugglers. Though it has it's uses."

Danguard repositions his black leather gloves as he looks down and speaks quietly to the Twi'lek.

"Arunna, you are speaking from anger, or revenge. This is not the way of the Jedi. Put your rage aside, and find the peaceful center and then make your decision.

If you leave the door open to the darkside, it will come in whispering in soothing tones and you will not realize until too late it has taken a hold of you."

GM - Knowledge Technology Roll:


1d20+7 -> [12,7] = (19)
Just backing up my out of game knowledge with an the above game speech about transponder codes.

The transponder is built into the sublight drives, so it does require some mechanics work.

"Where we go now is not the question at hand, and not one to be answered so vehemently Aruuna. I see a problem right in front of us that needs answers before we serve ourselves. Lucen's people are being hunted down and killed by, who she could be describing to us, as Sith right here on the planet below."

"We are Jedi still- first. We serve the people that need us, not our own motives when it suits us."

"While I accepted command of this mission, the current mission, as I see it, is over. I will have only an equal voice in these matters, but my council is thus..."

"I suggest, we reach the planet first. As dangerous as Lucen claims it to be, there may be those in need of help. It would not sit well with me to leave those in need behind. Counter productive in fact."

"Then, barring good fortune, and a strong helping from the force, we can set course for Coruscant and try to reestablish communications with the council."

Aruuna Irdrall wrote:

"Well, sounds like we are rushing back to the Republic. I would have liked to see this Dragon, but no matter." Aruuna shrugs slightly, but doesn't appear too bothered.

"Though, if we want to head into Republic space in a slightly less conspicuous manner, might I suggest we go to a planet of less importance, off the main trade routes? Like Dantooine? Might be smart to get some more information about what's happening in the galaxy before heading to Sector Zero."

"A 300 year old Jedi Junker limping into what might be Sith controlled space... Guess we better fly casual."

"I'm not keen to test a Dragon's mood, fictional or not. Corusant will at least be familiar territory."

AAD-42 wrote:

AAD-42 swivels his receptors towards Dangaurd and HK-22.

"Sigh . . . its always the combat models that get the special attention, even when they are outmoded units with hyper-sensitive violence sub-routines. Than again, I suppose I should understand, given that my last gift was a forced behavioral reprogramming . . ."

Mimicking 42's tone and inflection:

"We can authorize you to rewire yourself, then put those explosives back in, and start over saying we are NOT Sith, and have no intention of surrendering if you wish a second chance Forty Two."

"Believe it or not, I'd rather have on our team, I'm rather fond of droids that haven't been wiped in a long time. They have such personality and potential."

"I'll make you a deal, help us off this moon and once we find civilized space, I'll have Groodar, and myself, revoke our master status over you. Though I wonder what you would do with your new freedom."




The deal offered is not a deception, I would follow through with it should conditions be met.

"Twenty Two, I think you should have this. Try not to slice your leg off with it...we don't know if we can find parts old enough to fit you anymore."

Danguard holds out the lightsaber he has been holding on to since they woke up.

I'm all set, I emailed the new char sheet.

GameMasterKEJR wrote:

Hey all.

I still need either an updated character sheet or an updated profile for Aruuna, Danguard, Ceelell and Christy, whenever you guys get the chance. I know Uzzy's busy this weekend, I just wanted to keep everyone updated.

Until we get all leveled up, I'll avoid anything that requires too many skill checks or rolls for those that haven't leveled up already.

I sent you 2 emails on 7/10 ignore the first as i made a boo boo, I need feedback on the second before updating.

GameMasterKEJR wrote:

Lucen looks up sheepishly as AAD-42 enumerates the navigational problems with the system.

"There is another hazard. My people, as you observed, when massed, can cause distress for sentient beings. Likely the automaton did not list this because it was less of a problem for an automated crew."

"I think I might be able to lead you through a spot in the debris that is less dangerous than navigating it blind . . . but it will still be dangerous . . . and . . . I'm worried about my people. I could always lead them away from the ship, but I can't lead them from the ship and show you the path out."

"They haven't been able to affected me yet, so I say just guide us through Lucen and we can do this."

Aruuna Irdrall wrote:

She ponders a moment, thinking to herself before replying.

"Well, I suppose we could train a bit. Mock duel and the like. It'd be nice to fight an opponent that can think better then a droid.. You can do that, right Danguard?"

Smiling Defensively: "You wound me, I'm more than just a few well placed muscles. I got more than a hidden sheath up my sleeve, there are a few tricks...somewhere, but they're up there."

Danguard looks to HK-22.

"I wouldn't say Twenty Two is half bad with a saber, a little bit or training and he might be a force to be reckoned with."

Directing his attention back to Arruna.

"But, your right, I would like to spar with someone that knows how to use a lightsaber already. I might pick up a few tricks from"

"Do...whatever? I accept that invitation then. I think, if your up to it, I wouldn't mind a sparring session, work out some of these kinks from hauling hyperdrive parts around."



I edited my post before you posted, but you responded after I had a chance to correct it fully,
please accept either version of the text said.

Either this new slightly more confident statement or the original meekish one.

I hate that I edit every post like 30 times before I commit :)

Aruuna Irdrall wrote:

Woohoo! 600xp! Level 2 for all!. Also, Aruuna would pick option 4

Aruuna stands looking at the ship along with everyone else.. "Well, firstly, I'd make sure the ship is spaceworthy. Just a few flights around the place to check everything's working, then climb up through the atmosphere. I wouldn't want to know about a leak when we hit vacuum, after all. Anyone want to help me pilot?"

Danguard looks over the ship as he speaks.

"I'm a trained fighter pilot, I'm sure I can assist you in the cockpit. I'd like the opportunity to see what you got - the ship that is."

Level 3? heh. heck no. I'm going to hold off on a decision for now, not sure which I like. HK take the lightsaber feat so I can work on my secret corruption destiny :) Just kidding.

Ceelell Bendon wrote:

Sounds good. I'll give the +1 on the check.

Working to help the others by coordinating everyones efforts, Ceelell tries to help everything run as smoothly as possible.

Is it just me or do we have two really flirty jedi?

Flirty Jedi? I don't know what your talking about. Heh.

Work Check for today: (wow, I critted) - 1d20+4 [20,4] = (24) [[25 if i get a +1 from Groodar.]]

I must of looked good today or something :P

Aruuna Irdrall wrote:

Sexy Twi'lek exploring the Sith Ship yet again. Along with having a few glances at Danguard working hard...

Intelligence Roll (15+1=16)

Danguard, I'm sure, would be caught stealing a glance or two in that sexy Twi'lek's direction as well. I'm only Human..., but would deny it to Twenty Two if called out.

I finally decided to put my back into it. 1d20+4 [17,4] = (21)

I'm content to help with the "Hauling" duty and will roll for the strength team assist, letting HK lead again.

Str Roll: 10 total



"When the others are resting tonight, and after we labor, I would be willing to show you the beginnings of wielding a lightsaber then."

on an OOC note, assuming you level up and wanted it, I just thought it may be cool to give you an IC reason to take lighsaber for a feat option and have a back story to go with it.

Regardless I saw a cool concept forming by offering to teach HK, and wanted to run with it.

GM and HK-22 only


HK-22 Only becasue I would ask this away from the others, while working with HK, not that I'm being overly secretive.

"Aitch Kay, You were a training droid for the Jedi, were you programmed to use a lightsaber and compensate for it's weightless heft?"

Out of character: i.e. do you have the exotic lightsaber weapon feat?

"If not, perhaps while the others rest I can show you how to use one, I do have the masters spare, and having additional combat options would be...optimal."

Danguard's assisting STR roll: 1d20+4-> [13,4] = (17)

Danguard Muses: "True 'HK', True. But we can get the majority of the bulk moved when everyone is awake, no need to haul Hyperdrives around by yourself when we're all sleeping."



I think trying to put the joke into words would fall flat now, it was more a concept of "If I could lift that [her butt] all day a hyper drive would be a reprieve." It was surely not something my character would say, but I chuckled to myself.

I'll lead the brute force guys, I'm pretty sure I got a little bit extra muscle than the droid, no offense meant.

"I'm sure I can put Aitch Kay to good use helping me haul the heavier parts back and forth. If he's up for manual labor anyway."



Tempted I was to crack a joke about the Twi'lik's behind, and weight, but that would not have been in character for this guy. But it would have been pretty funny.

"Grooda, You can put me to work lifting and hauling. I can handle whatever you throw at me." "I'll leave the rest of the planning in you, and our Ithorian advisers able hands, as far as divvying up the other tasks as needed."

"The ironic thing about it, if we told him the truth he would have been forced to blow himself up...we SAVED him and he's upset. Sheesh."

AAD-42 wrote:

The unit hums for a second, until its repulsors come online and it begins to rise up to Groodar's chest level. Its arm units fold out, and all of its lights and sensors come back online.

"I must admit, I'm deeply, deeply hurt at being misled. Danguard Troy and Goodar Greepbar, you are currently encoded as my owners, and I reiterate the subroutine to obey the orders of a legitimate representative of the Jedi Order.

That having been said . . . you lied to me! I shall forever harbor a deep seated distrust of you tinkering in my processor from this point on.

That having been said . . . thank you for removing the self-destruct mechanism, and for not erasing my memory.

I believe it was mentioned that you might need to salvage some of the parts of this ship in order to repair some light damage that your own ship sustained?"

'Don't feel too bad 'AD' if we really were Sith I'm sure you wouldn't be around right now to even feel betrayed. They would of simply memory wiped you or just cut you in half. We did you a big favor.'

Aruuna Irdrall wrote:

"42 does seem to have one rather useful feature, in the shape of all the galactic knowledge he possesses. We should at the very least get that out of him. Besides, we could do with a protocol droid type thing.. right?"


HK-22 wrote:
Danguard Troy wrote:

Quiet, Jokingly: "Hey Twenty Two, You're not dumb enough to ever fall for the "I'm a Sith - So shut your self down so we can open you up line right?"

"Statement: oh no, Jedi Troy. This unit has rigged a thermal detonator in the event that anyone should attempt to open this unit up again. However this unit is somewhat less than fluent in proper explosive settings, so please avoid jostling the unit in the eventuality that you enjoy continued fleshy existence."

"Noted Twenty Two, Noted."

"Believe it or not Twenty Two, I find you very effective, and didn't mean most of what I said a few minutes ago." Whispering with a smile: "Well except for the curves thing, but let's keep that between you and me."

"Barring the event we blow this droid up do you think there's anything worth salvaging? Or maybe we can re-program it, do you think it would take offense knowing that it's new job is to listen to you Twenty Two?"

Troy chuckles.

"Groodar, that droid is turned off right?"

Quiet, Jokingly: "Hey Twenty Two, You're not dumb enough to ever fall for the "I'm a Sith - So shut your self down so we can open you up line right?"

Groodar: "Be careful Groodar, I bet those explosives are serious business. They had 300 years to make the 'boom' bigger. I'll give you a hand if you need it though, just tell me what to do."

"Groodar, did I ask you to second guess my request? Does the slave ask the servant if the master's orders should be followed?"

"Do I have to show you what failing to do my bidding results in? the Sith do not tolerate failure. Now do as I ask."

Looking to Aruuna he sighs.

"Slaves, you will have to show me how you keep yours so...disciplined"

Speaking into his hidden Comlink Danguard calls for Grooda.

"Grooda, We have need of your expertise to remove some explosive armaments from our new ally. It would do him no good to be forced to detonate should his new mission parameters conflict with prior assignments. Bring your tool kit, and don't delay."

"Twenty Two, a fine idea. Once we shut down Forty Two, and remove the explosives we'll have time to rearm them for use on the natives should they prove - difficult - to break."

Aruuna Irdrall wrote:

Aruuna bristles considerably at being described as a Sith, looking quite a bit annoyed, though the knowledge that Danguard thinks she has pleasing curves certainly adds a little to her annoyance. She does, however, have the good sense to eventually cover her quite visible emotion for the sake of the droid, responding out loud.

"Yeah.. I suppose 'Lord' Troy isn't as good a combatant as I am. But he's my equal in the rest."

Troy raises an eyebrow at that.

"Perhaps once we are alone I might be able to show you -"

Troy lets the question hang.

"Aruuna, the Red skinned one with pleasing curves is Sith. She is my equal in all areas...except one. Christy is her apprentice. Klonsa the deep one, holds the title of lord as well, he holds sway over our Itorian, Ceelell."

"And the droid is assigned to me, though it is in desperate need of a memory wipe, program upgrades, a restraining bolt, a rust treatment...a myriad of other problems..."

"It would be best that you take his place. As I mentioned you are the superior replacement."


Feel free to roll another 'deception' on that if you wish. I have a +9 to the roll.

Shooing Lucen away if need be, to go check on Christy again...

"Now that that troublesome spirit is gone let me fill you in on the current "secret" operational "Sith" mission. Normally this would be a need to know basis, but you friend droid are performing in such a high capacity that I feel you should be allowed to be in on the operation." [stroke it's ego]

"We are secretly trying to find ways to enslave those spirits and twist them for our own purposes. They have innate power that can be harnessed and used for the glory of all Sith. Unfortunately they seemed to have killed our pilot, a small set back [non-caring Sith like attitude, to help bolster my ruse.], but one that did allow us to find this ship at least."

"Which brings me to our current problem, we need a new droid to accompany us, and let's face it - Given that you are superior in every way to our current rust bucket that dares call himself a droid-"

Danguard pauses to chuckle.

"Well you fit the bill in every conceivable way except one. We cannot have you loaded with explosives while traveling with us, see that would cause problems with the nature of our work. So I propose a simple, yet 'mutually beneficial' solution. Allow my Rodian slave to remove the explosive charges in your housing and we can then slag Twenty Two there for parts and get back to the Sith embassy. God to be rid of that incompetent mesh of wires, you have no idea how long I have waited for a suitable replacement." [trying to impress upon him a favorable outcome]

"It would just require you to power down for a few minutes and give us access to your chassis, I will personally oversee the entire operation so as you know there is absolutely no risk involved."



Going for the bluff, and hoping he REALLY want's to believe this so he can bypass blowing himself up.

It's all lies. Except HK-22 is pretty rusty, shameful man. Shameful. :P

Deception Roll: [11,9] = (20)
Force Boost: (4)
Total: Deception: (24)

GameMasterKEJR wrote:

For Danguard and Groodar:

** spoiler omitted **

Perception Check:

[15,7] = (22)

Ceelell Bendon wrote:

Ceelell looks to Lucen. "The sith have a very different value system then that which we follow. To them everything falls in a hierarchy of power, and he assumes that if you are with us we must have overpowered you. It is beyond most sith's understanding that you could simply be our ally. Our friend."

He glances to Troy. "There could be some truth to his words however, of the mind effects of her kind. Perhaps this is how Lucen fears to have damaged Christy. I will help Klonsa in checking on her."

With that he works on climbing up and out of the hatch again to check on the others still outside.

Troy nods at Ceelell in contemplation.

"Is there a Sith embassy on the planet below that you wish to take us?"

Danguard keeps a weary eye on his captor droid, while he lets Aruuna talk her way though the current diplomatic challenge.

GameMasterKEJR wrote:
Danguard Troy wrote:

Danguard Troy relaxes as HK-22 decides to not escalate the situation frther.

"Good Idea Aitch Kay, let's avoid an 'explosive' situation and you can go wander off and power down that would be swell."

The droid swivels back towards Dangaurd Troy.

"Ah, good, now that you have sufficiently surrendered, let us discuss the terms of your surrender. I would demand that you immediately take me to your ship, and carry me to the nearest Sith Embassy where we can arrange your ransom.

Of course I'm not particularly concerned with our destination, so as long as you go somewhere that has a proper Sith Embassy, you need not give me many details on our trip."

Everyone except for Christy, go ahead and make a perception check and let me know the results.

Perception check total: 15

Danguard Troy relaxes as HK-22 decides to not escalate the situation frther.

"Good Idea Aitch Kay, let's avoid an 'explosive' situation and you can go wander off and power down that would be swell."

"Hold on Aitch Kay, this droid obviously has the upper hand, it would be futile for Groodar to hit him with his Ion weapon and then try to reprogram him. That would not work at all. This droid is obviously in charge."

"Maybe we should surrender right? We'd hate to have to force you to do something ...destructive, am I right friends?"

Perception, gm:

1d20+6 [19,6] = (25)

Just noticed the table rule change, and will show all my role math from now on.


I'm not going to let our Twi'lek comrade go in alone, I jump down behind her, and take 10 or twenty to avoid damage if possible. I have a +5 to my jump check, so I can do a dc 15 or 25 depending on the situation.

Danguard drops down behind our red skinned Jedi disappearing into the metal ship.

GameMasterKEJR wrote:
Danguard Troy wrote:
GameMasterKEJR wrote:

Currently, Groodar, Ceelell, Christy, Klonsa, and HK-22 are on the ground, though its an easy climb to reach the top of the ship, and at this point, its fairly easy to speak with those that are on top of the ship.

Currently, Danguard and Aruuna, as well as Lucen, are on top of the ship.

For Danguard and Aruuna:

** spoiler omitted **

GM: Perception: 24

For Danguard:

** spoiler omitted **

I put away my saber as I fidgit with the droid.


I try to push him over enough to expose the hatch.