
DM Calcifer's page

8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


So this is the list of people who posted after I asked for a final headcount, I'm going to narrow it down to 5 and then we'll start either Tuesday or Wednesday.

Lucia Rhitu
Erdthira Raskin
Gene Sancti
Khair al-Aud
Galrian Sho´ray

Sorry for the late responses

  • Turniphead - Hobgoblin Cleric (scranford)
  • Sylvestra Striana - Half-Elf Witch (Xzaral)
  • Charlotte de Berry - Tiefling Magus (Michael Sumrall)
  • Lucia Rhitu - Human Summoner (Chris Kenney)
  • Seijiro - Kitsune Rogue (JAF0)
  • Rosa Luminass - Tiefling Fighter (Spugly_fuglet)
  • Sharice - Human Barbarian (shadur)
  • Erdthira Raskin - Fetchling Bard (Tirion Jörðhár)
  • Sunny - Elf Barbarian
  • Galrian Sho´ray - Human Fighter (Azharten)
  • Kestryl - Sylph Rogue (Apocalypso)
  • "No-Eyes" Bellamy - Human Oracle (Camris)
  • Kai Kamaaina - Human Ranger (Zachman08)
  • Khair al-Aud - Human Bard (Thanis Kartaleon)
  • Mathurin Kerbouchard - Mathurin Kerbouchard (Grand Moff Vixen)
  • Cecic - Halfling Cleric (Deevor)
  • Boomer Bellowpiper - Human Alchemist (Doom Hero)
  • Gene Sancti - Drow Oracle (Tormad)
  • Brynjolf Stormblood - Human Barbarian (thatevilguy)

    @John Rhasp I'm going to say no to deathmage, if it had less third party aspects to it I probably wouldn't mind, but it has 3rd party spells with 3rd party templates applied to the summoned monsters, that's too deep for me.

    So before we go ahead with this, I'd like to let everyone know that this campaign will most likely be very different than what everyone is normally used to.

    If you're still interested in playing please repost with your your character, there have been a lot of applications and I know that I've missed people.

  • Just an FYI to everyone, I may miss smaller comments as I'm going through, if I post and I don't address you let me know.

  • Turniphead - Hobgoblin Cleric (scranford)
  • Sylvestra Striana - Half-Elf Witch (Xzaral) You have to take it each from the set of 3 that you rolled it from.
  • Charlotte de Berry - Tiefling Magus (Michael Sumrall)
  • Lucia Rhitu - Human Summoner (Chris Kenney)
  • Seijiro - Kitsune Rogue (JAF0)
  • Rosa Luminass - Tiefling Fighter (Spugly_fuglet)
  • Sharice - Human Barbarian (shadur)
  • Erdthira Raskin - Fetchling Bard (Tirion Jörðhár) You can flavor the ability however you want it, whether it's just a result of a specific training for that specific circumstance or whether you're just more aware than others of your race
  • Sunny - Human Barbarian Yea, everyone rolls on that table regardless of heritage.
  • Galrian Sho´ray - Human Fighter (Azharten)

    @Bill Lumberg Yes, any race that's defined by Character Levels is cool.

    @Emanonpf PbP

  • Azten wrote:

    I have an idea forming, but would like to know if Synthesist or even normal Summoners are okay to play in your games.

    Spellcasters of any kind are okay to play. We're playing in golarion where everything published by paizo has a place somewhere. The problem with a spellcaster, any spellcaster in this game is going to be combat on a ship. Remember that under rough conditions you'll have to make checks or lose spells, just something for you guys to consider.


  • Turniphead - Hobgoblin Cleric (scranford) Yea, add a -2 to charisma
  • Sylvestra Striana - Half-Elf Witch (Xzaral) The bonus you get from the tiefling table is typeless, you can add it to whatever and it stacks
  • Artanthos - Human Conjurer (Michael Sumrall)
  • Lucia Rhitu - Human Summoner (Chris Kenney)
  • Seijiro - Kitsune Rogue (JAF0)

    @Tirion Jörðhár Yes, you get one free roll. No, you cannot use creation points to get one above or below it. And by your estimation yes, you could take bonus skill points (1), 25 point buy (2), extra tiefling roll (2). As long as it adds up to 5 total you're good.

    @Helikon [ooc]Yes, recruitment is open till May 4th.

  • So I love paizo, I mean the books are just amazing and though I don't mind spending a bit more to get the books directly from you guys, how is it that amazon can offer them lower than you?

    Added Creation Info, looking for 4-5 players.

    So I'm looking to run a Skull and Shackles game, would anyone be interested?

    *EDIT So I'm reading through the book and I have a sudden urge to get my pirate on.

    Allowed Material

    All Paizo stuff is okay, for 3.5 paizo books use the pfsrd conversion.

    3rd Party Material is very subjective and may be allowed if it's not really stupid, like the bounty hunter from a 3rd party book that gives bonus feats, sneak attack, +1 base attack bonus progression, 2 good saves, and a ton of class features, if you were GMing and you wouldn't allow it, I probably wont.

    Starting Stuff

    All Characters start at level 1

    All Core Races + any race defined by character levels is allowed (races may have an attribute bonus of net +2, so Aasimar for example has a +4 would gain a -2 to Con to balance it out)

    Minimum Starting Gold for your class + 1 Masterwork Item (Or +200 gp, your choice)

    20 Point Buy

    1 Normal Trait, 1 Campaign Trait

    When you're creating your character roll 3 d100's in this thread refer to the table Variant Tiefling Abilities (you need to scroll down) pick one from those 3 rolls.

    5 Character Creation Points

    Creation Point Spending:
    These points can be used to acquire the following things:
    -1 point: Gain an extra 2 skills/level
    -1 point: Add an additional spell to your spells known
    -2 points: Increase point buy to 25
    -2 points: Roll 3 times on the alternate Tiefling traits and you can pick one of the results. You can spend 1 extra point to pick a trait only 1 off of a result you got. (If you got a result of 23 you could spend a point to get 22 or 24 instead)
    -3 points: Gain a Bonus Feat
    -4 points: Directly choose something from the Tiefling chart (Can't choose 100)
    -5 points: Increase point buy to 30