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![]() Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Same class combo, but ours is the son of a barbarian chieftain who manifests his totem( a Golden Bear )going on "coming of age" quest. ![]()
![]() leo1925 wrote: Ok now where and what is the guided weapon quality you mentioned? http://www.archivesofnethys.com/gearMagicWeapons.htm#guided Guided: Source Pathfinder #10 22
![]() Mikaze wrote: Will there be Good-aligned ki-powers or Good-flavored monk-themed feats to counter the imbalance in UM...(Evil Qinggong powers in UM, none Good, a series of devil-themed monk feats in Golarion material) i'm confused by how the monk powers are "evil," can you go into detail? I don't see anything evil about them at first glance... ![]()
![]() darian Kraft-Kahrau wrote: ah I see, makes sence now , though good luck finding a paladin with the proper feat . The only pre-req for forge ring is caster lvl 7, so a lvl10+ PLD can get the feat no problem. Jerra wrote: stuff good to know I was reading that table wrong, the PC will be even happier that it's cheaper now! ![]()
![]() Jeraa wrote: Those prices on page 550 are the buying price of the items. Crafting them costs half that. So by the table, that ring of Grace costs 8k to buy, or 4k to make. that table is for pricing from what I read; Core Rulebook, pg.551 wrote: The cost for the materials is subsumed in the cost for creating the ring. Ring costs are difficult to determine. Refer to Table: Estimating Magic Item Gold Piece Values and use the ring prices in the ring descriptions as a guideline. Creating a ring generally costs half the ring's market price. Banpai wrote: Well since its a level 2 cleric spell, I would base the calculation on the cleric. it's a first lvl PLD spell, and since the PLD is making it, i'm using lvl 1. I'm just glad my math is right lol ![]()
![]() considering I'm the DM I think this is awesome for melee characters. Just wanted to make sure I have the basis for the price down. To craft would cost 8k so "store" price would be 16k (by the book) I'd bump it up to 20~25k for the ring, but considering the would be crafting.... he'd need to be a lvl 10 PLD, kinda works itself out. ![]()
![]() I think I have this right, but I wanted to double check as this is my first time really crafting a magic item. I'm looking to make a ring of Grace for my PLD. The idea of never provoking attack of opportunities is to good to be true. from what I'm understanding the formula to make a continuous use magic ring is; Spell level x caster level x 2,000 gp. With that formula it should be 1(spell)x 1(caster lvl)x 2,000, now i'm assuming I need to multiply that by 4 "If a continuous item has an effect based on a spell with a duration measured in rounds, multiply the cost by 4." Bringing this to a total of 8k to make the ring, right? That seems pretty cost effective to never provoke AoO's. ![]()
![]() French Wolf wrote:
sorry for the delay in response. There is an encounter where negotiating with the fey is a much better idea (IMO) and the AP gives you full exp for doing so. After that encounter i took off the fey from my random encounter table unless they were in a really remote area of the greenbelt where news might not have spread of the negotiation. Then i would just have them RP it out, or if necessary fight. Generally i do give full exp for negotiating through an encounter. ![]()
![]() In Book 1, about to tackle the Stag Lord's Keep. DMing a gestalt campaign (I know "boo hiss!" We all enjoy it a lot) using Epic Words, feel free to check it out; "adding a lot more soon" http://www.epicwords.com/campaigns/889 The Party: Perrindad Orlace: Human; Ftr3/Pld3 of Erastil, I want to say the current "leader" of the group but I'm not sure sometimes. Although a trusted Paladin sent to the Greenbelt his prowess in battle is still that of a novice (lol he rolls 1's a lot). This may be due to his strange weapon he fashioned himself to take the full use of his strength, the Zanbato. Quartermaster of the group. Aramis Maleficus: Human; Ftr3/Rog3 An aspiring shadow assassin, the last of his clan Harrakeen, he travels the Greenbelt testing his blades against any who cross him. Our current Rogue who after wanting to play a samurai type character "katana and wakizashi" he now has become a ranged sniper. Might play with his feat selection to gear him more towards ranged. A new player to D&D/Pathfinder didn't want to penalize his feat selection considering this is his first time playing. Likes to torture captives for information, unfortunately he also takes glee in this torture. I warned him that the Paladin and Inquisitor are going to have a hard time working with him if this fact becomes known. That and I would move his alignment to LE from LN. Cartographer and chronicler of the group. Alaran Niltaurwen & Shadow: Half-Elf; Sor(draconic)3/Sum3 Another new player to D&D/Pathfinder he aspires to become a Dragon Disciple and transform his eidolon Shadow into a dragon itself. Not knowing where his gift with the weave came from. He travels the land in search for his father (1/2 dragon Sor) to learn the origins of his powers and find a purpose in his life. LOVE the background he created so far, and I can't wait to incorporate it in. Animal Handler of the group. Tower Human; Ftr3/Inq3 The defensive fort of the group. Tower trained with Perrin and has come out to help cultivate the Greenbelt. While Perrin is the "sword" Tower is the "shield." In battle he uses two shields, that when needed can link together to make a tower shield, to help cover his allies, or utilize a blinding flash to cover a retreat. Tower uses his vast knowledge to help the group understand what they are up against with the various creatures they encounter. I run this character as a way of helping out the n00bies, and providing some cover in case they get to over there heads. I expect Tower to be the first one to die. ![]()
![]() Ouch... that's no good. I'm currently DMing Kingmaker and without trying to spoil anything, there is a fair amount on the random encounter table that can be role-played through, and some leading to pretty bad choices ethically and morally (IMO) if everything is just hacked for XP. My party just lets animals go unless they are using them for a food source, even going as far as to salvage the hide to sell back at oleg's and not leave any part of the creature go to waste. Now normally if I roll an animal encounter and they chose not to kill it I don't award xp, same if they try to go around some of the ugly high CR mobs that pop up as well. If a good amount of the random encounters are turning into a no XP opportunity I just "fix" the roll to a mob or two so they can have some hack and slash fun. Now when it comes to story encounters if your DM is telling you that you HAVE to kill everything then well... he is lying. There shouldn't be a reason that you can't RP your way out from fighting some of the fey, and personally I would reward my players with the appropriate XP for negotiating the encounter. Try reasoning with your DM that not every Fey is evil, and killing them all can have very bad ramifications for the party AP wise. ![]()
![]() Really solid start so far. You could probably find a way to have Akrios a figure from her past. I'm jealous about the solo campaign idea, always wanted to try one and it seems that Kingmaker would be a perfect place for it with some "helper" npcs in the background. Goodluck to you and let us know how it all turns out! ![]()
![]() Quick question, I'm about to start running Kingmaker and I thought I remembered reading somewhere that the PC's received exp for fully exploring a hex. For some reason I can't find this in #31 or #32. So did I imagine this? Or am I just missing it. If I did dream this up then what would you think is a reasonable exp bonus for fully exploring a hex? or is giving any exp for exploring a hex not really necessary? ![]()
![]() kyrt-ryder wrote:
I haven't read any of your complaints about the monk but I do realize it gets a lot of hate and I just don't understand why... Mind explaining here some of your issues? As far as your character options go I like a lot of what you done. I'm going to go double check the Pathfinder version and compare and contrast but I may be using some of your options if my players want. I'm also a fan of the WIS mod over STR. ***EDIT***