So, for a fun little homemade combat heavy (read combat only) arena-style game that a friend is running for myself and two others, I built a tank. Human, Fighter (no archetypes), 2nd level. Stats are as follows on a 25 point buy:
18 Strength became 20 with Human +2
12 Dex
16 Con
10 Int
10 Wis
7 Cha
As a Fighter, he's completely fine, does his job rather well at this level, puts out a lot of damage with a two-handed weapon. My problem is this: We have been instructed to build two other versions of the same person. What this means is, same ability scores in the same order, can be different classes, same race. I'm afraid that I've built myself into a situation where all three versions are going to end up being fighters with two handed weapons, and if any of my characters die that just sounds boring. So, I implore you, oh great and powerful optimizers... what can I do with these stats that might mix it up a little? Assume only Pathfinder, only Paizo material. Thank you so much for any help you can give.