Christopher Simmons's page

4 posts (15 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


TriOmegaZero wrote:
I'm working on filling out my collection of Dungeon and Dragon magazines, and this is the only stumbling block for the current selection I'm trying to find. Does anyone have a copy they are looking to get rid of?

E-Mail me at I think I have it. I'll need to double check when I get home.

As is often the case with pathfinder for me, I made some assumptions on how something works and then in mid-game found out it's different.

1) Determining the properties of a magic item now works off of appraise?

2) However, you need to use detect magic to performt the task?

Then, as I see, identify isn't required, but adds a +10 to the check.

3) Can this task be performed untrained?

4) Can you take 10?

5) Can you take 20?

So plenty of new spells offer permanency. But, when I flipped to the "P's" there was ... no spell entry.

Is this spell being reworked?

Rhewtani wrote:
Does the domain ability for Artifice, "Artificer's Touch" bypass hardness?

No one?