Damrang was born in the town of Iadenveigh and has lived their his entire life. As one of the town's few dwarves he always felt a bit outcast and so took to spending more time on the outskirts of town, wandering the safe areas around the town.
A worshiper of Erastil, Damrang was taught the way of the bow as part of his youth, although he never was any good at it he was always taught by his father to use any weapon available to him in defense of the town against the constructs which so frequently plague it. Although he carries the longbow still, it is the axe given to him by his father that he values most, and there is nothing he loves more than using it to smash his opponents to pieces.
It was an attack by one of these constructs that convinced Damrang to take up the life of a ranger, patrolling the wilds around town for any more creatures that would do it harm. Although nobody close to him was killed in the attack that set him on this path, he realized just how easily it could have been his family that fell under the mechanical blades of the monstrosity.
Damrang is used to keeping his own company but understands the need for others to work together in defeating the creatures that threaten his home. Lacking a sense of humor or most social skills due to his time in the wild, he still harbors a genuine faith in people. Of average height and weight for a dwarf, it is his completely shaved head and beard that cause most people to stop and stare.
Hearing the call for a group to take the fight to the enemy, Damrang signed on quickly. His hatred for the Technic League and their machines finally has an outlet, and he is eager to save his town.