
Chris Wojcik's page

18 posts (63 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

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Ipslore the Red wrote:
Now: what happens when the octopus grapples a succubus?

Only read the first page, but Brilliant!

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First off, I have my books in my night stand and my wife is asleep so doing this from memory, sorry if my terminology is a little off?

I have a huge Octopus attacking the group this weekend and want to see if I will play it right?

If I have a Octopus arm grapple someone, I can only move the Octopus 15 ft in water? usually 30 ft but a grappled person makes the Octopus move at half move.

If I have 2 Octopus arms grapple someone that counts as aid another in the grapple?

If the Octopus "jets" with one or more P.C's it moves 100 ft? (half the jet distance of 200 ft)

If the Octopus successfully grabs someone can it bring the P.C adjacent to it's self? or does it have to grapple the opponent first then move it adjacent to it's self?
I ask as I want to know when the P.C enters the water.