Hey ther fellow adventuries and lassies. My names Roland and I'll be joining you in your campaign. I'm stoutly built at a twenty point buy as RAW in the pathinder adventure books. No eastern play will be found here as of now. Looking forward to meeting you all!!
20 point buy
No eastern classes or equipment
Here's the most current census! Take a look!
Tritan is a republic, where freedom and democracy rule. Its ruler or spokesperson is Grand Chancellor Siditine. He has been fair in his rule for the short time Tritan has been a republic. The first leader of Tritan, however, was the Militant leader was George Marious. He promised to step down after the Republic had won its statehood but was slain in the final battle in Lennysburg. Once that was over, the Senate decided to elect a Grand Chancellor who promised to unite the states, to bring order and balance.
Brownsville was the first town to be founded and settled in Mountain Buckle. Mt. Brown, standing at a staggering 20,000 ft can be seen out at sea before any of the main coasts. Being founded by people searching for freedom and prosperity, the city of Brownsville is a place where individuality and hard work are encouraged as a way of life. The more dominative humans are not as prominent in the city of Brownsville. Instead, the lesser folk, Dwarves, Halflings, and the seldom wanted half elves, manage to thrive. Census; 30% Dwarf, 25% Halfling, 15% Human, 25% Half-Elf, 5% Elf
NPCs: Barney D. Rumble: Dwarf, wife is Betty, Senator and Mayor of Brownsville. Mole Tommison: awkward child kicking around a squirrel skinned ball Sylvestor Kovak: diehard union pusher, will do anything for the people. Adam K. Rockefeller: ruthless business man who will do anything for the right price.
Homerland, the seat of the Senate, Tritan’s capital, and is the world’s first bastion of freedom. Homerland was setup as the states’ capital due to its central location on the coast. The city square based on ancient Volian architecture is a marvel in terms of social and artistic fields. The rest of the city however, is quite modernized. With new living areas, bazaar, militant garrison, and fortifications, the city is the most formidable and respectable in the known world. Census; 65% Human, 20% Elven, 10% Halfling, 5% Dwarf, 5% Half-Elf. NPCs: Grand Chancellor Siditine: Ruler of Senate and Tritan. Jean Leauc Worf: critical citizen believes in the ideals of Tritan. Tiberious Checkov: revolutionary and will fight for the ideals of Tritan. Percy P. Percival: Senator of Homerland and ominous fellow.
Bay St. Carl was once a Kador spice and slave center, it was taken by the Tritan revolutionaries as the first military campaign of the war. Now one of the most valuable areas in all of Mountain Buckle, it provides much of the resources for the people of Tritan. Census; 45% Human, 35% Elf, 10% Half-Elf, 5% Dwarf, 5% Halfling NPCs: Linus and Mark: explorers, best of friends, Linus is an Elf and Mark a Dwarf, always in their favorite. Long John Sanders: An often misunderstood benevolent hood of the sea. Jack B. McDonald: Halfling captain extraordinaire scourge of all seadogs. Minnie Bunny: First female senator of Tritan and a Traditionalist.
Silver Orchard, town of the twin river, changing climates force the Buckle River to alternate flowing direction twice each year. This makes Silver Orchard the perfect supplier of lumber from the Nibleheim Forest to Homerland. The lake and forest also offer terrific game. The area is also considered a top of the line getaway. Beauty appreciating Elves and well-off Halflings take advantage of the natural serenity. Census; 20% Human, 30% Elf, 25% Halfling, 15% Half-Elf, 5% Dwarf. NPCs; Sig Mandrill: Off time inventor on time farmhand Axel Whalin: Professional lumberjack distrustful to strangers and trees. Alia Eagle: widower of her husband Storm and open armed lady. Waldin W. Pecker: Hedonist and Senator, lover of the finer things.
Lennysburg, the silver of the south, this city was the last to fall from Kador rule. The spoils, resources, and accommodations made sure that the winning Tritan militia could set up shop, so to speak. Now a bustling trade town that rivals Bay St. Carl, it is the only place in all of Mountain Buckle where you can literally get whatever you want regardless of rarity or morality. Census; 45% Elves, 20% Humans, 20% Halfling, 10% Half-Elves, 5% Dwarf. NPCs: Huck Clemmins: a lone youth looking for adventure. Hester Pearl: single mother and holy woman. Albus Camazotz: opportunist and morally depraved wizard. Dick Mutley: Despicable and unappealing senator, his doings shrouded in speculation.
Moonwell Pass, a righteous and intractable people, these folk dedicate their lives to the sanctity and order of the Patron god, Heironeous. The village was founded by Tay Astley; a crusader, holyman, and revolutionary, is sitting on of what was Guma Guma; the largest native outpost on known Mountain Buckle. With steeples higher than the trees that are made of, the town of Moonwell Pass imposes Heironeous’s will on the unknown frontier to the west. Census: 65% Humans, 15% Dwarf, 5% Elf, 5% Half-Elf, 5% Halfling. NPCs: Tay Astley: Infallible and righteous old man. Little K and KK: Free thinking spirit and his musical cat. Barry Strong: Eldest of three brothers and minister of the church. Yosemite Leghorn: Proud traditionalist and frontiersman, senator of town.
The news!
Linus and Mark, Elven Ranger and Dwarven Fighter, are both already renowned explorers and sailors.
Disruption in the states and international community
Uncanny and rare in the public eye
I hope you all are looking forward to it.