
Claw's page

19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I'm thinking of trying to convert the Wormwood Mutiny for a 5th level party. (My players do not want to start over with 1st level PCs). It will probably be a decent amount of working leveling up the NPCs. Has anyone attempted this or have any suggestions? Also, are there any spells or higher level abilities that could present a problem for the storyline during the first twenty days or so?

One of my players wants to play a Paladin through the Shackled City AP. I told him that it is primarily dungeon and city based so a "mount" may not be much use to him. I also promised that I would look for an alternative to a mount. Does anyone know of any variants to a paladin taking a mount? Thank you in advance for any advice.

Congrats guys, everything about this book looks great- art, layout, maps, etc. etc. I just picked it up at my friendly local gamestore. I only had about 10 min. to flip through it before I had to go back to work, but I am impressed so far.

My only regret is that I can't dive into it until I get through the rest of the work day and put my daughter to bed. So looks like I will be up very late reading tonight!

Sorry, I do not have the new Greyhawk maps that appeared in Dungeon recently. I only have the maps from the original box set back in the 80s. I heard somewhere that it was by "Sasserine"? But I couldn't find that city on my old maps, so if someone could let me know a landmark or country, that would be much appreciated. thanks