![]() Darth Knight wrote:
Or non Trollishly talk about gaming. ![]()
![]() Tessara Omelian wrote:
You look at this creature and you notice right away that it is a young Crocotta. Some say these foul beasts are the degenerate offspring of hyena's and a demon. They are known to be able to mimic voices and sounds. It looks up at you with a glazed look in his eyes. ![]()
![]() Ormak you see before you a creature resembling a young deer but with a mouth full of teeth and claws on its feet. Your arrows strikes its flanks and though you see some blood it does not stop its rush towards you.
It bites at you, viscus green foam dripping from its opened maw. 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22 ![]()
![]() Ormak:
Off in the distance behind you, you hear the sound of a person crashing through the brush, it is distant but seems like it is coming your way Searos:
The creature that was behind Ormak is moving to the left and seems as if it is going to a position where it can better watch events unfold Belneiros:
Your chant ends as you walk next to Tessara and no response is received you are sure that he is too far away. Thoian bolts past you and heads off into the brush quickly disappearing from view. Tessara:
You walk slowly from camp while Belneiros chants near you. You see Thoian bolt into the brush hurrying into the darkness. Giggles sitting upon your should turns to you and whispers, "Something stinks!! out here." Thoian:
You take off into the brush in the general direction of Ormak, moving quickly through the dense underbrush you easily spy the creature Searos not to distant in front of you. Oh yeah one more thing; Initiatives please. ![]()
![]() Searos wrote: Perception Check 1d20 + 15 Searos:
There is another creature betwixt you and Ormak, Much larger the the first, it seems to be watching. It is a four legged creature crouched in the bushes Ormak:
Before you in the dark is a smallish creature. It seems much less "man" shaped this close. The smell is defiantly coming from near it. Everyone else: The noise of crying seems to have stopped and all is eerily quite and still in the night ![]()
![]() Ormak Kron wrote: Do I still hear the cry? or has it stopped? What you hear now is the faint sound of crying only maybe 50 feat east of you in that small dark copse of trees. You are about 250 feat from the rest of the party but you think that the summoned creature called Searos is but just behind you in the dark Searos: needs a perception check ![]()
![]() Ormak Kron wrote:
Ormak: You smell the rotting flesh of a deer ![]()
![]() Whisper the wolf stays in the protective area of tree, her Hackles rising she does not venture into the dark. Those of you who have made your perception rolls All of you I think Notice a small form several hundred feat off in the night. Past where even dark vision can accurately even make out a form. Ormak slips into the dark blending in with the shadows. Ormak: You sense more then see that there may well be more then one creature out in the night with you. However normal animals, owls and such seem conspicuously absent. ![]()
![]() Darkness falls and the light from your fire is slowly going down. The only noise is the occasional bird call in the distance and the sound of your companions breathing deeply. The air is crisp but has yet to turn cold. The stars are bright in the sky for the moon has not yet risen. The land is cold and dark. Whomsoever is still awake and on watch please make a perception check ![]()
![]() The sunlight falls upon the faraway snow capped peaks. It strikes them just right to give them a blaze of light almost as if they are on fire in the setting sun. Few bugs fly around but most do not seem to go near your camp ground. You hear a few howls in the night as of some large strange cat hunting for prey from the distance. The wind changes directions and the snap of chill air causes many of you to pull your cloaks close around. Is anyone mounted? Other than the wolf and Weasel what other animals are in the camp area? Does anyone light a fire? ![]()
![]() As per a request on the Vigils Beltanian Vigil Role: Part reconnaissance expert, part border guard, part spy, part diplomat, the vigilant is a highly trained warrior who can be confidently sent into any situation, no matter how grim the odds. Alignment: non-evil.
Feats: Endurance Skills:
Ordination: Must pass an initiation test and swear an oath of allegiance to vesh.