Curio's page

Organized Play Member. 36 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 18 Organized Play characters.

I was updating my characters on the site, and decided to peruse my session listings. They seemed to be shorter than I recalled. So I looked through my Chronicle sheets. Well, turns out some of the events my Rogue played from previous Paizocons weren't even listed! Including oddly Siege of the Diamond City! Will we be able to have this fixed by staff at the Con this year? I have the sheets to prove my attendance!

I'm planning on going to Paizocon this year with my boyfriend and his nephew, and I wanted to ask a few questions. Do we need to *each* have a copy of the core books as well as any materials that we used to make our characters? Also, do each of us need to own our own copies (in the case of printed pdfs), or is it alright to print multiple copies from a source bought by one person?