Christian Laird 830's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


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I am a little confused on the public knowledge of the Forever Reliquary. In the last 2 books, Xelanon believed that it was a metaphor until getting the info from the cave and Galchak was scouring records for the coordinates of the comet trying to get funding to support a research expedition. But in this book there is talk of semi-regular pilgrimages to the comet, so it couldn't be that much of a secret. Any thoughts on how to align this info into something that makes sense?

I plan on running this with some first time Starfinder players next week and before they are sent on their patrol, I plan on having the PCs run through an obstacle course as a final part of their basic training. Right now the plan is for the PCs to climb a wall (Athletics check), balance on a beam (Acrobatics), make ranged and melee attacks against targets, and run through tear gas (Fort save). Any other suggestions for core game mechanics that new players should be familiar with before they are sent against the Swarm?