
**Cutie Killstuff**'s page

31 posts. Alias of UncleFroggy.

Full Name

Cutie Killstuff


HP 34 (4 temp HP fr Rage), AC 19 w Breastplate (-1 while Raging), Fortitude +8, Reflex +5, Will +7, Perception +7 (darkvision), Stealth +5 |


Speed 25 ft | Exploration Activity Scout (+1 to Initiative)| Active Conditions


Nonbinary Stuffed Poppet Barbarian 2 | Martial Disciple |

About **Cutie Killstuff**

Languages Common
Worn Items bastard sword, breastplate, bronze bull pendant, javelins (2), oil of potency, 3 gp

STR +4, DEX +1, CON +2, INT +0, WIS +1, CHA +1
Acrobatics +5
Athletics +8
Intimidation +5
Stealth +5
Survival +5
Warfare Lore +4

Melee Bastard Sword (two-hand d12) +8 Damage 1d8+4 slashing damage +2 additional damage while Raging
Ranged Javelin (range increment 30 ft, thrown) +5 Damage 1d6+4 piercing damage

Ancestry Feature Stuffed Poppet: You have little inside you other than cotton, sawdust, or dried leaves. You take no damage from falling, regardless of the distance you fall.
Ancestry Feature Constructed
Ancestry Feature Flammable[/b]
Ancestry Feat Wash Out: Toxins seep out of your artificial body quickly. Each time you succeed at a Fortitude save against an ongoing poison, you reduce its stage by 2, or by 1 against a virulent poison. Each critical success you achieve against an ongoing poison reduces its stage by 3, or by 2 against a virulent poison.
Class Feature Instinct > Fury
Class Feature Rage
Class Feat Furious Finish
Class Feat Raging Intimidation
Class Feat Sudden Charge
Skill Feat Combat Climber
Skill Feat Intimidating Glare
Skill Feat Quick Jump