About Chrysanthemum GabbroChrysanthemum Gabbro is a quorlu with a fascinating pattern of crystals across her back. She looks like a mobile rock with three arms, three legs, and three eye stalks. Wearing heavy armor, she clomps around rather gracefully none the less. With her stilted and formal language, she is obviously still learning the cultural nuances of the greater universe. Chrysanthemum is a vanguard battleflower, who usually charges into battle both literally and figuratively and likes pushing people around. Quorlu Icon Vanguard Battleflower 7
Close Combat When you hit an adjacent foe with a melee attack, as long as you are adjacent to that target, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your AC against attacks from other creatures that are not adjacent to you until the beginning of your next turn. Enhanced Resistance Improved Combat Maneuver (Bull Rush) Choose one combat maneuver (bull rush, dirty trick, disarm, grapple, reposition, sunder, or trip). You gain a +4 bonus to your attack roll to resolve that combat maneuver. Step Up Whenever an adjacent foe attempts to take a guarded step away from you, you can also take a guarded step as a reaction as long as you end up adjacent to the foe that triggered this ability. Step Up and Strike When using the Step Up feat to follow an adjacent foe, you can move up to 10 feet. You can also either make an attack of opportunity against the foe, or wait to see if the foe provokes another attack of opportunity at any point before the end of its turn. Either way, this attack of opportunity does not count toward the number of actions you can usually take each round; it is part of the Step Up reaction. Through the Lines When taking the charge action, you can move through one ally’s space. All other restrictions on movement during a charge still apply, and you can’t end your charge in a space occupied by an ally. Weapon Specialization (basic melee, advanced melee, small arms) You gain specialization in that weapon type, which means you add your character level to damage with the selected weapon type, or half your character level for small arms or operative melee weapons. You can never have specialization in grenades. --- Special Abilities:
Special Abilities
Save DC 19; Skill DC 25 Entropic Pool (Ex) You have the supernatural ability to control matter as it changes states, allowing you to arrest, accelerate, or even reverse the typical course of events. This energy takes the form of a pool of Entropy Points (EP). You can have a maximum number of EP in your entropic pool equal to your Constitution modifier. You can gain Entropy Points only when involved in a combat encounter that includes a significant enemy (Starfinder Core Rulebook 242). When combat begins, you gain 1 Entropy Point at the beginning of your first action; at the end of combat, you lose any Entropy Points you have remaining. In addition to methods granted by vanguard aspects, you can gain Entropy Points in the followings ways. Entropy Points can be expended in various ways, some of which you gain through vanguard aspects and disciplines. As long as you have at least 1 Entropy Point in your entropic pool, you gain a +1 enhancement bonus to your Armor Class. Aspect Insight: Momentum (Ex) You gain Improved Combat Maneuver (bull rush) as a bonus feat and a +2 insight bonus to Culture checks. Aspect Embodiment: Momentum (Ex) Once per combat, when you move a distance greater than your normal speed in one turn (using multiple move actions, the run full action, or a bonus to speed that allows you to move beyond your normal maximum), you can gain 1 Entropy Point without taking any additional action. Shield Proficiency (Ex) Vanguards automatically gain proficiency with Shields at 1st level. Mitigate (Ex) You can control how you are affected by damage or effects that alter damage. As a reaction when you take damage, you can spend 1 Entropy Point to reduce the damage you take by an amount equal to your vanguard level (to a minimum of 0 damage). If you do, you can’t gain any Entropy Points from that attack. Additionally, as a swift action, you can remove any DR or energy resistance you have, or the AC benefit of any ability or spell that increases your AC. If the effect granting DR or energy resistance has a duration, this ends the effect entirely for you. If you end an AC benefit, that AC benefit is ended for the duration of the effect. If the ability does not normally have a duration, you suspend the listed benefits until the beginning of your next turn. Additionally, whenever you first come under the effect of an ability or spell that grants you DR, energy resistance, or a bonus to AC, you can waive that benefit of the effect. Discipline: Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save against an effect that normally has a partial effect on a successful save, you instead take no effect. You gain this benefit only when unencumbered and wearing light armor or no armor, and you lose the benefit when you are helpless or otherwise unable to move. Discipline: Entropic Charge (Su) When you charge, you can attempt any combat maneuver for which you have the Improved Combat Maneuver feat in place of the normal melee attack. In addition, you can forgo gaining an Entropy Point for charging to ignore the normal charge penalties to your attack and AC, and to gain the ability to charge through difficult terrain. Reactive (Ex) Once per day, you can take an additional reaction during a single round, though you can still take only one reaction per triggering event. You can take a reaction before the first time you act in a combat, but not in a surprise round in which you are unable to act. Weapon Specialization (Ex) You gain the Weapon Specialization feat as a bonus feat for each weapon type with which this class grants you proficiency. You also gain a special form of weapon specialization for your entropic strike, allowing you to add a bonus to your damage equal to your vanguard class level plus half of any other class levels you have. Entropic Attunement (Su) As you learn to exert finer control over your entropic strike, you can enhance it to devastating effect. The saving throw DC for any of these effects that allow a saving throw is equal to 10 + half your vanguard level + your Constitution modifier. At 5th level, choose one of the following weapon special properties: breach, bright, feint, force, or penetrating. Once made, this choice can be changed only when you gain a new vanguard level. As long as you have at least 1 Entropy Point, your entropic strike has the chosen special property. At 7th level, choose one of the following critical hit effects: corrode (1d8 for every 3 vanguard levels you have), knockdown, or staggered. Once made, this choice can be changed only when you gain a new vanguard level. Your entropic strike gains this critical hit effect as long as you have at least 1 Entropy Point. If your entropic strike has another critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can choose either the entropic attunement critical hit effect or the other critical hit effect. Alternatively, you can expend 1 Entropy Point to apply both critical hit effects. Uncanny Agility You are immune to the flat-footed condition, and your opponent doesn’t gain any bonuses to attack rolls against you from flanking you or attacking you when you’re prone. Furthermore, covering fire and harrying fire don’t provide any advantage against you. Battleflower Training: Close Combat (Ex) Choose one of the following feats for which you meet the prerequisites as a bonus feat: Advanced Melee Weapon Proficiency, Bodyguard, Close Combat, Improved Combat Maneuver, Improved Unarmed Strike, Jet Dash, or Special Weapon Proficiency. If you choose a feat that grants weapon proficiency, you also gain Weapon Specialization as a bonus feat at 3rd level for the selected weapon or weapon type.
--- Bot me!:
Chrysanthemum charges into battle to get more EP. Full attack when reasonable. Mitigate high damage, as long as she gets an EP out of it.
[dice=Entropic strike]d20 +10[/dice] for [dice=Acid Bludgeoning Force]2d6+13[/dice] [dice=Entropic strike, reach]d20 +10[/dice] for [dice=Acid Bludgeoning Force]2d6+13[/dice] [dice=Entropic strike, full 1]d20 +10-4[/dice] for [dice=Acid Bludgeoning Force]2d6+13[/dice] [dice=Entropic strike, full 2]d20 +10-4[/dice] for [dice=Acid Bludgeoning Force]2d6+13[/dice] [dice=azimuth laser pistol]d20 +10[/dice] for [dice=fire]1d4+3[/dice] ([dice=critical burn]1d4[/dice])