Curdle has beautiful brass-and-silver scales; the metallic patterns scintillate in the light. Other Kobolds might be proud to have such strong draconic lineage and special-looking scales, but Curdle is always looking at the ground, mumbling, and trying to avoid eye contact.
He carries a strange guisarme strapped to his back; it was given to him by a kind old lady after he helped her do her chores one sunny afternoon. Curdle is always willing to help, but sometimes he's not very good at it — like when he used to cook down in the Hookclaw Kobold mines when no one else wanted to, and it always came out spoiled.
Curdle's full plate is always messy, even though he cleans it every morning and every night. No matter what he does, he can't seem to keep it shiny — he doesn't quite know how to fight or do work without getting filthy.
HP 48
AC 21
Speed 20’ (25 base -5' Full Plate after Str)
Fort (E)
[dice=Fort (E)]1d20+10[/dice]
Reflex (T)
[dice=Reflex (T)]1d20+7[/dice]
Will (E)
[dice=Will (E)]1d20+8[/dice]
AC Math:
10 Base
+0 Dex
+6 Full Plate
+2 Trained
+3 Level
Reaction: Retributive Strike & Ranged Reprisal The Ally gets DR 5 against the attack. Curdle has 10' reach; if possible he Steps and then make the strike.
Cringe Please! No hurt!Emotion; Mental; Visual. The creature takes a Circumstance Penalty of 5 to the attack damage (applied after doubling for crit); immune for 24 hours after.
LEVEL 1-2 Sandtone Secret (GM) 9/30/2019 — 1 XP
Lions of Katapesh (GM) 3/24/2020 — 4 XP
Lost on the Spirit Road 7/11/2020 — 4 XP
Doom of Cassomir (GM) 7/14/2020 — 4 XP
LEVEL 2-3 Broken Scales 7/15/2020 — 1 XP
Absalom Initiation 7/20/2020 — 4 XP
Little Trouble Big Absalom 8/24/2020 _ 1 XP
Burden of Envy 8/24/2020 — 4 XP
Citadel of Corruption (GM) 9/3/2020 — 4 XP
Rebuild Boon 9/23/2020 — 0 XP; -21.60 GP