Draconic Hydra

Daelen's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 233 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

So, I had this idea tonight and can't seem to get the image out of my head of a character whirling around a battlefield firing off his pistol and/or slashing and stabbing foes left and right. I have personally seen this done with a Dawnflower Dervish Bard/Mysterious Stranger to some interesting effect, but I wonder if its doable going straight Gunslinger, maybe even without archetype. Obviously Quick Draw would be necessary, as would Rapid Reload. Am I just crazy or does this have some merit?

So, for a fun little homemade combat heavy (read combat only) arena-style game that a friend is running for myself and two others, I built a tank. Human, Fighter (no archetypes), 2nd level. Stats are as follows on a 25 point buy:

18 Strength became 20 with Human +2
12 Dex
16 Con
10 Int
10 Wis
7 Cha

As a Fighter, he's completely fine, does his job rather well at this level, puts out a lot of damage with a two-handed weapon. My problem is this: We have been instructed to build two other versions of the same person. What this means is, same ability scores in the same order, can be different classes, same race. I'm afraid that I've built myself into a situation where all three versions are going to end up being fighters with two handed weapons, and if any of my characters die that just sounds boring. So, I implore you, oh great and powerful optimizers... what can I do with these stats that might mix it up a little? Assume only Pathfinder, only Paizo material. Thank you so much for any help you can give.

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So, I apologize if this is either a stupid question, or if its been asked before and I just couldn't find it. I searched on Google for it and couldn't find any information from any site about this particular query. The Suli's Elemental Assault ability states that you can add +1d6 to unarmed attacks and with weapons held in your hands (paraphrasing of course, but I believe I hit the major points). It does not say in the description that the weapons have to be melee. So, if on were to make a Suli Gunslinger or Archer, or something of the kind, would that ability add to the damage of those weapons?

So, I've had an idea for a character ever since the ARG came out, that I intend to play one day. I say one day because I don't currently have a spot for a character in a game, but I can make some pretty safe assumptions based on my group for how to brainstorm this.

I envision a Goblin Barbarian/Alchemist, using both the Feral Gnasher and Fire Bomber archetypes. I want to get to at least level 8 in Alchemist and probably level 12 in Barbarian so that rounds out the 20 levels... but what order should they be taken in and how should I stat a guy like this out? Urban Barbarian doesn't fit so I'll have to go Str heavy despite the drawbacks, though I don't want to neglect Dex for my thrown bombs.

The reason for the Fire Bomber is an integral part of this build... I envision a character who likes to set himself on fire and then grapple people... and eventually gains the ability to drink a "potion" that does it for him. My group always does 20 point buy, so that's a given (and we never do less than that so any adjustments would just go up). Two traits are pretty much standard, if traits change anything in this build.

So, I leave this in the capable hands of the optimizers here!

I don't know how powerful this would be, but the concept seems intriguing. I know I've seen Spellslinger/Gunslinger/Eldritch Knight Before. How well does it seem a Spellslinger/Cleric/Mystic Theurge would actually play out. My thought is, as strange as it would be, casting healing spells through the gun. Has anyone ever tried this, or have ideas along this line? I may, if it has merit, play something like this in an upcoming game.

I am looking for ideas for a custom epic level game that my group has devised. We know the rules we're using are not by the book for this, but it's just for fun and we want to see how it goes. The rules are as thus:

Pick a monster from any of the bestiaries. Add class levels to its CR until you reach a CR of 25. For instance, a Troll (CR 5) with 20 levels in anything. No more than 20 class levels can be given, even with multiclassing.

What I am looking for, as the title suggests, are abilities that could get through an antimagic field and still do a decent amount of damage. We're coming up against a custom creature of the DM's design, and the one thing I know for certain is it has an antimagic aura that is continually active. I am guessing, for classes, Fighter has the most abilities that fall under this category. What about other classes? The Ninja's smoke bomb seems like an interesting idea, though I'm afraid the DC will never get high enough on the poisons and things.

This is not the kind of thread I'd normally start... I don't have a need for a character in particular, not building anything right now as all of my games are full, but I love looking through the books. I happened upon the Elemental Schools in the APG, and I wonder if anyone has used them to great success? The Air Elementalist in particular looks useful, and Fire is always fun if not powerful. Thoughts/builds/complaints? Go!