
Damvorak's page

210 posts. Organized Play character for Euan.

Full Name



Half Orc






6'6" 265lbs



Special Abilities

Darkvision 60'






Common, Orc


Staff Bearer

Strength 14
Dexterity 15
Constitution 13
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 16
Charisma 10

About Damvorak

The Basics, Stats & Saves:
Cleric level 2
Darkvision 60'
Ferocity (Act 1 round at below 0hp once per day)

Saving Throws
Fortitude = +5 (+3 base, +1 con, +1 resistance)
Reflex = +4 (+1 base, +2 dex, +1 resistance)
Will = +8 (+3 base, +3 wis, +1 trait, +1 resistance)

Armor Class = 18
Touch AC = 12 (+2 dex)
Flat-Footed AC = 16 (+6 mithral breastplate)

CMB = 4 (+2 bab, +2 str)
CMD = 16 (+2 dex)

HP = 24

BAB = +2
Initiative = +2 (+2 dex)
Move = 20' base (medium armor)

Feats & Traits:

Armor Expert (-1AC Penalty)
Indomitable Faith (+1will saves)
Simple Weapons, longbow, short bow, hand crossbow, repeating crossbow, greataxe, falchion
Light and Medium Armor & Shields
Two Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus (Quarterstaff)

Acrobatics = +2*
Appraise = 0
Bluff = 0
Climb = +2*
Diplomacy = +5 (2 ranks)
Disguise = 0
Escape Artist = +2*
Fly = +2*
Heal = +3
Intimidate = +2
Knowledge (Arcana) +4 (1 rank)
Knowledge (Religion) +4 (1 rank)
Perception = +3
Ride = +2*
Sense Motive = +7 (1 rank)
Spellcraft = +4 (1 rank)
Stealth = +2*
Survival = +3
Swim = +2*
* Armor Check Penalty 0

Cleric Abilities & Spells:
Magic Domain (hand of the acolyte 6x day)
Protection Domain (+1 resistance saves, Resistant Touch 6x/day)
Channel Energy (heal 2d6hp 3xday)

Usual Spell Set
Cantrips DC 13: Create Water, Detect Magic, Spark, Stabilize
First Level DC 14: Identify*, Bless, Command, Divine Favor
Second Level DC 15: Shield Other*, Bull's Strength, Soundburst


Mithral Breastplate (+6AC/-1ACP)
Chain Shirt (+4AC/-2ACP)
Sling with 10 bullets & 10 silver bullets
Wand Cure Light Wounds (x46)
Staff of Valour (caster level 9) +2 Demonbane (10 charges)
- Deadly Juggernaut (1)
- Divine Favor (1)
- Divine Power (2)
- Righteous Might (3)

Adventurers Sash & Backpack
- Alchemy Fire (2)
- Antiplague
- Antitoxin
- Bedroll
- Chalk
- Charcoal
- Crowbar
- Earplugs
- Flask (water)
- Flint/Steel
- Hammer (tool)
- Iron Spike
- Mirror (steel)
- Rations (4)
- Silk Rope (50') with Grapple
- Smelling Salts
- String (50')
- Sunrod (5)
- Tanglefoot Bag
- Vermin Repellent

Tall and powerfully built Damvorak looks like a typical half orc warrior, armored and weaponed. He carries his staff with particular fervor, almost never letting it out of his sight such is his fearful grip upon it.

Damvorak spent some time at the rift in his youth sent into Mendev by the church of Nethys to try and recover a lost priest. He was with a team of warriors and priests as they approached the conflicted land. The found the priest, but were forced by the civil war and unrest in the land to flee close to the worldwound.

In the confusion of flight, a demon joined the party for a time. His presence was realized as he began to pick apart the party from within, killing all who came within reach. A fierce battle was joined and the demon was, eventually, felled. Though few were left from the fight, Damvorak was one of them. For his bravery in battle against a clearly superior foe, he was granted the first pick of the demons gear - and Damvorak claimed his staff proclaiming it a sign of Nethys.

He's used it ever since and has a fierce hatred of Demons.

The staff was given to me by Mike Brock for services rendered as a boon from Paizocon in 2012. (chronicle sheet)