Cleric of Milani

Clovis Stanison's page

3 posts. Organized Play character for Cfoot.

Full Name

Clovis Stanison


Human (Chelaxian)


Inquisitor of Erastil 17

















Strength 22
Dexterity 18
Constitution 18
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 20
Charisma 8

About Clovis Stanison

Introduction: You see a burly woodsmen with a wooden holy symbol of a nocked bow around his neck. He has a greataxe and longbow on his back. “Greetings, I am Clovis, servant of Erastil, and chaplain to the Society. I remind the young Pathfinders to remember the importance of farming and family. You may have heard of some of my more famous sermons like, “How Toddlers can Help with the Harvest”, or “How Plowing Can Relieve Stress” (Though there was some confusion on what that message was really about), or “Which is Better? Fertile Land or Fertile Women (Trick question Erastil loves both!)”

Son of a Brigand

Before he was a Taldan lord, master brigand, or Pathfinder of great renown, the one called Stanis was a heartsick teenager in love with a young prostitute in Nirmathas. This Cheliaxian beauty engaged many adventurers in torrid love affairs and whirlwind romances. Yet for her it was not about passion but survival. This haunted runaway from Westcrown found traction for her new life in Tamran and she never looked back. Yet, her choices left her cold and distant. Her heart was hard and could never really love the men who pursued her. Still it did not stop men from loving her.

One such case was from the aforementioned future master of brigands. After months of pursuit, his lady withdrew without a word into the Southern Fangwood. Upon her return, she believed her suitor had moved on and resumed her business. When Stanis found her with another man, he flew into a jealous rage and beat the traveler to near death. After a blistering tirade at his love, he set the brothel on fire as a display of his disgust. All escaped except for one, who stood by the window and looked at him as her room burned down around her. Stanis would leave to pursue the society. He would never know of her actions in the Fangwood.

Clovis was born into the care of a circuit rider who ministered to the rangers and woodsmen that dwelled in the forest. His adoptive father named him after a legendary king of a long ago dynasty, yet the friar was required by his mother to give him the surname Stanison. Clovis was reared on the teachings of Old Deadeye and he quickly embraced the faith, especially Erastil’s view on family. He knew all too well the negative effects of a broken home and sought to help out families in distress. He also learned of the need of a harmonious relationship between man and nature, a balance that would sometimes be hard to maintain in the mysterious wood. Because of his valor in keeping the peace and his compassion to hurting families, the woodcutter’s presented him with a commemorative greataxe to aid him in his quests.

The young acolyte grew in wisdom and strength under the tutelage of the priest, but began to notice an ongoing problem among the rural communities. Many of the young men began to leave their parents and forsake their trades, in order to purse the allure and wealth of adventuring. Some times they would form independent bands and sometimes they would join large agencies, like the Pathfinder Society. Clovis, who had always traveled as he grew up, took it as his calling to go after these young men in order to provide guidance to them. He hoped to steer some of them back home or at the minimum remind them of their responsibility to assist in providing for those left behind. He also wanted to make sure none were being exploited because of their lack of experience. So he joined the Pathfinder Society and volunteered as a chaplain. To assist him in his mission, the church of Erastil in Absalom provided him with a translator to help communicate more effectively. Clovis’ other reason for joining the society is to find his father and question him about an unresolved arson incident in Tamran.

Clovis is a tall, muscular Cheliaxian man with slick dark hair combed back. He is wearing a mithral breastplate with a wooden holy symbol around his neck. He is armed with a greataxe and is followed by his translator, Smith. Clovis is warm to newcomers, women in need, and the disenfranchised. He gives council to young adventurers whether they ask for it or not. He is aggressive toward threats and to plants that seek to disrupt the peace with man.