From the moment of her birth in the bowels of an Administratum facility in the Addenda system (so named, like many others, by a clerical error), it was obvious that Cosetta Perambulus would become a scholar and scribe in service to the Imperium's vast bureaucracy. She was given a proper education for her station in life, and would have made a fine scribe, if it weren't for the negligent actions of the station's higher powers. It had been decades since contact had been made between the facility and the Machine Cult, and the tech-priests needed to administer the necessary rites to maintain its inner workings were finally dying off. Rather than requisition replacements, or allow their own to be inducted into the cult, the administrators ignored the problem until it was far too late.
Shortly after the last of the tech-priests on board the facility ceased to function, the station's machine spirit grew ornery, and rendered roughly 48% of the station uninhabitable by disabling key systems. Hundreds were killed, and thousands were trapped behind sealed off areas, left to fend for themselves with no supplies. When help arrived, it was in the form of a Mechanicus vessel, which quickly declared those responsible for the negligence to be guilty of tech-heresy, and, once the station was appeased, it became property of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Those responsible were made into servitors, and all promising minds among the scribes were forcibly inducted into the cult, including Cosetta.
At first, the newly minted acolyte was resentful of her new destiny. She longed for the quaint simplicity of her unmodified form, and often shirked her duties to read texts and codices on human biology for recreational purposes. In time, this interest developed into an aspiration, and she transferred to work under a Magos Biologis on another vessel. Over a remarkably short time, she graduated from servant to pupil, from pupil to assistant, and from assistant to official liaison. She now serves aboard the Rogue Trader vessel the Heart of the Tempest as its chief chirurgeon, in the hopes of distinguishing herself in the field of biological research by treating new and exotic diseases, and vivisecting previously unknown lifeforms.
(Shortened, because I lost my first attempt)