
Clemtac the Strange's page

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Full Name

Clemtac the Strange


Goblin | Artisan | Alchemist (Bomber) 1| Class DC 17 |


HP: 15/15; Hero: 1/1 | AC: 16 (17 w/ buckler) | F (E) +6; R (E) +7; W (T) +0 |Perc (T): +3; Darkvision |Spd: 25'










Taldan (Common), Goblin, Dwarven, Orcish, Draconic, Halfling



Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 10
Charisma 12

About Clemtac the Strange

PFS 2E#: 2352348-2003
XP 0 | Fame 0/0
Faction Rep: Grand Archive - 0

Irongut Goblin [Humanoid - Goblin] | Male | Artisan | Alchemist (Bomber) 1 | CG | Small | 8 years old | Ht: 2'8” | Wt: 32lbs

Str 10, Dex 14(+2), Con 12(+1), Int 18(+4), Wis 10, Cha 12(+1)

HP: 15 | SAVES: Fort (E) +6 / Ref (E) +7 / Will (T) +3 | Perception (T) +3; Darkvision | Base Speed: 25ft | Adjusted Speed: 25ft

Alchemist Class DC: Trained; 17 = 10 + 2 + 1 + 4

DEFENSE Unarmored (T), Light Armor (T)
AC: 16 (17 Buckler)
• Padded Armor (Light; AC +1; Max Dex: +3; Armor Pen: 0; Speed Adjust: 0ft; Trait: Comfort; LB)
• Buckler (AC +1; L Bulk; H-3; HP: 6/BT: 3)

OFFENSE Simple (T), Alchemical Bombs (T), Unarmed (T)
• Club (Simple; Dam: d6 B; Club; Thrown 10’)
• Dagger (2) (Simple; Dam: d4 P; Knife; Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10’, Versatile S)

• Club (Simple; Dam: d6 B; Club; Thrown 10’)
• Dagger (2) (Simple; Dam: d4 P; Knife; Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10’, Versatile S)
• Sling (10 bullets) (Simple; Dam: d6 B; Sling; Range: 50’; Reload: 1; Hand: 1; Propulsive)

Combat Bot Rolls:
Just add opening bracket [ :
Ranged – 50’
dice=Attack/Sling] d20 + 5[/dice]
dice=Damage/B] d6 [/dice]

Melee – Will use Club if Dagger less effective
dice=Attack/Dagger] d20 + 5[/dice]
dice=Damage/S or P] d4 [/dice]
dice=Attack/Club] d20 + 3[/dice]
dice=Damage/B] d6 [/dice]

SCHOOLS: Scrolls (3; Accounting Lore)

• Junk Tinker – You can make useful tools out of even twisted or rusted scraps. When using the Crafting skill to Craft, you can make level 0 items, including weapons but not armor, out of junk. This reduces the Price to one-quarter the usual amount but always results in a shoddy item. Shoddy items normally give a penalty, but you don’t take this penalty when using shoddy items you made. You can also incorporate junk to save money while you Craft any item. This grants you a discount on the item as if you had spent 1 additional day working to reduce the cost, but the item is obviously made of junk. At the GM’s discretion, this might affect the item’s resale value depending on the buyer’s tastes.

• Specialty Crafting – (Alchemy) Your training focused on Crafting one particular kind of item. Select one of the specialties listed on page 267; you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Crafting checks to Craft items of that type. If you are a master in Crafting, this bonus increases to +2. If it’s unclear whether the specialty applies, the GM decides. Some specialties might apply only partially. For example, if you were making a morningstar and had specialty in woodworking, the GM might give you half your bonus because the item requires both blacksmithing and woodworking.

CLASS: Alchemist
DEFENSES: Unarmored Defense (T), Light Armor (T)
ATTACKS: Simple Weapons (T), Unarmed Attacks (T), Alchemical Bombs (T)
CLASS: Quick Bomber – Single Action You keep your bombs in easy-to-reach pouches from which you draw without thinking. You Interact to draw a bomb, then Strike with it.

[Mod Skill (Prof) Prof + Lvl + Stat]
2 Acrobatics (-) 0 + 0 + 2
4 Arcana (-) 0 + 0 + 4
0 Athletics (-) 0 + 0 + 0
7 Crafting (T) 2 + 1 + 4 (+1 craft Alchemical items)
4 Deception (T) 2 + 1 + 1
1 Diplomacy (-) 0 + 0 + 1
1 Intimidation (-) 0 + 0 + 1
3 Medicine (T) 2 + 1 + 0
3 Nature (T) 2 + 1 + 0
7 Occultism (T) 2 + 1 + 4
1 Performance (-) 0 + 0 + 1
0 Religion (-) 0 + 0 + 0
4 Society (-) 0 + 0 + 4
5 Stealth (T) 2 + 1 + 2
3 Survival (T) 2 + 1 + 0
2 Thievery (-) 0 + 0 + 2
7 Accounting (T) 2 + 1 + 4
7 Guild Lore (T) 2 + 1 + 4
7 Mercantile (T) 2 + 1 + 4
7 Engineering (T) 2 + 1 + 4

Taldan (Common), Goblin, Dwarven, Orcish, Draconic, Halfling

RACE: Goblin
• Darkvision
• Irongut Goblin – You can subsist on food that most folks would consider spoiled. You can keep yourself fed with poor meals in a settlement as long as garbage is readily available, without using the Subsist downtime activity. You can eat and drink things when you are sickened. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against afflictions, against gaining the sickened condition, and to remove the sickened condition. When you roll a success on a Fortitude save affected by this bonus, you get a critical success instead. All these benefits apply only when the affliction or condition resulted from something you ingested.

CLASS: Alchemist
Research Field: Bomber – You specialize in explosions and other violent alchemical reactions. You start with the formulas for two 1st-level alchemical bombs in your formula book, in addition to your other formulas. When throwing an alchemical bomb with the splash trait, you can deal splash damage to only your primary target instead of the usual splash area.
Alchemy – You gain the Alchemical Crafting feat, even if you don’t meet that feat’s prerequisites, and you gain the four common 1st-level alchemical formulas granted by that feat. You can use this feat to create alchemical items as long as you have the items’ formulas in your formula book. (Alchemical Crafting – You can use the Craft activity to create alchemical items. When you select this feat, you immediately add the formulas for four common 1st-level alchemical items to your formula book.)
Infused Reagents – Each day during your daily preparations, you gain a number of batches of infused reagents equal to your level + your Intelligence modifier. You can use these reagents for either advanced alchemy or Quick Alchemy, described below. Together, these infused reagents have light Bulk. As soon as you make your next daily preparations, your infused reagents from the previous day’s preparations are instantly destroyed, and nonpermanent effects of your previous day’s infused items immediately end. While infused reagents are physical objects, they can’t be duplicated, preserved, or created in any way other than your daily preparations. Any such artificial reagents lack the infusion and are useless for advanced alchemy or Quick Alchemy.
Advanced Alchemy – During your daily preparations, after producing new infused reagents, you can spend batches of those infused reagents to create infused alchemical items. You don’t need to attempt a Crafting check to do this, and you ignore both the number of days typically required to create the items and any alchemical reagent requirements. Your advanced alchemy level is equal to your level. For each batch of infused reagents you spend, choose an alchemical item of your advanced alchemy level or lower that’s in your formula book, and make a batch of two of that item. These items have the infused trait and remain potent for 24 hours or until your next daily preparations, whichever comes first.
Quick Alchemy Single Action, Manipulate; Cost: 1 batch of infused reagents; Requirements: You have alchemist’s tools, the formula for the alchemical item you’re creating, and a free hand. You create a single alchemical item of your advanced alchemy level or lower that’s in your formula book without having to spend the normal monetary cost in alchemical reagents or needing to attempt a Crafting check. This item has the infused trait, but it remains potent only until the start of your next turn.

Formula Book:
Elixir of Life (Lesser)
Eagle Eye Elixir (Lesser)
Silvertongue Mutagen (Lesser)
Antidote (Lesser)
Antiplague (Lesser)
Bestial Mutagen (Lesser)
Bottled Lightening

• Padded Armor, L
• Dagger (2), L each
• Club, L
• Sling, L
• Sling Bullets (10), L
• Buckler, L
• Bedroll, L
• Chalk
• Mug
• Sheath (3)
• Belt Pouch
• Flint & Steel
• Signal Whistle
• Mirror
• Lantern, Hooded, L
• Oil Vials (3)
• Waterskin, L
• Backpack
• Clothing, Explorer (2), L
• Satchel, L
• Rations (1wk), L
• Pup Tent, L
• Soap
• Bandolier
• Healer’s Kit, 1
• Alchemist Tools, 1
• Basic Crafters Book, L
• Formula Book, L
• Minor Healing Potion (2, d8HP) (school item) L ea

Unencumbered: 5
Overburdened: 10
Total Carried: 3.9 (w/ Backpack 1.9)

COINS: 3gp, 8sp

Faction: Grand Archive Champion
Boon Slot 1:
Boon Slot 2:
Boon Slot 3:
Slotless Boons:

Faction Boons:
Grand Archive Champion (Faction; free starting boon)

Earned Boons: