
Marnia's page

6 posts (54 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


*Pokes GM*

I'm soo looking forward to get this started! Anxiousness overload!

Everybody fears the psyker so I'm not sure if that makes it a good idea or a bad idea to make Atella the team leader.
If nobody else wants to be team leader Atella will fill the role to the inquisitors satisfaction... mostly :-)

and I know that Furau is at GMT so I guess we'll just post when we can then. At least this way we'll have a steady stream of posts at all times of the day :-)

What time zone is everybody in? That way we can predict when people are going to post a little easier. I reside in the GMT+1 area.

Can I join too? I have a splendid idea for a psyker. Also, I'm Furaus mysterious friend :-)