Cyris Tannerson's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Pamela Elizabeth.

Scarab Sages

Just out of curiosity, are players outside the United States annoyed by having all the measurements in feet, pounds, etc., or are there 'translated' resources available? Or do you guys just not care?

Scarab Sages Dedicated Voter Season 7

Okay. I've got the concept, the cinematics (of a sort), the mechanics, formatting, etc.

The only issue left is the name. I've been agonizing for about two days now, and I'm no closer to having an appropriate title than I was when I first started.

The biggest name challenge is that the physical item is incredibly specific. There aren't any appropriate synonyms, and every attempt to fudge it yields unfortunate results.

The one name I was able to create ended up sounding a little too familiar. I googled it and realized that my subconscious had at least partially appropriated the name from a copyrighted source. How embarrassing!

I'm desperate! What sort of exercises do you guys use to help with finding a serviceable name?