Hey all, I'm running Kingmaker. This is the first AP I've ever run but most certainly not my first time DMing (Been gaming 20+ years, 90% of the time behind the screen).
So my players were unsatisfied with the last 3.5 game we played with another DM (we leveled roughly once every 1 to 1.5 sessions for the first like 9 levels) so I offered to make a clean break from 3.5 and run KM using PF, the players are all excited to play, they just want to level much more slowly than they've become accustomed to, even with the slow advancement track it feels like KM still will hand out too many XP and have the characters blowing thru their first 3 levels quickly (this is important, they want to, strangely enough, be underpowered for a longer than normal time in a fantasy RPG, I can understand that, some great stories come out of those early levels where the odds are really against you (like in 1e or in RIFTS where you almost never level). Following the guidelines in Stolen Lands I know the characters need to get to level 3 before they challenge the Stag Lord and should finish the module at about 4th level.
To resolve some of these issues I've simply told the group to mark down 1 xp per session and I'll keep track of xp and tell them when to level.
We've had 3 sessions and it feels like the group is blowing through the content of this module, the party is 5 instead of 4 and while I haven't given them any levels yet they've fully explored 14 hexes and even defeated the bandits at the camp in area K (experienced roleplayers can do a lot even with 1st level characters). The guidelines in the book give a 5% chance per day of exploration for a wandering monster encounter to occur, as I've said they've gone thru 14 hexes, and as the percentage would indicate the dice have actually come up under 6 on d% once giving them one encounter (1d4 (I rolled 3) trolls, which they wisely ran from before the monsters noticed them).
Last session I asked the group if they feel as though they deserved to level yet (I didn't say why), they said no, a couple mentioning the old 14.5 encounters per level standard from 3.5, they've had maybe 4 combat encounters, but by my notes they should be second level now with bonus xp from exploration and quest completion (moon radishes and fang berries) and not for nothing they're good roleplayers so in a typical game I would have awarded bonus xp for that.
I want to honor my group's request that we level slower in this game, but I know the needs of the module and the AP itself require them to get to certain thresholds at certain times, I know the leveling will slow down once we get to the second module as they take copious downtime to develop their nation, and they're kind of blowing through this content faster than I had anticipated as well.
At this point I'm not too sure what to do, I've developed a couple of caves with goblins (why goblins, because I like em and they don't appear in this AP and I don't want to make the PCs make enemies with the Kobolds yet [they had a delightfully peaceful encounter with the too full of fangberry Kobolds and I hope to nurture a peace treaty instead of wholesale slaughter) I can throw in to slow them down and use their resources to make them go back to Oleg's and spend more time in traveling so we can stretch the module out somewhat, the only other thing I can think to do is to have more random encounters whether indicated by the dice or not. And to spend even more time roleplaying with NPCs (as that takes up a bunch of real world time without necessarily advancing the plot by much).
Do any of you have any advice for me?