
*Legion*'s page

21 posts. Alias of Pedwiddle.

Full Name





Hacker/Rigger [ Edge: 1/1 | Phys Dam: 11/11 | Stun Dam: 11/11 | Armor (B/I): 12/11 ]




New York


English: N; Japanese (INT): 3; Mandarin (INT): 3; Or'zet (INT): 1; Russian (INT): 3

About *Legion*


Body: 5
Agility: 5(7) (Muscle Toner (Rating 2))
Reaction: 5(9) (Reaction Enhancers (Rating 2), Wired Reflexes (Rating 2))
Strength: 3(5) (Muscle Augmentation (Rating 2))
Charisma: 1
Intuition: 5
Logic: 4(6) (Cerebral Booster (Rating 2))
Willpower: 5

Total Edge: 1
Current Edge: 1
Essence: 0.8
Initiative: 14 (REA (9) + INT (5))
Initiative Passes: 3 (Wired Reflexes (Rating 2))
Matrix Initiative (Cold Sim): 14 (RES (8) + INT (5) + Customized Interface (1))
Matrix Initiative Passes (Cold Sim): 2
Matrix Initiative (Hot Sim): 15 (RES (8) + INT (5) + Customized Interface (1) + 1)
Matrix Initiative Passes (Hot Sim): 3
Composure: 6 (WIL + CHA)
Judge Intentions: 6 (INT + CHA)
Lifting and Carrying: 10 (STR + BOD)
Memory: 11 (LOG + WIL)

Skills and Qualities:

Aeronautics Mechanic (LOG): 1
Automatics (AGI): 1
Automotive Mechanic (LOG): 1
Blades (AGI): 1
Climbing (STR): 1
Computer (LOG): 3
Cybercombat (LOG): 4
Data Search (LOG): 3
Dodge (REA): 1
Electronic Warfare (LOG): 4
Etiquette (CHA): 1
First Aid (LOG): 1
Flight (STR): 1
Gunnery (AGI): 1
Gymnastics (AGI): 1
Hacking (LOG): 4
Hardware (LOG): 3
Heavy Weapons (AGI): 1
Industrial Mechanic (LOG): 1
Infiltration (AGI): 1
Nautical Mechanic (LOG): 1
Navigation (INT): 1
Perception (INT): 1
Pilot Aircraft (REA): 1
Pilot Ground Craft (REA): 1
Pilot Watercraft (REA): 1
Running (STR): 1
Software (LOG): 3
Swimming (STR): 1

Area Knowledge (New York, INT): 3
Bars and Clubs (INT): 2
Combat Tactics (LOG): 3
Security Companies (LOG): 1
Security Tactics (LOG): 3
Shadow Community (INT): 2
Underworld (INT): 3

English: N
Japanese (INT): 3
Mandarin (INT): 3
Or'zet (INT): 1
Russian (INT): 3

Codeslinger (Hack on the Fly): +2 dice pool modifier when performing a particular Matrix action
Low-Light Vision (Racial): Can see normally in light levels as low as starlight
Natural Hardening: 1 point of biofeedback filtering
In Debt (30,000¥): Owes 45,000¥ + 10% of remaining balance each month
Weak Immune System: -2 dice pool modifier to any tests for resisting diseases

Contacts and Lifestyle:

Fixer: Smiley (Con 2/Loy 1)
Mechanic: Bobby (Con 1/Loy 1)

Low (2 months)

SINs and Licenses:

Arthur Dent (Rating 4)

Ceska Black Scorpion (Rating 4)
Combat Axe (Rating 4)
Gas Vent 3 (Rating 4)
Glasses (Rating 4)
Muscle Augmentation (Rating 4)
Muscle Toner (Rating 4)
Nonstandard Wireless Link (Rating 4)
Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 4)
Reaction Enhancers (Rating 4)
Riot Control Armor (Rating 4)
Ruthenium Polymer Coating (Rating 4)
Shock Frills (Rating 4)
Smartgun System (Int.) (Rating 4)
Smartlink (Rating 4)
Wired Reflexes (Rating 4)


AR Gloves
Concealable Holster
Datachips (5)
Earbuds (Rating 2)
- Audio Enhancement (Rating 3)
- Select Sound Filter (Rating 3)
Electronics Kit
Glasses (Rating 4)
- Flare Compensation
- Image Link
- Smartlink
- Vision Enhancement (Rating 3)
Medkit (Rating 6)
- Supplies
Stimulant Patches (Rating 6) (3)
Subvocal Microphone
Tranq Patches (Rating 6) (3)
Trauma Patch (1)
White Noise Generator (Rating 6)

Weapons and Armor:

Ceska Black Scorpion
Mode: SA/BF RC: 4(5) (or 1(2) w/Sound Suppressor) Ammo: 35(c)
- Gas Vent III
- Internal Smartgun
- Personalized Grip
- Sound Suppressor

Combat Axe
Reach: 2 Damage: 7P AP: -1
- Personalized Grip

Shock Frills
Reach: - Damage: 6S(e) AP: -half

Reach: - Damage: 3S AP: -

Form-Fitting Full Body Suit (B/I: 6/2)

Riot Control Armor (B/I: 6/9)
- Chemical Protection 6
- Fire Resistance 2
- Ruthenium Polymer Coating
- Shock Frills

Cyberware and Bioware:

Control Rig
Cyberlimb: Lower Arm (Left, Obvious) (Body 5, Agility 7, Strength 5)
- Nanohive (Rating 1)
- - Neural Amplifiers, Neocortical (Rating 3)
Reaction Enhancers (Rating 2)
Wired Reflexes (Rating 2)

Cerebral Booster (Rating 2)
Muscle Augmentation (Rating 2)
Muscle Toner (Rating 2)

Commlinks and Software:

Novatech Airware
OS: Novatech Navi
Firewall: 6 Response: 5(8) Signal: 5 System: 6
Current Mode: Hidden
Running Software (Default):
- Agent (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Analyze (Rating 6, Pirated)
- IC (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Scan (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Stealth (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Tacsoft (Rating 2, Pirated)
Running Software (Hacking):
- Analyze (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Biofeedback Filter (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Browse (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Data Search (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Exploit (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Stealth (Rating 6, Pirated)
Tacnet Sensor Channels:
- Glasses (1), with Smartlink (2) and Vision Enhancement (3)
- Earbuds (4), with Audio Enhancement (5) and Select Sound Filter (6)
- Ceska Black Scorpion (Slave)
- Cyberarm, Lower Left (Slave)
- Drone (MCT Fly-Spy)
- Drone (MCT-Nissan Roto-drone)
- Earbuds (Slave)
- Glasses (Slave)
Additional Features:
- Armor Case (Rating 10)
- Customized Interface
- Hardware Upgrade (Response 5)
- Hardware Upgrade (Signal 5)
- Nonstandard Wireless Link (Rating 6)
- Response Enhancer (Rating 3)
- Sim Module (Hot)

Meta Link
OS: Vector Xim
Firewall: 1 Response: 1 Signal: 2 System: 1
Current Mode: Passive
Currently Running Software: None
Additional Features: None

Agent (Rating 4, Pirated)
Analyze (Rating 6, Pirated)
Armor (Rating 6, Pirated)
Attack (Rating 6, Pirated)
Biofeedback Filter (Rating 6, Pirated)
Black Hammer (Rating 6, Pirated)
Blackout (Rating 6, Pirated)
Browse (Rating 6, Pirated)
Command (Rating 6, Pirated)
Corrupt (Rating 6, Pirated)
Data Bomb (Rating 6, Pirated)
Decrypt (Rating 6, Pirated)
Defuse (Rating 6, Pirated)
Disarm (Rating 6, Pirated)
ECCM (Rating 6, Pirated)
Edit (Rating 6, Pirated)
Encrypt (Rating 6, Pirated)
Exploit (Rating 6, Pirated)
Firewall (Rating 6, Pirated)
IC (Rating 4, Pirated)
Maneuver Autosoft (Aircraft) (Rating 4, Pirated)
Medic (Rating 6, Pirated)
Nuke (Rating 6, Pirated)
Purge (Rating 6, Pirated)
Reality Filter (Rating 6, Pirated)
Scan (Rating 6, Pirated)
Sniffer (Rating 6, Pirated)
Spoof (Rating 6, Pirated)
Stealth (Rating 6, Pirated)
System (Rating 6, Pirated)
Tacsoft (Rating 2, Pirated)
Track (Rating 6, Pirated)


MCT Fly-Spy (Minidrone)
Firewall: 6 Response: 5 Signal: 5 System: 6
Handling: +1 Accel: 3/15 Speed: 15 Pilot: 4 Body: 1 Armor: 0 Sensor: 6
Currently Running Software:
- Pilot (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Clearsight Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Covert Ops Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Defense Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Electronic Warfare Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Maneuver Autosoft (Aircraft) (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Camera (Rating 6)
- - Low Light
- - Thermographic
- - Vision Magnification
- Microphone (Rating 6)
- - Audio Enhancement (Rating 3)
- - Select Sound Filter (Rating 3)
- Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 6)
Additional Features:
- Hardware Upgrade (Response 5)
- Hardware Upgrade (Signal 5)
- Improved Takeoff and Landing (Level 2)

MCT-Nissan Roto-drone (Medium)
Firewall: 6 Response: 5 Signal: 5 System: 6
Handling: 0 Accel: 10/25 Speed: 100 Pilot: 4 Body: 3 Armor: 9 Sensor: 6
Currently Running Software:
- Pilot (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Clearsight Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Covert Ops Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Defense Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Maneuver Autosoft (Aircraft) (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Targeting Autosoft (Automatics) (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Camera (Rating 6)
- - Flare Compensation
- - Smartlink
- - Thermographic
- Directional Microphone
- Laser Range Finder
- Microphone (Rating 6)
- - Audio Enhancement (Rating 3)
- - Spatial Recognizer
- Motion Sensor
- Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 6)
Additional Features:
- Concealed Armor (Rating 9)
- Hardware Upgrade (Response 5)
- Hardware Upgrade (Signal 5)
- Improved Takeoff and Landing (Level 2)
- Weapon Mount (Normal, Internal, Fixed, Remote)
- - Colt M22A3 (Damage: 6P AP: -1 Mode: SA/BF/FA RC: 3 (Gas Vent III) + 1 (Electronic Firing) + 3 (Drone BOD) = 7 Ammo: 100(b)
- - - Electronic Firing
- - - Extended Clip (100 Drum)
- - - Gas-Vent 3 System
- - - High Velocity
- - - Smartgun System, internal
- - - Sound Suppressor
- - Grenade Launcher
- - - Airburst Link


[dice=Aeronautics Mechanic (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]1d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Automotive Mechanic (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]1d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Climbing (STR)]1d6+5d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Computer (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]3d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Cybercombat (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]4d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Data Search (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]3d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Electronic Warfare (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]4d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Etiquette (CHA)]1d6+1d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=First Aid (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]1d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Flight (STR)]1d6+5d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Gunnery (AGI)]1d6+7d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Gymnastics (AGI)]1d6+7d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Hacking (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]4d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Hardware (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]3d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Heavy Weapons (AGI)]1d6+7d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Industrial Mechanic (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]1d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Infiltration (AGI)]1d6+7d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Nautical Mechanic (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]1d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Navigation (INT)]1d6+5d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Perception (INT)]1d6+5d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Pilot Aircraft (REA)]1d6+9d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Pilot Groundcraft (REA)]1d6+9d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Pilot Watercraft (REA)]1d6+9d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Running (STR)]1d6+5d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Software (LOG) (Neocortical Neural Amplifier)]3d6+6d6+3d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[dice=Swimming (STR)]1d6+5d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]

[dice=Initiative]14d6[/dice] [ooc](3 passes)[/ooc]

[ooc][b]Free Action:[/b] [/ooc]
[ooc][b]Simple Action:[/b] [/ooc]
[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [/ooc]

[ooc][b]Simple Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - SA (Ceska Black Scorpion (Automatics), Smartlink)]1d6+7d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: 4P | AP: -)[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Simple Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - BF (Narrow) (Ceska Black Scorpion (Automatics), Smartlink)]1d6+7d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: (4+2)P | AP: -)[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Simple Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - BF (Wide) (Ceska Black Scorpion (Automatics), Smartlink)]1d6+7d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: 4P | AP: -)[/ooc]

[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Melee Attack (Combat Axe (Blades), Reach 2, Personalized Grip)]1d6+7d6+2d6+1d6[/dice] [ooc] (Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: 7P | AP: -1)[/ooc]

[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Melee Attack (Shock Frills (Unarmed Combat))]6d6[/dice] [ooc] (Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: 6S(e) | AP: -half)[/ooc]

[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Melee Attack (Unarmed (Unarmed Combat))]6d6[/dice] [ooc] (Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: 3S | AP: -)[/ooc]

[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Full Defense (Full Dodge (Dodge vs. Melee))]1d6+1d6+9d6[/dice] [ooc] (Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Full Defense (Gymnastics Dodge (Gymnastics/Dodge vs. Melee))]1d6+1d6+9d6[/dice] [ooc] (Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Full Defense (Full Parry (Blades vs. Melee))]1d6+1d6+9d6[/dice] [ooc] (Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Full Defense (Full Dodge (Dodge vs. Ranged))]1d6+9d6[/dice] [ooc] (Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Full Defense (Gymnastics Dodge (Gymnastics/Dodge vs. Ranged))]1d6+9d6[/dice] [ooc] (Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]

[dice=Matrix Initiative (Cold Sim)]14d6[/dice] [ooc](2 passes)[/ooc]
[dice=Matrix Initiative (Hot Sim)]15d6[/dice] [ooc](3 passes)[/ooc]

Simple Actions:
Analyze Icon/Node (Analyze) - [dice=Matrix Perception (Computer + Analyze)]3d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Deactivate Program (System)
Decrypt (System)
Encrypt (Encrypt)
Issue Command (System)
Jump into a Drone/Vehicle/Device (System)
Log off (System)
Observe in Detail (System)
Transfer Data (System)

Complex Actions:
Capture Wireless Signal (Sniffer) - [dice=Capture Wireless Signal (Electronic Warfare + Sniffer (3))]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Control Device (Command)
Crash Node (Exploit) - [dice=Crash Node (Hacking + Exploit (System + Firewall) (Extended))]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Crash Program (Exploit) - [dice=Crash Program (Hacking + Exploit (System + Firewall) Opposed)]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Data Search (Browse/Other) - [dice=Data Search (Data Search + Browse (Extended))]3d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Detect Hidden Node (specific) (Scan) - [dice=Detect Hidden Node (Electronic Warfare + Scan (4))]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Detect Hidden Nodes (in range) (Scan) - [dice=Detect Hidden Nodes (Electronic Warfare + Scan (15+, 1 Combat Turn) (Extended))]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Disarm Data Bomb (Disarm) - [dice=Disarm Data Bomb (Hacking + Disarm (Data Bomb rating x 2))]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Edit (Edit) - [dice=Edit (Computer + Edit)]3d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Hack on the Fly (Exploit) - [dice=Hack on the Fly (Hacking + Exploit + Codeslinger)]4d6 + 6d6 + 2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Initiate Cryptanalysis (Decrypt) - [dice=Decrypt (Electronic Warfare + Decrypt (encryption rating x 2, 1 Combat Turn) (Extended))]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Intercept Traffic (Sniffer) - [dice=Intercept Traffic (Hacking + Sniffer)]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Jam Signals (None)
Log on (System)
Matrix Attack (Attack, Black Hammer, Blackout)
Reboot (System) - [dice=Reboot (System + Response (10, 1 Combat Turn) (Extended))]6d6 + 8d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Redirect Trace (Spoof) - [dice=Redirect Trace (Hacking + Spoof (Computer + Track))]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Repair Icon (Medic) - [dice=Repair Icon (Computer + Medic (damage taken x 2, Complex Action) (Extended))]3d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Run Program (System)
Set Data Bomb (Data Bomb)
Spoof Command (Spoof) - [dice=Spoof Command (Hacking + Spoof (Pilot + Firewall) (Extended))]4d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]
Trace User (Track) - [dice=Trace User (Computer + Track (10) (Extended))]3d6 + 6d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: )[/ooc]

[dice=Drone Initiative (MCT-Nissan Roto-drone)]9d6[/dice] [ooc](3 passes)[/ooc]

[ooc][b]Simple Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - SA (Colt M22A3 (Pilot 4), Targeting (Automatics) Autosoft, Smartlink)]4d6+4d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: 6P | AP: -1)[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Simple Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - BF (Short, Narrow) (Colt M22A3 (Pilot 4), Targeting (Automatics) Autosoft, Smartlink)]4d6+4d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: (6+2)P | AP: -1)[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Simple Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - BF (Short, Wide) (Colt M22A3 (Pilot 4), Targeting (Automatics) Autosoft, Smartlink)]4d6+4d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: 6P | AP: -1)[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Simple Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - BF (Long, Narrow) (Colt M22A3 (Pilot 4), Targeting (Automatics) Autosoft, Smartlink)]4d6+4d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: (6+5)P | AP: -1)[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Simple Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - BF (Long, Wide) (Colt M22A3 (Pilot 4), Targeting (Automatics) Autosoft, Smartlink)]4d6+4d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: 6P | AP: -1)[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - FA (Narrow) (Colt M22A3 (Pilot 4), Targeting (Automatics) Autosoft, Smartlink)]4d6+4d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: (6+11)P | AP: -1)[/ooc]
[ooc][b]Complex Action:[/b] [dice=Fire Weapon - FA (Wide) (Colt M22A3 (Pilot 4), Targeting (Automatics) Autosoft, Smartlink)]4d6+4d6+2d6[/dice] [ooc](Glitch: | Successes: | Damage: 6P | AP: -1)[/ooc]