Chris Kempf's page

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Do I get the added hit points when I use a channel postive energy? Or is that on spells like cure etc....

Ok, so I sat down and thought what fun and new adventures can I come up with for my party. So they used to be a elite team of kings guardsmen( think A-Team). And they get in trouble and are sent to jail, the king finds out it was a set up. So he Pardons them and ships them off to a new city his kingdom just took control the middle of a no man's land. So they will have to explore the hexes and help stock the cities or there how do I stock the hexes..i did find some cool ideas. But how does a group of adventures run across a gold mine? That has not been for d and the mine set up? How much does it cost to hire and setup said mine. How long before it runs out. Should I have different resources for different tiles..say no gold in the forest if anyone has ideas, or books I could read, or even a website to look at I would be I your debt...thanks,


P.s. I have lumber, sheep, any ideas how much stuff costs to cut process and what the profit after would also rock

Ok, so I sat down and thought what fun and new adventures can I come up with for my party. So they used to be a elite team of kings guardsmen( think A-Team). And they get in trouble and are sent to jail, the king finds out it was a set up. So he Pardons them and ships them off to a new city his kingdom just took control the middle of a no man's land. So they will have to explore the hexes and help stock the cities or there how do I stock the hexes..i did find some cool ideas. But how does a group of adventures run across a gold mine? That has not been for d and the mine set up? How much does it cost to hire and setup said mine. How long before it runs out. Should I have different resources for different tiles..say no gold in the forest if anyone has ideas, or books I could read, or even a website to look at I would be I your debt...thanks,


P.s. I have lumber, sheep, any ideas how much stuff costs to cut process and what the profit after would also rock

I have a 3rd level crossbread sorc...with a cha of many spells can she cast at 3rd level?

Is there any way to get his human half side extra feat trait? I have heard may different ideas..but would like a offical ruling...Also any ranger build ideas? I am going with the trapper ranger cause our rogue wants to do a achetype that cant disarm traps...Thanks

ok so I have played enough games to raise my lump of clay into a real PC...So i want to play a ranger....So I am going to give you my stats and idea for my build...let me hear what you all think...

Race- Half-Elf
str 14
dex 18
con 12
wis 12
Iq 14
cha 7

2 in acrobatics
2 in climb
my day job 2 in trap making
2 in handle animal
1 know dungeon
2 in know nature and geog
2 in preception plus bonus skill points for a total of 11
2 each stealth and surival

point blank shot
and free rapid fire shot

comp long bow for a +2
kikko armor +5 max dex +3

so let me hear what you all think...once I hit level 2 it will be final...hahaha

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