Danse Macabre

DM Ramza's page

133 posts. Alias of RamzaBeoulve.


Rival Explorer
Aloysius Rodolfo Cidolfas
(0 posts)
Danse Macabre
DM Ramza
(133 posts)
Fenchurch Marsh

Female Human Cavalier (Green Knight) 4 | HP [29/40] {Temp: 25/36} | AC 19, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 18 | Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +2 | Perception +0 (+2 Forest), Sense Motive +7 | Initiative +5 (+7 Forest) (91 posts)
Ilora Nuski
Frances "Frankie" Landry

Female Human Fighter (Cyber-Soldier) 1 | HP [16/16] | AC 19, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 16 (ALL +1 vs Robots) | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1 (ALL +2 vs Fear Effects) | Perception +2, Sense Motive +1 | Initiative +7 (53 posts)
Desna Effigy
The Imp

Female Tiefling UMonk (Windstep Master) 3 | HP 25/25 | AC 20, Touch 19, Flat-Footed 12 | CMD 20 (22 vs Bull Rush, Drag, Overrun, Sunder, Grapple) | Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +4 | Perception +9, Sense Motive +10 | Darkvision 60' | Initiative +4 (38 posts)
Life Stealer
Johan Vetland

Male Human Slayer 4 | HP 32/36 | AC 21, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 19 | CMD 20 | Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Perception +9 (+11 vs traps), Sense Motive +9 | Initiative +2 (61 posts)

Male Half-Orc Paladin (Chosen One, Warrior of the Holy Light) 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 19, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 18 | CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +3 | Perception +1 (+4 bright light), Sense Motive +5 (+7 vs Evil-aligned) | Darkvision 60' | Initiative +1 (50 posts)