About Corianne TruesalveCHURCH OF RAZMIR PATRON: Corianne Truesalve
Combat Gear mw rapier, scorpion whip, mithral chain shirt, darkwood buckler, 2 daggers, wand of cure light wounds (CL 1, 10 charges, 150 gp), scrolls of grease (CL 1), sleep (CL 1), pyrotechnics (CL 3) and delay poison (CL 3), holy water (3), alchemist’s fire (1); Other gear amulet with continual flame, 50 iron coin-sized masks of Razmir to pass out Corianne has buried her past as a failed Kitharodian student, and found new purpose as an iron-masked priestess of Razmir. Her beautiful face is now hidden from the world, and her birth name long abandoned, along with her childhood dreams and hopes. She revels in using her persuasive tones and the rhythmns of voice and meter to smother her rapt audiences in layers of comforting deception, teaching them of the man who became a god, and who chose to remain behind, instead of ascending from the Starstone Cathedral to take his place among the heavens, that he might better serve his faithful, creating a safe haven for them in the magical land of Razmiran. She seizes upon small contradictions in the tales told in Absalom to plant a seed of doubt, and falls back upon the death of Aroden and the end of the Age of Prophecy as explanation for how the old order has changed, and it is time for the gods who truly care about the fate of men to walk among them and set things right. Playing on whatever fears seem most relevant to her target audience, that of Taldan privateering and treachery to a Qadiran merchant, or the spread of diabolism and unchecked slavery to an Andoran freeman, she makes the law, structure and security of Razmir (or, at least, the picture of Razmir she paints in their minds) seem like a place where such looming threats are distant things. She avoids the street-preachers, scoffing at them, noting that Cayden Cailean and Norgorber passed the Test of the Starstone with no such rabble inflating their reputations. Razmir, too, she says, needs no such false evangelization, as he is already a god, like those before him, having passed unremarked into the Cathedral, and, unlike them, having chosen to remain on Golarion afterwards, to bring justice and peace to the lands that now bear his name, providing a safe haven for his faithful. Corianne will be quite grateful to any who assist her in promoting the message of Razmir, or, more likely, downplay or discredit the messages of the other gods, whom she claims in a sad voice, have abandoned Golarion, with the death of Aroden, shaken to their core by the knowledge that they too can perish. She is very diplomatic in her commentary on the other gods, not wishing to sound as if she is attacking their choices, so much as highlighting the superior choice that Razmir made, to remain behind and succor the mortal races, rather than ascend and leave the races of man behind to claim some distant celestial throne. She has, however, found that the clergy of Iomedae are the most vocal in their opposition to her message, and she will reward most generously those who make a cleric or paladin of Iomedae look the fool, or be tarred with the stink of scandal. She has engineered a whisper campaign, saying that Iomedae, unlike the others who passed the Test of the Starstone, did so only because Aroden guided her through the process, as his current favored lover, leaving unstated that Iomedae earned godhood the ‘old-fashioned way,’ by sleeping with the boss, and that, unlike humbler Cayden, and subtler Norgorber, her arrival in Absalom was marked by parades and celebrations even *before* she entered the Cathedral, as if her Ascension was a foregone conclusion, most suspiciously… As a result, missions may involve specific and subtle acts to undermine the reputation of the clergy of Iomedae, or to spread the message of Razmir, or to guard a ship bearing new pilgrims to visit ‘magical Razmiran,’ or to help her in other ways, ranging from altering written records, to whispering rumors in the right ears, to simply helping her arrange a miracle (often performed with the use of scrolls or purchased holy items). Boons Corianne has an array of persuasive abilities, and those who have earned her favor may find her smoothing the way for them in some diplomatic engagement, leaving her mask and icy persona behind and appearing as a stunning Varisian beauty, if she feels that her Razmiri priest-persona would impede the mission. She is extremely knowledgeable, and can put allies in contact with a stunning array of citizens, running from clergymen to nobles to merchants to ship’s captains to poisoners. Given a week’s time, she can acquire a one-use item of mass cure light wounds or mass inflict light wounds (same cost as a scroll, but able to be activated by a bard, as well as anyone with those spells on their spell list, without a Use Magic Device check required) that she uses on occasion to emulate the abilities of a cleric to channel energy. Such items are expensive, so she only uses (or distributes) them sparing. Corianne can arrange for a bard ally, particularly one who has taken an interest in the Razmiran faith, to be able to learn any of the following spells as Bard spells; inflict light wounds (1), inflict moderate wounds (2), inflict serious wounds (3), inflict critical wounds (4), mass inflict light wounds (5), mass inflict moderate wounds (6). Such training takes one week if the bard has an available Spells Known slot, or one month if the spell is to replace a pre-existing known spell. Alternately, a month can be spent studying the nature of these spells, effectively adding them to the character’s Bard spell list, for the purpose of using spell completion and spell trigger items of these spells. An ally who wishes to take advantage of this training must make the journey to Razmiran, which may come with its own risks, as Corianne has not mastered these techniques herself... |