
Coranis's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. 2 lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Envoy's Alliance

I hate not taking Selective Energy, but it may be worth it to get armor proficiency, stealth, and acrobatics, as lacking those is getting me knocked out of combat and chase checks frequently. I may give it a try and if it doesn't work as intended, use a boon to rework it.

Envoy's Alliance

I was thinking about this overnight and wondered if taking a Dedication feat of a combat class (e.g. Ranger) would be useful to give my cloistered cleric the ability to use armor. At 6th level, her AC is just 20 (dex +2), as she can't use ANY armor, and she gets critted almost every time she gets hit at this level. Even the Ranger class gets better armor than that and it would help her ranged attacks. So, would the dedication feat allow me to be trained in armor?