About Custos The SentinelCustos
Construct Mind: Warforged get a +2 racial bonus to resist mind-affecting and stunning effects and are immune to paralysis and sleep effects. Construct Resistance: Warforged get a +2 racial bonus to resist disease, death effects, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, nausea, poison and sicken effects as well as stabilization checks and checks to remove negative levels. Natural Plating: Warforged have a metal plating that provides them with a +2 natural armor bonus to AC. Warforged can still wear normal armor as can other races, however this plating also counts as metal for the purposes of a druid's armor limitation. Warforged can be targeted by spells, powers and effects that affect objects made from metal, stone and wood. Power Attack: -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage. Zweihander Training At 1st Level, when wielding a two-handed weapon or a one-handed weapon in both hands, the warder gains a shield bonus to his AC equal to his aegis class feature bonus Armament Shield (Ex) When wielding a one-handed weapon in two hands or a two-handed weapon, the weapon is treated as a light shield for the purpose of performing a shield bash attack on an opponent or martial maneuvers to be used with a weapon of this type (such as Iron Tortoise maneuvers that require a shield to function) Defensive Focus At 1st Level, the defensive prowess of the warder is second to none, allowing her to focus her actions purely on defending himself and her allies in way that cannot be replicated. The warder gains the Combat Reflexes feat as a bonus feat, using her Intelligence modifier instead of her Dexterity modifier to determine the number of additional attacks of opportunity she may make each round. When recovering maneuvers as a full round action, the warder sets up a defensive perimeter around himself to defend her allies, increasing her threatened area by 5ft + 5ft for every initiator levels she possesses. Until the beginning of her next turn, she may make AoO again any opponent in this threatened area that provokes AoO. She may move as part of these AoO, provided her total movement before her next turn does not exceed her speed (this movement provokes AoO as normal). Additionally, the warder add her Int modifier + her class level to her CMD for the purposes of defending against enemies trying to use the acrobatics skill to prevent her from getting AoOs against them. At 10th level, her defensive focus improves further. While her reach is increased by this ability, opponents treat her threatened area as difficult terrain. Additionally, while using her defensive focus to make an AoO, her movement does not provoke AoO. Stances Known Warder begin play with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to warders. At the indicated levels, the warder selects an additional new stance. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended and she does not have to ready them. All the stances she knows are available to her at all times and she can change the stance she is currently using as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance description. Unlike with maneuvers, the warder cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one she already knows. Maneuvers Readied A warder can ready three of her five starting maneuvers, but as she advances in level and learns more maneuvers, she must choose which maneuvers to ready. She readies her maneuvers by going over battle tactics, through weapon drills, or spending time meditating in prayer for 10 minutes. The manuevers she chooses remain readied until she decides to repeat this again and change them. Any given maneuver may only be readied once. Warder do not need to sleep or be well rested to ready their manuevers; any time they spend 10 minutes in practice or meditation, they can change their readied maneuvers. She began an encounter with all readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times she may have already used them since she chose them. When the warder initiates a maneuver, she expends it for the current encounter, so each of her readied maneuever can be used once per encounter (until they are recovered, see below) Stances Known: Stance of the Defending Shell (+1AC/4 Initiator Levels) For a warder to recover expended maneuvers, she must take stock of her situation to plan for her next movement. By focusing entirely on a defensive position to prepare her next move, she is able to regain maneuvers expended to assist her to victory. By taking a full round to plan her next move (activating her defensive focus class feature, see below) she recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to her Int modifier (minimum of 2). Alternatively, she may take a brief pause in battle and recover a single maneuver of her choosing by spending a standard action on her turn. Maneuvers Known: 5
Primal Wrath (Strike, +4 to dmg, +6 if two-handed) Guard's Oath (Strike(curse), Will DC 13 (15 w/ heavy blade, hammers, or polearms) or become cursed and unable to move within threatened area w/o provoking AoO for 24 hours. If target drops all weapons it is holding, make another saving throw. May draw or pick up to drop again for reroll) Terrifying Blow (Strike(fear), Will DC 13 (15 w/ heavy blade, hammers, or polearms) or become frightened for one round. If cursed, attack deals additional 1d6 damage) Encouraging Roar (Boost, For one round, all allies gain +2 morale bonus to all attacks and damage) Maneuvers Readied: 3 Primal Fury, Guard's Oath, Terrifying Blow
Custos was a Warforged created during the latter years of The Last War, a soldier in service to Kharrnath. Entrusted with the duty to protect a rising noble from Rekkenmark, Custos was accompanying his ward on the Day of Mourning. They were on the way to reinforce the frontlines and relieve the tired commander of the Kharrnathi forces. His memory of what happened next is blurry at best and entirely gone at worst. He remembered a flash of magic, brighter than any star, and a terrible emptiness that not even pain could fill. For a long time, he remained out in the Mournlands, alongside his charge. It was only due to a recovery team, sent out to reclaim the noble's body, that Custos would ever awaken again. A skilled artificer accompanied them and believed he could restore the Warforged that was disabled alongside their client's slain son. Once he was back within Rekkenmark, Cornelius Ward slowly repaired and was able to breathe life back into the long sleeping Warforged. It took time to repair all of him, the initial pulse of magic disrupting much within the living construct. In time though, he learned how to walk again. Soon after, he learned how to fight again. Custos, the name given to him by Cornelius, accompanied the old artificer until one day the man was attacked by a gang of thugs eager for the wealth the man carried upon him. Instincts came back to Custos and the large sword upon his back swung easily with practiced movements. The thugs were scattered and two laid dead by the time the guard had arrived to break up the fight. Cornelius had an idea, a suggestion that Custos shouldn't just stay with him out of a sense of honor. The Warforged moved with a combative skill that betrayed more training than just basic swordsmanship. When asked what Custos wanted to do, what he wanted to be, the Warforged's response was simple. "I want to try to make things better. All I know is tactics, fighting, and war. I want to make Karrnath better though." Cornelius used his influence and connections to set Custos not with a job but an opportunity. He has been able to successfully get the Warforged admittance to the prestigious Rekkenmark Academy. What happens now will be up to Custos. Personality:
Custos is a classic Warforged, thinking in things as tactical engagements and military drills. He is happy to be alive, to be existing once more, but he is still coming to grips with the fact that he is no longer in a war. He is quiet and calm-headed, prone to observation rather than merely rushing into combat. There is a sense of melancholy about the Warforged though, guilt at his failure to protect his charge lingers in him and fills the warrior with doubt. He does not seem to understand that there was no way to save his charge from death and is worried that he will fail his future allies the same way. In combat, Custos strides into the midst of combatants with a cold confidence. There is no mercy shown unless he is instructed otherwise, his priority being the survival of his comrades and the destruction of his enemies. There is no thought to his own well-being, though he is beginning to appreciate his own life and his newfound "freedom" Appearance:
Seven years old and standing at 6'4 while weighing in around 300lbs, Custos fits exactly what everyone imagines when they think of a Warforged. Made of plates with runic symbol, his body is shaped in a masculine form and his voice is deep and slow. Green eyes glow from within his eyes, matching the occasional glow of his ghulra. Shaped like a question mark that spirals in at the top, the only distinction about him it the scrapes and scratches that don't go away even with healing or repair. Artificers have offered to repair the cosmetic damage but Custos keeps it, considering it "character" and a reminder of the Day of Mourning. He wields a massive great sword on his back, simply made but well crafted nonetheless. The scale mail settles upon his body underneath a military jacket, displaying regalia of Kharrnath's military. Four daggers are hidden inside of his jacket, last resorts for when he cannot engage the enemy easily.
Custos also tends to wear light clothing, military in design without special colors. It isn't necessary, being what he is, but he feels it make those uncomfortable with Warforged more willing to consider him an equal instead of a sour reminder of The Last War. |