About Dalanthiel
Ranger - level 1
Experience: 0
Alignment: chaotic good
12 STR non-enc. 45, max 135, doors 7, bars 4%
17 DEX surprise +2, missile +2, AC -3
13 CON shock 85%, resurrection 90%
13 INT lang 3, spell level 6th, max # 9, learn 55%
12 WIS
10 CHA max henchmen 4
HP: 10
AC: 5
DWPBS: 14,16,15,17,17
Melee Sword, long +1 (1d8 S)
Melee Sword, long +1 (1d8 S)
Ranged Bow, long +1 (1d6 P)
Move Silently 25% Hide in Shadows 25%
Combat Skills
Weapon group (bows) 2 csp, Single Weapon (shortsword) 1 csp, Dual-Weapon Method 1 csp,
Non-Combat Skills
Animal Handling (12 [wis]) 1 sp, Animal Lore (13[int]) 1 sp, Hunting (11 [wis], -1) 1 sp, Riding (17[dex]) 1 sp, Set Snares (12[int, -1]) 1 sp, Survival (12[wis]) 1 sp, Tracking (15[wis, +3]) 1 sp,
Spells Prepared
Languages: Common, elvish, orc, goblin, gnoll
bow, long (75gp), leather armor (5gp), short sword x2 (20gp), cap (4gp) backpack (2gp), clothing [belt, soft boots, tunic, surcoat, cloth cloak, gloves, breaches] (11gp, 9sp),
Encumbrance 26lbs,
Special Abilities
Classes: Elves can be a cleric, fighter, mage, thief, or ranger and multi-class as fighter/mage, fighter/thief, fighter/mage/thief, or mage/thief.
Languages: Elves know elven and common. They may learn gnome, halfling, goblin, hobgoblin, orc, and gnoll.
Enchantment Resistant: Elves have 90% resistance against all sleep and charm spells.
Expert Pull: When using bows (but not crossbows), elves get a +1 bonus to attack rolls.
Sword Expertise: When using short or long swords, elves get a +1 bonus to attack rolls.
Stealthy: An elf imposes a −4 penalty to surprise rolls against opponents. This bonus only applies if the elf isn’t wearing metal armor, is alone or with a group entirely composed of elves and/or halflings, or the elf is further than 90 feet from his traveling group. When performing a complicated physical task such as opening a door or climbing, the applied penalty is −2.
Infravision: Elves have infravision out to 60 feet.
Keen Senses: Elves have a natural tendency to notice secret or
concealed door merely by passing within 10 feet.
• Secret or concealed door: 1 on 1d6
• Secret door (searching): 1–2 on 1d6
• Concealed door (searching): 1–3 on 1d6
Ability Score Adjustments: Elves receive a +1 bonus to dexterity and a −1 penalty to constitution.
Movement Value: 12
Tracking Rangers are expert trackers. To track a creature, the ranger rolls a 1d20 against his wisdom score. If the result is equal to or lower than his ability score, the ranger successfully follows the trail. Cumulative modifiers may apply to the ranger’s wisdom score, further modifying his chance at success. If the modifiers reduce the tracker’s wisdom score to 0, the trail is impossible to follow.
In order to track a creature, there must be evidence of a trail or witnesses to point the way. Additional checks are made under specific circumstances:
* The trail becomes more difficult to track(splitting direction, difficult terrain, environmental hazards)
* Tracks of a similar nature cross the trail.
* Resume tracking after a rest.
If the tracker fails, he may retry after an hour of searching. If the second roll fails the trail is lost. If multiple trackers are present, each additional tracker adds +1 to the wisdom score of the most expert tracker. If the expert tracker loses the trail, it is lost for all trackers aiding him.
Every time the tracker rolls a check, he may roll a second check to determine the type of creatures and an approximation of their numbers as determined by the GM.
Expert Tracking: Every third level, a ranger receives a +1 bonus to his tracking (+1 at 3rd , +2 at 6th , etc.).
Ranger Abilities: Rangers are experts at stealth and can hide and move stealthily. These abilities are modified by dexterity and race, but not armor, and otherwise function exactly like thieving skills of the same name. Rangers cannot hide or move stealthily in armor heavier than studded leather. When attempting these skills in artificial settings (city streets, inside buildings, crypts), his chance of success is halved.
Two Weapon Style: Rangers can fight with two weapons with- out penalty, as long as they are wearing studded leather or lighter armors (Refer to Two Weapon Fighting and also Two-Weapon Combat Method).
Favored Enemy: At any point before 2nd level, rangers choose a species of creature that represents their chosen enemy. The ranger gains a +4 bonus to attack rolls against his favored enemy. His hatred is hard to mask re- sulting in a -4 penalty to reaction rolls against the favored enemy. The ranger will always attack his favored enemy first in combat unless another creature presents a greater threat.
Animal Empathy: Rangers can calm and befriend domesticated animals instantly. Wild animals must roll a saving throw vs. rods to resist a ranger’s effect. The ranger imposes a −1 penalty to this saving throw and an additional −1 for every 3 levels (-2 at 3rd, −3 at 6th, etc.). If the animal fails, the ranger can shift its reaction one category as he chooses.
Priest Spells: Rangers learn priest spells related to the Plant and Animal spheres at 8th level. Rangers do not gain bonus spells for high wisdom. The ranger’s spells otherwise function exactly like a priest’s. Spell progression is shown on the table above.
Followers: At 10th level, rangers attract followers of the GM’s choice. These followers tend to be experienced woodsmen, track- ers, and semi-intelligent or magical animals appropriate to the terrain. As a guideline, no more than a dozen followers seek out a particular ranger.
The Ranger’s Code of Conduct:
* Rangers are Good: Rangers must always remain good. A ranger who willingly commits an evil act irrevocably loses his status and becomes a fighter of the same level, losing any excess experience points. A ranger who unwillingly com- mits an evil act, through magic or otherwise, cannot gain ex- perience points until he atones through good deeds. These deeds are determined by the GM and could involve challenging an evil lord, freeing captives from an evil master, or slaying a powerful evil beast.
* Rangers are Loners: Rangers can never have henchmen,
hirelings, or servants at any time, although they may travel and associate with fellow adventurers. This restriction is lifted after 8th level.
* Rangers are Frugal: Rangers cannot own more treasure than they can carry. Excess treasure must either be converted to portable form (gems, art, bank notes) or donated to a good NPC-run charitable organization.