
Cicero Halungalom's page

1 post. Alias of Smaug the Terrible.

Full Name

Cicero Halungalom (Also known as Rodderick Sarini)




Level 1 Oracle of the Dark Tapestry






?? Only Cicero knows, but he isn't telling

Special Abilities

Cloak of Darkness 1 hour/day, Gift of Madness 7/day


Chaotic Evil






Common, Gnome, Slyvan, Aklo



Strength 12
Dexterity 16
Constitution 18
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 18

About Cicero Halungalom

Cicero Halungalom (Also known as Rodderick Sarini)

CE small humanoid (Gnome)

Init +3 , Perception +3

AC 17, touch 14, flat footed 14 (3 armor, 3 DEX, 1 size) (+4 giants)

HP: 12

Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +3 (+2 illusions and fear)

Cold resistance 2

Speed 20ft (base 20ft)

Sickle +2 (+3 goblin/reptile subtype) (1d4+1/x2)

Sling +4 (+5 goblin/reptile subtype) (1d3+1/x2)

Size +1, Base Atk +0, CMB -1, CMD 11,

Level 0 14
Level 1 15

Level 0s known
Detect Magic
Mage Hand
Ghost Sound

Level 1s known
Cause Fear
Inflict Light wounds

Special Quality's
Dark Tapestry mystery
Haunted curse (gnome favorited class bonus)
1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, and speak with animals. DC 14

Extra Revelation
Glimpse Beyond
You have glimpsed the madness at the edges of reality.

Prerequisite: You must have faced an undead, evil outsider, or aberration with a CR greater than your level +4, or have the Raised Among the Dead or The Dead One background. (The leader of Cicero's temple may or may not have been a Lich)

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks to identify the vulnerabilities and powers of aberrations, Knowledge (planes) checks to identify the vulnerabilities and powers of evil outsiders, and Knowledge (religion) checks to identify the vulnerabilities and powers of undead, and you can make such checks untrained. If you have 10 or more ranks in any of these Knowledge skills, the bonus increases to +4 for the appropriate skill. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on saves against fear effects.

Goal: Be killed or driven insane (as determined by the GM) by an aberration, evil outsider, or undead. This leaves your mind permanently marked.

Completion Benefit: Any sane creature that attempts to read your thoughts takes 1d6 points of Wisdom damage (Will DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Charisma modified negates). In addition, the effect of any ability damage, ability drain, or penalty to your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is halved (minimum 1). You take a —2 penalty on Will saving throws. Whenever you roll a save against a mind-affecting effect, roll twice and keep the better result.

In his training at the temple of Lamashtu Cicero saw things that would boil any other man's mind. Luckily he was left with madness.

DC 14
Cloak of Darkness 1 hour/day
Gift of Madness 7/day

Disguise +8
Diplomacy +8
Stealth +12
Intimidate +8
Perception +3
Profession (courtesan) +2
Bluff +5
Knowledge (nobility) +2 (no rank yet)
Knowledge (religion) +6

Studded Leather 10lbs, sickle 1lbs, sling, 10 sling ammo 5lbs, Disguise kit 8lbs, courtiers outfit 6lbs, cold weather outfit,

128gp 8sp


Fast-Talker: You had a knack at getting yourself into trouble as a child, and as a result developed a silver tongue at an early age. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks, and Bluff is always a class skill for you.

Child of the Temple: You have long served at a temple in a city, and not only did you pick up on many of the nobility's customs, you spent much time in the temple libraries studying your faith. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nobility) and Knowledge (religion) checks, and one of these skills (nobility) is always a class skill for you.

Northern Ancestry: One of your parents came from the North, and the tales of the frozen lands at the top of the world that you grew up listening to excited your imagination. Alternatively, maybe one of your ancestors passed on the blood of some frost-rimed creature. You feel most alive during the chill of winter, and as a child, you spent hours playing in the snow. You rarely feel the cold, and you've always had a restless longing to travel north. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves, as well as cold resistance 2; this resistance does not stack with cold resistance gained from any other source.

Cicero, where to begin? A gnome born into a cult, quick to succumb to madness, a fantastic lier. All the ingredients for a noble of Cheliax, too bad Cicero isn't a noble. Cicero left his family (not his beliefs or madness) to be a noble. Cicero left for Egorian in an attempt to make himself a long lost member of House Sarini. Under the name of Rodderick he made a name for himself in the smaller courts, until house Sarini saw through his disguise and ordered the imposter to be executed. (The murders he committed to get where he was didn't help) Luckily Cicero was skilled in the art of lies (and madness). Cicero caused two of the guards to run away in fear, one fainted of fright, and the others saw the little gnome simply disappear.

Cicero now lives in the outskirts of the Golarion, waiting to make his comeback.