Cimarron Kinsel's page

No posts. Organized Play character for eMagdAeH.

Full Name





Fighter (Two-Handed Fighter)








True Neutral




Common, Kelish

Strength 20
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 7
Wisdom 7
Charisma 7

About Cimarron Kinsel

Cimarron began life at a disadvantage from the start. He was a very large fetus born to a relatively small woman. Labor became a troubled process in that she was unable to pass him by standard means. The labor also started when his mother and father were traveling, far from anyone who possessed magical abilities to heal. A cesarean section had to be performed by his father once it was clear he would not be delivered vaginally. Due to complications and a lack of healer his mother did not survive the surgery. Cimarron was also left without oxygen for too long during the labor process leaving his mental faculties permanently damaged.

His father was not aware of the mental damage for several years, but he harbored some resentment towards Cimarron from his wife’s death during labor. When it became clear Cimarron was not developing as fast as his peers his father became more and more frustrated, only deepening his father’s resentment. The final straw came in that while Cimarron’s mental faculties were far delayed his physical development was extremely over-exaggerated. He dwarfed all other children his age by several inches, but more importantly he demonstrated a significant innate strength. The problem came in that Cimarron never developed mentally beyond that of a 4 year hold. When you couple this with his increasing size and strength you’re left with what equates to a Great Dane puppy…a complete lack of spatial awareness, no concept of his own strength and size, and an adventurous nature. He began destroying most things he laid his hands on accidentally. This was the final straw for Cimarron’s father. At the age of 8, he was abandoned by his father.

Initially, this was, of course, a very traumatic event for Cimarron. Finally, though, there was a benefit to be seen in his stunted development. He was easily distractible and had a very poor memory. It is difficult to have any kind of meaningful conversation with Cimarron, but within a couple of months even a careful observer would note that there was no more stress from being abandoned.

Jumping forward a decade or so and we find Cimarron now fully grown. He is a massive man, but still with the mental faculties of a 4 year old. As he grew he never did learn self-control or a concept for his strength. He did learn some awareness for his size, though, after many a bumped head and bruised shoulders running through a doorway. He also somehow managed to develop a fondness for tiny creatures, particularly when they are fuzzy. This is the only case when Cimarron understands the concept of gentle touch. He also somehow managed to get his hands on a very large warhammer. No one knows where he got it, but by its design it is clear it was once possessed by another exceptionally strong man who was likely a soldier. Now, Cimarron carries this with him everywhere he goes. The last person to try to take it away was the village blacksmith to look over its quality. Cimarron, again not understanding his strength began to lash out swinging his hammer around the blacksmith’s shop. The shop did not survive.

Cimarron has become more mobile these days. He’s constantly wandering off and chasing small fuzzy creatures. He tends to hop from groups and towns fairly frequently. Most find him endearing with a compliment of pity for his clear deficits. So, he’s taken in by kind families and adopted by small villages. But, inevitably, he will wander off again and get lost with no concept of how to return to his last “home.” His various adopting families are often unable to find him easily, and are apt to not look very hard once the level of destruction he can produce is really felt. Thus, we find him here, with the current bunch of heroes where maybe his hammer can do some good.