
Christopher St. Claire's page

21 posts. Alias of The Indescribable.

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So, the basic idea is we're all friends in real life, a gamer group playing D&D when we get transferred to a new world. We DO NOT become our characters.

You might change species or gender, but you are still yourselves. If I did this it would be entirely based on backstory, where you landed, what kind of opportunities you had, etc. So the guy who usually plays paladins might get dumped into slums and have to fight and steal to survive and become part of the local thieves guild and become a rogue.

Or maybe they rescue a passing noble who arranges them to have the best combat training and become a fighter, so on and so on.

Does this appeal to anybody?

The party is a bunch of bored rich nobles who get it in their heads to start adventuring. They are low level NPC classes and stats with a ludicrous starting budget to buy magic items, like armor, staves, rods, potions, airships etc

You're not like the heroes of the past, your great deeds aren't on the battlefield but in the pay per view arena.

You're enemies aren't evil sorcerers wishing to take over an ancient kingdom, you fight for fame and glory, slaying monsters for fabulous prizes. Welcome to Xcrawl

looking for one or two players for sunday 3pm central standard time

This adventure will be an introduction to the setting for all but one player and I have pregens available.

Pretty much says it all except 3 pm Central standard time

I'm ready to start up an Xcrawl Campaign, it has some spells specific to it so I need to figure out whether to allow specific spells onto the alchemist list. I need criteria on what constitutes an alchemist extract, anybody have this?

hp 39/43 AC 17

It's been days, days trekking through the jungle, fighting off cultists and jaguar looking tabaxi. You've frozen at night when the rain made things cold and the firewood was too wet to light. It's been grueling but you've survived, in the distance she sits on a throne of stone, the only illumination the to braziers next to her and the stars above. She's flanked by two tabaxis with bows and ten are in formation providing a path for you to follow, spears held in their arms. They make no move to attack you.

hp 39/43 AC 17

Go ahead and check in

This +1 arrow is crafted from human bone.

When it strikes a target, all mindless undead within 300 feet are compelled to attack the creature struck. This effect ignores the immunity to mind-affecting effects normally granted by the undead creature type. Undead under the control of another creature can be forced to ignore this command if their master succeeds at a DC 11 caster level check. Sentient undead are unaffected. The compulsion lasts for 1 minute, after which the undead revert to their normal behavior.

So, my friend and I are having a disagreement. I think it's saying that the necromancer casting the command undead has to roll a DC11 check, my friend thinks it's DC 11 plus caster level.

Can anybody confirm if it's a mistake or not?

This thread is dedicated to becoming a better DM, and it's for all DM's not just me. I have realized that I want to work on various aspects of DMing to help get them down before the next time I try running an adventure or campaign, my first thought on this, is making interesting encounters. Interesting boss fights, with interesting characters. Eventually I'll design a short adventure to help smooth out my story telling, etc. So, any takers on wanting to fight an amazonian jungle queen? It will just be some fights, nothing more right now. And if there's an aspect of your DMing style you want to try and fix or nail down, I encourage you to post in here too.

Okay, so basic idea is this. Flat Earthers are right.The earth is a disc, but there's another side to that coin. On that side magic is real and much stronger than on our side of the coin. Consider us very very low fantasy while the other side is standard fantasy. The US military, nasa, etc are all part of the conspiracy to keep us from being idiots and going to stir up a war with a bunch of dragons, dwarves, etc.

You are a small specially trained unit, getting ready to leave through the main passage to the other side, a hole at the bottom of Cheyenne Mountain Complex. You're job is to blend in with the locals and scout around. You of course become adventurers. You've trained in magic via spellbooks brought back by previous expeditions, you've trained in the art of melee with axes, shields etc, but there are limitations in the classes that are pickable for reasons that should be obvious. Good luck trying to be a cleric when you aren't a worshipper of one of the gods. Or a paladin, or shaman, etc. Most divine spell casting classes are of the table at the start of the game, similarly, so are any races that aren't humans given all the elves and such are on the other side of the coin.

I will probably give you more starting gold to furbish yourself with starting gear. In addition, you will be allowed to carry side arms for emergencies.

I'll go through the classes and give you a full list of available classes if enough interest is shown. I also may allow one person to be a native to the other side with access to the restricted races and classes.

While the Legendary heroes are away, the mice will play, or more accurately, everything will go straight to s$%&. You spent your life preparing for thrilling adventure and riches, and when an army invaded and you had the chance to prove your mettle, you went to the other side of the country with every other Tom, Dick and Harry.

Now far from the war you're one of hundreds of refugees living outside the walls of Last Home where the heroes who saved your country were trained by their predecessors. The conditions have caused crime to rise, food shortages, and increasing tensions with a local orc tribe. Luckily, the town guard has decided to expand it's numbers to deal with the current problems, and better yet, you will be paid with food, something you're sorely lacking.

What could go wrong?

So, the conceit is that a massive new dungeon has been found and you by luck of being in the area get to be one of the first wave of explorers to try and eke out your fortune. But there's something very unusual about this dungeon. It's upside down. Oh, and did I forget to mention, it's an actual country. Or at least, it was. Several millenia back it was the site of a powerful curse. To the things born there, the country is rightside up of course, and many species that weren't have adapted. For you on the other hand, every step will be a challenge, after all, how are you going to travel when the sky is below you?

You are normal everyday people, you have been kidnapped and enslaved. You are forced into an arena and trained to be adventurers. But your training is stunted. You are trained in what they want you trained in. Wizards are taught only the spells that they want them to cast. The rogue isn't taught to pickpocket or be stealthy. They have taken away the greatest tools you have for escape and put you in a dungeon they've built inside an arena. How will you and your comrades in arms escape when they've taught you everything you know, but not everything they know?

Welcome young uns, please dot underneath

This game is in simple terms running through at least the first two We be goblins. I say at least because This game may turn into something else before we get to the we be goblins too or free.

I'm currently running through kingdom building rules with the idea to run a game based on a tribe sending out it's heroes to found a sister tribe, or them being the survivors of their tribe looking for somewhere new to settle.

The build rules are you'll be starting as NPC classes. Your goblins have just grown to adulthood and are being let out of the whelping cages for the first time so you have no specialized training. You should have a pretty good idea which NPC class most closely matches which PC class. If you're not sure, ask.

Stats are 15 point buy

Level 1

1 trait, no extra from drawbacks

10 starting gold. (Goblins have little use for money and you being almost children means you're destitute.)

Write a goblin song about your goblin. It can be short or long but it's important to this first adventure.

So, I have an interesting quandry. I've set my character up to start multiclassing into a wizard. The plan had been to become an Arcane Trickster, but now I am both living and undead so I've decided I must delve deep into necromancy in an attempt to cure myself. In case I feel I need ways to heal, especially since I'm getting half effect from positive energy now. (I love my GM, he's so creative.) Anybody know some wizard spells that can help me out with healing? (provided I don't end up taking half damage from negative energy spells.)


You six have been gathered by the Baroness in an attempt to help her friend Ranveer succeed in his new career after she successfully lobbied for him to be allowed to participate as something other than a monster.

She has paid for your lodgings but has made it clear that in the future it will be left up to you to provide your own lodgings. She briefly introduces you to each other before taking her leave.

The agent smiles at you as he holds the contract out. "I'm telling you, you sign on with me and we're both going to be very, very rich. So what do you say kid? You wanna be famous?

Xcrawl is a game of superstar adventurers. Get sponsored, give endorsements and get famous as you battle your way through the North American Empire's favorite game show/blood sport.

Recruitment is for 3 to 5 players.

Level 3.

500 starting gold plus 50 for every point of charisma bonus modifier.
(you also take away 50 for every negative charisma bonus modifier)

20 point buy

All Paizo classes as well as Xcrawl classes are available with the exception of gunslinger and any archetypes that make your character focus on guns. They're illegal in the crawl.

For a comprehensive list of items available for purchase please see the Core Rulebook. This includes slight changes to the races in the form of background skills, as well as new and altered skills.

For futher reading on the world please have a look at the following if you want to know more.

Original Core Rulebook

Sellout, original player's handbook

The Guild Sourcebook

In addition there are certain spells that are illegal to know and/or restricted.

Regulated Divine Spells
2nd—desecrate, undetectable
alignment, lesser planar ally
3rd—animate dead
5th—ethereal jaunt, unhallow
6th—geas/quest, scrying

Banned Arcane Spells
2nd—detect thoughts
4th—detect scrying, scrying,
lesser geas
5th—lesser planer binding,
animate dead
6th—planar binding, geas/quest
7th—sequester, greater scrying,
control undead, ethereal jaunt,
plane shift
8th—mind blank, greater planer
binding, trap the soul, clone, screen,
binding, etherealness
9th—gate, wish, astral projection

Division 3 crawlers may carry up to 5 potions, one suit of magical armor or protective device such as bracers of armor, one shield, three wondrous items, and two magical rings per crawler. Spell casters may carry up to one wand, one magical rod or staff and up to ten Spell Levels worth of scrolls for their own use.

and remember, if you die, you die.

Do I still run Masterwork crafting seperately?

Also, are half of the used materials ruined in one week's mess up, or is it half of total? By which I mean assume check is 14 and target number is 20 so that progress failed, does he lose half the total price of the item, or does he lose half of 280?

Welcome all. The first thing to do is to figure out some things about your clan, traditions and such. Any ideas?


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Your village destroyed. Your elders murdered. Only you four survived. Forced to run, to hide, you found yourselves in a new land. They may come for you, your only choices are prepare or die unless you wish to abandon everything your clan started. What are four kids to do?

This is an evolution of my desire to run a criminal organization game. All Paizo classes are welcome. All Paizo material can be used if you give me a link.

Unchained rules used will be automatic progression, background skills, alternative poison and disease rules.

Preference will be given to characters who fit the theme of the campaign. For instance wizards geared towards stealth, but be mindful some classes I don't see working well such as barbarian or gunslinger. Prove me wrong! Any takers?

I wanted to check on interest in this type of game, you will be low level members of a gang, possibly the muckrakers of absalom, setting to be.

Character creation rules are yet to be decided but one of the requirements will be to give a career path for your criminal. I'll look for characters with similar goals like Robin Hood and his Merry Men, I could pair him with a bloodthirsty assassin but that would include much arguing.

I am considering running a horror themed pathfinder game, most likely it will just be a single adventure that I will write. I will also restrict players to NPC classes. I want you to fear for your character. I want you to know you're likely not going to survive. And so I want you weaker than the standard classes.

Any interest?

Due to what appears to be serious time issues for the GM, I've announced my intention to leave a game at a thematically appropriate time. (When we're not stuck in a cave or when I die basically) But I need a bit of help, I want to stop receiving notices from it once I actually leave. Anybody know how?

I'm planning on making a character with an apprentice, to teach the apprentice I was figuring on using the lulls at night when I could do things like make scrolls and such, to be teaching said apprentice, any idea on how to represent this in game? I keep thinking there's rules for this but I can't find any. I'm thinking the retraining rules would the right place to start but nothing's clicking.

Male Dwarf Korak


Male Dwarf Korak

Welcome evil doers! Now let's get down to business. We need to discuss how in depth we're willing to go with the evulz. So, there is a scene dependant upon human sacrifice. Do we have a problem with the doctors getting graphic in a torture situation? Is there anybody who considers their character a possible rapist?

You weren't some magnificent criminal mastermind, you were scum, slavers, rapists, heretics and worse. The one thing all of you had in common? You were caught and now your hearts burn with vengeance towards the royal family.

Classes: Gunslingers are out. Classes like Ninja and Samurai I'm willing to allow but there are no allowances for them in game, that's your decision. Unchained classes are allowed. If you can provide me a copy to peruse I'm willing to look at any 3rd party class. I have multiple classes from Interjection Games, The sanguine Disciple, Herbalist, and Brewmaster are given the thumbs up. You're characters will start out with 2 NPC class levels indicative of the class they choose these will be retrained at appropriate times allowing you to reach your level 20 capstone.

Starting gear and gold: Nada, nothing, Zilch, bupkis, zero. Don't like it tough, you start out as prisoners.

Stats 25 point buy, Nothing higher than an eighteen or lower than a 10 prior to racial adjustments.

Traits 1 campaign 1 choice. So long as it is sufficiently dastardly background I am willing to work with you if nothing fits the character you want to make.

Maps: Unless somebody wants to make them for me it's theater of the mind. I suck with setting up interactive maps.

Skills: Unchained Background skills will be allowed. For that matter we'll also be using a variation on the alternate Poison Rules. We'll not be using the track but all poisons will do damage DC-10 divided by 2 HP damage on top of their normal effects.

Specifically be careful what you wish for. It's on my mind and I'm considering making a kind of genie kin, the classic 3 wishes lamp kind for pathfinder. Now, in many myths these wishes come at a price and that's what I want to do. So for this I'm thinking Genie's have no concept of mortal laws. I wish for a horse, bam, might want to run, the inn's missing a mare, I want a big house, poof, it's done, until the owner brings the sheriff to his door and asks why you're in his house, I want money, poof, pouch after pouch of coins fill your small hut, pressing against windows, cracking them and spilling out, at least some of the owners of this coin can prove it due to coats of arms and such.

How would you handle the price of a wish?

I know the basics so let's skip the primary and secondary rules set, I specically need to know whether or not they take penalties for multiple natural attacks in a full attack action if everything's primary.

I've been looking for the rules on enchanting it, please help it's been driving me up the wall.

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Seriously, why? If you already know who you're playing with, why make a recruitment thread you don't need, and if you forget to post closed recruitment, all you're doing is getting people's hopes up for a game that the second they click on they get told NO you can't play, so why clutter up the threads?

I don't remember where I saw this, but I'm sure I did, it allows you to learn one extra language through study, instead of putting a feat in for linguistics.

Does anybody know this, and remember where it came from so I can consult the source?

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I have recently started looking at purchasing a 3rd party supplement to the technology guide, and it got me interested. See I'm planning on starting a campaign of way of the wicked and I started thinking if this had a similar crash event to Numeria then I could institute the technology guide and this book I'm currently drooling over.

But before I do the work for this, I need opinions on 1. Whether the technology is game breaking, and 2 are there enough spots for me to properly tech up Talingarde. My initial thoughts are that the horn isn't just an old occult temple, but the remains of a biology lab that you have to set up to make a mystically enhanced and negating super virus. I can use the technology archetypes on various characters to help, the area outside the watch wall is part garbage dump allowing the hordes to use some of the augmentations rules from Fantastic Technology etc etc. What do you guys think? One of the things I'm thinking is the area is saturated with Nanites giving the ships AI Mitra god like abilities in the area of Talingarde.

This is ONLY an interest check, I am not ready and will not start recruiting for this until I'm finished with running a few players through the We Be Goblins modules and they will likely have first crack at the spots.

The basics are this, you are not going to be stuck with NPC classes. I'm thinking of sticking you at level 3 or 4 npc class at the beginning. I want to force you to think smarter, there are areas of downtime where you will be allowed to retrain a class level to something appropriate

we will use variant adepts to flavor for various classes. You're npc levels will be determined by your initial concept, cleric, of course adept, wizard, a variant adept, cleric, antipaladin, adept/warrior, bard/rogue expert, etc etc etc.

So when I'm done with these modules, (at current rate I'm thinking a month) would anybody be interested?

Liberty's Edge

Some time ago I wished to create an Overlord the video games conversion, I ended the project because I didn't want to post my minion mechanic on here so that Paizo could have it. Well I'm back to it, though this time it's not based on the game and so I'd like ideas on what you think would make the best Overlord. I'm considering a scaling leadership feat from maybe level 2 or 3 giving a pool of minions that need to be infiltrated into existing heirachies in preperation for the Overlord's rise to power?

My second idea is to just set it up as a set of loyal generals of the same level and making the class for solo adventuring.

Liberty's Edge

I'm currently running a group through the goblins modules and though not a first time GM I'm not an experienced one, I'm thinking of starting a game of Way of the Wicked when we're done. As I thought about possible build rules an idea struck me. I want to use NPC classes.

I want them to have been normal folks, or still in training when they were caught with their pants down. I've found variant adepts so here's what I need, I need the communities knowledge on the characters in books I haven't bought yet. Druids, wizard's, etc. I'm looking at this mainly because a wizard had a master, druid was likely part of a circle, I want to build them in a way they're more tightly woven to the story.

So a list of characters and their basic personality would be great. Can you guys help me out?

I don't come looking for help often so I'd appreciate it with this issue, I am currently running a module not built for the number of players I have. Thanks to an eidolon built for melee I'm treating the party as +1 APL, now, I need to change a creature to become more of a threat for said party, I want them to have a fighting chance but I also don't intend for them to run rough shod over the encounter.

I think the best way to do this is to create an ambush set up, I was thinking the creature will have a slam attack that it does from ambush in the trees if it goes unnoticed.

Thoughts on if this is advisable? And if so, how do I treat this change mechanically while upping the CR?

I'm looking to run a game I thought of some time ago and I'm looking for a generator to help create the encounters. I need it to be highly customizable. For instance, the beginning of the campaign would be the characters mentors sending them out on a mission to hunt down something that's been killing the town's livestock.

I need to be able to choose templates and enemy types, and it give me options for the CR I input. For instance my first thought for this was wolves, but wolves hunt in packs and will take out first level characters, so I make them young, just before reaching full maturity. Now I've built this encounter the old fashioned way, but I will to a degree be making this as we play.

So do you guys know any generators that will get the job done?

Male Dwarf Korak

For us all to share ideas. If you're familiar with the adventure you may note I've changed scribbleface a bit. He's now a wizard. I'm prepping things for a longer campaign in case we end up going that route.

Male Dwarf Korak

You are goblins of the Licktoad tribe, who live deep in Brinestump Marsh, south of the hated man-town called Sandpoint. Once, other goblins tried to burn Sandpoint down, and they would have been legends if they had succeeded. But they didn’t bring enough fire, and got themselves killed as a result. Yesterday, your tribe discovered that one of your own had been using forbidden arts and was engaged in one of the greatest of taboos—writing things down. In fact, rumor holds that what he was writing was a history of your tribe!

There’s no swifter way to bring about bad luck than stealing words out of your mind by writing them down, and so your tribe had no choice. You surprised him outside his house and killed his toad. You branded his face with letters to punish him, which is why everyone calls him Scribbleface now, and then you ran him out of town, took all of his stuff, and burned down his hut.

That’s where things got interesting, because before you all burned down his hut, Chief Gutwad found a weird box within the building. Inside was a map and a lot of fireworks—fireworks that immediately came to use in burning the hut down. Then, this morning, Gutwad announced that tonight there would be a feast in order to drive out any lingering bad luck from the wizard’s poor decisions. But perhaps even more exciting, all of you have been secretly invited to meet at Chief Gutwad’s Moot House. Why would the chief want to speak to you? It can only mean that he’s got an important mission for you all... one that the other goblins of the tribe couldn’t pull off. This could be your chance to go down in Licktoad history!

The rules, don't expect a full on campaign, be level one, and be a mix of stupid and crazy!

Choose one of four pregens or build your very own goblin hero!

Prepare for love, action, adventure, fire!

Any species may apply, but anything not a goblin will be eaten!

Sign up to get your free dog slicer today!

Serious S$$$:
Though if all goes well, I'll continue through We be Goblins Too, and We be Goblins Free, (once it's available) and if we're all having a good time, I may see what I can think up for a full campaign.

Hello all, I turn to the community with this because I know that many of you know far more than I do, I seek to make a character who's whole schtick is surprise. He looks more like a normal person than your usual heavily armored adventurer.

I was hoping you guys could help me nail down the best weapons to use for this, what exactly constitutes bulky clothing, etc, and yes, I have looked at other hidden master threads, the ones I saw were still geared to a primary fighter, somebody who was going looking for trouble or in some cases, just the best way to sneak weapons in where they shouldn't be, (which I still want to do.)

My preferred classes for this build in order are Monk, rogue, ninja. ninja would fit well but doesn't have much support. Okay, basically none.

I'm looking at monk as the base simply because, again, I don't want him to be an obvious adventurer so armor is a problem thus the monk's AC bonus is important to me though still something I can get rid of with the right build.

Right now my considered weapons are staff for blunt damage, (and can look like a walking stick) Tube arrow shooters, (not sure how many, opinions?) Considering using armored scarfs and hidden pocket scarf for various things. Dagger is obvious, etc, thoughts?

I've been wanting to play a construct for a bit now, Using the race rules I've started building a culture of them and want opinions. To a degree what I'm looking at is a flesh golem mixed with a clockwork. My idea is more machine than man which is meant to make a more cohesive society than a bunch of crackpots who cyberized themselves.

At first that's exactly how they started. Various kooks took advantage of emerging tech. They were shunned causing many to band together. Given the relative classes such people would have they made constructs for physical protection. Thanks to low birth rates, (few women capable of bearing children thanks to the mish mash of races, romantic compatibility, and machines being too close to, or replacing their reproductive organs) they started building more advanced constructs, thanks to their knowledge of flesh-crafting and lack of proper materials thanks to their shunning, they started recycling their (and ours) dead.

This wasn't enough so they continued refining their techniques until they succeeded in hybridizing the flesh and clockwork into a sustainable race. They and their society advanced until they were mostly constructs building constructs with a smattering of true organics and crackpots from the outside world who grafted mechanisms into themselves.

This is the sketch of how their society evolved. I'm looking for logical aspects to their society and an answer to whether they're too much construct for the half construct subtype. Oh, and what would you use for racial traits?

Full Name

Wrath of a Summer Storm


Fruit Leshy












Stag Mother of the Forest of Stones

Strength 18
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 10

About Wrath of a Summer Storm

Looks like a somewhat ragged rambutan tree trained to be a cylindrical bush

Wrath was one of several fruit leshies captured by the Aspis Consortium, who harvested their fruit to use for alchemical research - trying to improve Elixirs of Life, or make them cheaper to produce. The Aspis saw the leshies as harmless, so they forced the leshies to engage in one-on-one gladiatorial combat for their amusement. The Aspis taught the leshies to use all of their weapons for this purpose. After several months of this, Wrath realized "We can take them!", and led them in a revolt, wiping out the Aspis location. Wrath went on to join the Pathfinder Society.