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I had one of those. She started in our PFOP group and from the word go was a complete rules lawyer and very very pushy and if things didnt go her way would come close to throwing a fit.
One night her husband kept rolling 1's over and over, on one attempt to throw alchemist fire he rolled a 1 on the attack, GM said jokingly "Dont roll a 1 on the miss-direction or it will drop at your feet" needless to say he rolled a 1 and remarked I take 1 point of splash damage.
Later that week when I ran into the GM at the store and he remarked she had sent him a nasty email about the miss rules as they effect thrown flasks yadda yadda yadda and how it wouldnt have landed at his feet. The GM said he just let it go and said 2 can play that game.
The following week she made a minor mistake on the effects of a spell, the GM corrected her and she flat-out tried to start an argument over it, to which he calmly said "Look it up, you have your book right there" after a few minutes she stated "Well I must have read an errata on it and since I have an early copy of the Core its not corrected." So we wasted time after everybody but her agreed to the effects to look it up with an I-Pad because she wouldnt let it go. The GM was right. Her face was beat red and said she would find the errata. She never did.
After a few sessions you could really feel the mood change when she showed up. The GM had asked us all to give her a chance to adjust and fit in and said if she didnt in a week or two he would ask her to leave as she just didnt fit in.
Last week in character she was giving one of the other characters a rough time on finishing his faction mission, as does happen sometimes if missions are opposed somewhat. In the last fight she was knocked down to 0, on her next turn instead of falling and playing dead (she was flanked) she decided to stay standing and do nothing thinking the party healer (the one she was giving a hard time to all night) would save her. On the opponent's next turn, which was before the healer's, he attacked her as he was flanking and the GM rolled a crit (he doesnt roll behind a screen) so everybody saw it, he then rolled another 20 on the confirm. Ended up being 22 points of damage, killing her outright at that point. She was very mad and very loud about her disdain with what just happened, the GM ignored her and continued on. The rest of the party survived by the way.
She whinned and said she would never come back. Fine by the rest of us.
The GM has a house-rule that if he one-shots you like that, he will give you basicly a 50/50 death save that if you make it he allows 1 round for the party to try and save you before you outright die. They have to bring your character above the value you die at. Doesnt come into play much but has been known to save a character or two. Needless to say, since it is a house-rule and not a RAW, he didnt even mention it and the rest of us weren't either.
It appears our problem player solved itself.