DMBrendon's page

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On CRB pg. 200:
"Humanoid creatures without two free hands attempting to grapple a foe take a -4 penalty on the combat maneuver roll."

"If you are grappled you can attempt to break the grapple as a standard action by making a combat maneuver check"

Does this mean that if a PC with 2 free hands is grappling an opponent with a shield or holding a weapon, the opponent gets -4 when trying to escape the grapple? Or does that penalty only count when starting the grapple?

That makes sense, I should have read Deadly Aim more carefully. Thanks for clearing that up.

When a Gunslinger is using a feat like Point-Blank Shot, is the attack resolved against the normal AC rather than the touch AC? This passage makes me think that is the case:

"When firing an early firearm, the attack resolves against the target's touch AC when the target is within the first range increment of the weapon, but this type of attack is not considered a touch attack for the purposes of feats and abilities such as Deadly Aim."

So then Point-Blank Shot would only be useful against opponent without armor, as a prerequisite for other feats,or if an armored opponent was beyond the first range increment but within 30ft?

Part of the local area that my 10th PCs may be venturing into soon is a corrupted/diseased/sick forest. Do you know of any good adventures that I could plonk down the in the middle as the reason for the sickness?

There was a post a while back with a conversion, but the link doesn't work any more. Has anyone got a conversion to Pathfinder for X2 Castle Amber?

In the pearl of power description, it says "aid to all spellcasters who prepare spells (clerics, druids, rangers, paladins, and wizards)". It does not mention witches. In the witch description it says "A witch must choose and prepare her spells ahead of time."

Was witch missed out from the pearl of power description just because it wasn't in the core rulebook? Can the witch use a pearl of power?