Diseased Rat

Daehsquinn's page

34 posts. Alias of Thomas Willemsen.


Rules from which books are on these cards? Only CRB? I really would like to have the universal monster rules included.

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Daehsquinn wrote:

He is 81 in the year 4708, when the adventure path starts.

I don't remember the source of this information, but my own timeline has the entry "4647 Vassindio Drovenge becomes leader of the Council of Thieves at the age of 23".

found it! The Twice Damned Prince, page 7:

In many ways, Councilman Vassindio Drovenge (the youngest man to be elevated to a position of command within the Council at the age of 23 in 4647 AR) was the last traditionalist—the final member of the Council’s “old guard.”

He is 81 in the year 4708, when the adventure path starts.

I don't remember the source of this information, but my own timeline has the entry "4647 Vassindio Drovenge becomes leader of the Council of Thieves at the age of 23".

We started MoF on saturday. When I prepared the ambush, I had some problems:

- p.13 Thieves: "The thieves use poisoned bolts"

There is no poison in the stat block

- p.8 Jarvis claims, he hat no contact with Goren for two days, but the ambushers only arrive the same evening. Goren told them, he is expecting visitors. How did he knew?
And there the PCs can arrive before the arrival of the ambushers. So, Goren is still alive? He can give his informations, and they leave the area before the ambushers come?
I think, Goren was killed two days ago and the ambushers take turn, waiting for his contact (Jarvis). No chance to ambush the ambushers.

- Maglin stood at the door, Kruthe behind him. How did you start the ambush? Maglin should stand next to the door and hide. But Kruthe?
1) Open the door in the surprise round, then roll initiativ.
2) Walking through the door to the first PC in surprise round (I made this in one move action).
3) ???
I hate surprise rounds when ambushing my SCs. I NEED two actions for an ambush.

Liam Warner wrote:

Council of Thieves
No idea.

Lvl 13 when finished, medium track

My Oshnark is barbarian 7 / fighter 5. When he was a lvl 5 barbarian I started trying to kill him, by charging everything. I survived accidently, added some fighter levels and by now I'm very fond of him. He is a good mixture of fun and efficiency.

Choosing a class is always a matter of character concept. A good idea makes a good game.

Miklos D'Ville wrote:

Very interesting and detailed characters. I'm going to use one or the other in my campaign

I was wondering what goods would be sold in the dusk market, since in my opinion only very few wares are restricted in Westcrown. As far as I know slavery is not forbidden and even drugs and other illicid materials can be legally bought in Cheliax. Is it just that the formal requirements are less here then they are for a shop midtown? Or can you think of items or services that are illegal even in an evil land like Cheliax?

In "Mother of Flies" the drug "Pesh" (from Katapesh) is illegal to sell in Westcrown. Selling armor or weapons looted from hell knights might be difficult, too. Stolen goods of all kind.

I tried that character concept, but my rogue died young, so not much experience. My main problem was that I needed two good dice rolls, one for the feint and one for the attack. Didn't work for me.

Jerusen brings the Morrowfall (perhaps using a dominate dottari, because he can't touch it) to Ilnerik, who stores it somewhere in Walcourt, because he can't carry it wiht him and has to think about a way to destroy it, whithout harming the totemrix. The PCs can find it before encountering Ilnerik.

very good idea!

"At each new wizard level, he gains two new spells of any spell level or levels that he can cast (based on his new wizard level) for his spellbook."

W E Ray wrote:

But the battle mat and seven-hundred-and-fifty-five thousand feats, traits & class abilities that were eventually built into the d20 system that slow life down to a sloth, plus the 37 thousand iterative attacks, all make for the shi+tiest combat EVER.

You don't have to use every available rule. Stay to to the CRB and perhaps the APG (or parts from it) und the number of options is much smaller.

Hello Deidre,

I used this encounter yesterday to delay the players on their first trip to the ruins. It went very well and took about four hours to play. I added Sian Daedamus (upgraded with devil bounded-template) to the chaotic situation.

If you are still here and interested, I can give a more detailed report.

Thank you very much for this encounter!


You can choose to create the wand with a lower caster level. The 10th lvl caster can make the wand with cl1 and get the same price (750 gp)and properties (1d8+1) as the 1th lvl caster. Or he chooses cl5 and get wand with 1d8+5 for 3750 gp. In this example a higher cl than 5 is useless.

Silus wrote:

Would it be too dickish to have the PCs try to extract the golem from the facility and find it torn in two, oil oozing from its eyes and moth, whimpering things like "...pleas stop, I promise I'll be good...I promise I'll behave..." In a defeated, broken tone? I kinda want to hammer home that their greed and actions can have unforseen consiquences without really taking it out on the players themselves.

I like that!

Silus wrote:

Also, the players seem to be taking a "kill and steal from everyone" mentality. Would ot be inappropriate to have a future patron to hit'em with a Geas to keep them from murdering innocent people?

Seriously, the cleric kidnapped, experemented on then killed and dissected A KID because he was heckling him. I see a manhunt coming his way in the near future.

The Cleric and the Fighter are Lawful Evil, the Sorcerer is Chaotic Neutral, the Ranger is...Neutral Good? and the Magus is either Neutral Good or Lawful Neutral.

are their actions in agreement with the law or do they forget this part of their alignment? What the good PCs say? There should be a mayor conflict in the group.

PS: Talk to your players!

hi, I'm preparing The Infernal Syndrome and have problems with F28.

1) From what point do the PCs see the illusion? From outside or when they enter the first square of the room?
2) If they see the illusion, do the PCs see the exit at the other end of the room?
3) Can the achaierais only move in the real room or in the whole illusionary world? The room ist crowded with 4 large creatures, my group will see and fight them from outside the room.

Please share your experiences with this room!


hi, we finished Part 3 last weekend. So far I had seven deaths in my group.

BoE: -
TST: 2 in the theatre. The Paladin decided in last minute, that he doesn't want to play his part and disrupted the performance. The cleric of Asmodeus tried to force them (i had no better idea) because of the important guests in the audience, but the paladin challenged him for combat on stage. Of course the group was no threat to the cleric. The paladin traded his life for his friends. The group's cleric was already dead.
WLiD: 2 dead characters because the Urban Ranger stepped aside just before the undead triceratops charged. The cleric again, second was a gnome alchimist.
The Urban Ranger died a few days later, when they opened the door to the armory and he was the only one who made his will save against the shadow mastiffs and stayed.
The last 2 died from Bisbys Phantasm Killers.
I am happy they handled the vampires with no further losses.

Vincent The Dark wrote:
So, it's a standard action and it can be a full-attack action.

Yes, so you can't do other standard actions or move actions, respectively.

Charge: full round -> no
Readying: standard action -> no
Spell: standard action (most) -> no
fighting defensively and not attacking -> ok, because not attacking is no action EDIT: forget this one, Grick's answer is better

"A touch spells is considered to be an armed attack." p185 CRB

So, yes, ranged touch spells do suffer from the -4 penalty, but you use the feat precise shot (and point blank!).

hello, look at table 2.2 on page 296 in the bestiary. There is all you need.


cwslyclgh wrote:
Komoda wrote:
I am saying that they could critical for double damage of what ever type they inflicted

I agree, it's a melee touch attack and that can score critical hits. CRB page 185.

sorry, no really good idea, yet, perhaps incorporal creatures, swarms, more foes (he has only 1 AoO), ranged attacks, magic, attack from behind

Why does he has so many HP? Subtracting 27 HP for constitution, he has 86 HP. Divided by 9 levels, he rolls an average 9.5 on a d10. What have I missed?

The proficiencies are class features of the fighter. Is a character without one of these still a fighter? I wouldn't allow swapping them.

from darkness rising

where souls are crying

crusaders destiny

struggling faith

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If quotations are ok: "Where angels fear to tread"

The players had a good idea and I think you're right. The Lemures and Thrax have nothing against a shadow, except his +1 mithral quarterstaff. He could give it to a Lemure :-) I wouldn't start to summon the Lemures in the PCs cage so early with only the two spellcasters in there.

"Summoning" a Shadow Beast in Westcrown might not be a very good idea for their fame points.

The Shadow is a "intelligent undead" and the PCs have to catch it one or two nights before. They have to find one (not easy) and it has to fail a Will save. And than they want it to fight in public in sunlight. Not a good idea from the Shadows point of view. Perhaps a deadly idea. At least some opposed Charisma checks are appropiate.

BTW, they're cheating, is no lawful PC in the group?

jacetms87 wrote:
When are the Pcs supposed to be what level, I can not find if they aresupposed to be lvl 2 or 3 before assulting the church

they are supposed to be lvl 2. Page 7, Advancement Track, last sentence.

You warned them, so let them try. Maybe they surprise you and cope with the deficiencies. But do not patronize them by adding a NPC babysitter.

Is only the creator of the runecurse subject to the "re-gift"-rule with instant attack by the devil? Or everyone who owned the runecurse?


PC1 takes the runecurse, can't read it infernal, so he gives it to PC2
PC2 fails his skill check and gives the curse back to PC1.
Does the devil attack PC1?

What if PC2 gives the runecurse to PC3 and PC3 gives it back to PC1?

That business is not a save way to dispose the bodies. An cleric could by the whole charge of soap and cast ressurections on it.

I like the idea of an encounter with Mammon cultists. A good possibility to foreshadow Ecarrdian. "Hail to the Future King, the Son of Mammon is coming!" Of course they don't know that much about what is really happening, they just have some obscure prophesy.

Why do people live in areas with earthquakes, hurricanes, terrorism, ...?
People get used to dangers and adapt. Remember the spare bedrolls for late visitors. Good hard-working citizen stay at home anyway and rest from the days labour. The night is the time for lazy folk, thieves and other criminals. Normal people may think, that the city is safer because of the shadow beasts. In post war germany some people used to say, streets were safer in the Third Reich.

Most people don't have much choice today to move to other cities it was worse in former times. There might be laws against moving, in a society like Cheliax it's plausible. In europe guild laws prevented artisans from moving to another town, because they had to be a member of the local guild to be allowed to open a shop.

And last but not least: It is their home and you don't leave home so easily.

Scharlata wrote:

Hi, feytharn,

ist mir ein Fest. Die Übersetzung ist auf 6 Rollen ausgelegt, evtl. musst du ein paar Rückbezüge/Anreden umarbeiten, aber das ist nicht viel.

Viel Spaß :)

Hallo Scharlata,

auch ich wäre für eine Zusendung der deutschen Version des Theaterstückes äußerst dankbar! Meine Adresse ist daehsquinn [at] aol.com


Hi, I am considering to move the mayor's house to the islands. This I will have more opportunities to delay the arrival of the players after the explosion. Boat traffic will be stopped by the river dottaris and falling debris, the players have to look for a very courages ferryman or steal a boat.
Is there any problem with changing Aberians Folly location?