
Chocolate Thief's page

Organized Play Member. 36 posts. 6 reviews. 2 lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters.


Jonathan Hunt wrote:

Oh wow, I actually turned up your campaign in my searching for content for the campaign.

Can I ask Artamos, what did you use to make the map of the Balentyne surrounding? Or did you get it somewhere else?

well its not my campaign actually, i'm also using the map from it for my table game. So i dont know what was used to produce that, but its very very good looking and usefull.

Jonathan Hunt wrote:

Thanks for the confirmation of no handout pdf for book one. That's a shame really.

I actually managed to find a modified version of the map which I have hosted here Nine Lessons Map.

The version originally had both the secret door marks removed from the corridor above the coffins... not sure why. Added them in, and intentionally had the one to the coffin room shown in the corridor - the book says it is obvious from this side.

Hehe yea i did intended to hide all sign of the secret passage between the 8th room and the corridor. In case the group come from one side or the other side : perhaps they find the secret corridor, but not the second secret passage to the next room.

Thanks carborundum for the link.
I actually used this map for Balentyne surrounding :

I have a group that just arrived at Aldencross and also try to make some good deed around to make themselves a name.
But to avoid wasting too much time doing side quest, i explained that the town was often crossed by adventurer going to the Savage North, and there was basically nothing to do around the town for travelling adventurer. But if they say that they intend to stay, there's always some commoners job to do. Or they can apply to the reeve Dominik Vallison for a job as a trainer to the local guards. Which will also give them good informations. And keep them focus on the main target.

Well, in the background of Caldwin, he did already face the public opinion of his work. He is not stupid to believe that it will change. Not until he manages to make a Coup d'Eclat. And that he really believe he can do. Know what options the PC left him to make him good us of the Golem?
Is he aware that the PC are evil ? or they just seems to blackmail him for some pitiful benefit ?
Wouldn't he try to plot against the PC if he believe that they are evil ?
Unfortunately for him, he doesn't have any friends in Aldencross (who believes him to be an "odd bird").
So he either play along and let them blackmail him. Or Try to plot an event that will make him seen as a Hero with his creation.

Book 5, the Onyx Chalice

The Onyx Chalice:
Aura strong necromancy; CL 12th
Slot none; Price 30,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This chalice made of pure black onyx almost shines with unholy energy and necromantic power. When an Onyx chalice is used it takes only sixty days to create a lich’s phylactery instead of one hundred and twenty. The chalice must be present for the entire process. When it is finished, the chalice’s utility is not over.
At the very end of the phylactery creation process, the creator can choose whether to bind the chalice into the creation or not. If not, the chalice is of no further use. However, if bound, then the chalice becomes a powerful focus for necromantic magic. Any necromancy spell cast while the wielder holds it will be one caster level higher than normal.
However, the chalice is now part of the caster and the phylactery. The chalice counts as part of the caster’s body for the purposes of scrying and as part of the phylactery for locating it.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, possess object ; Cost 15,000

Arachnofiend wrote:
I'd like to know about the OP's question, actually. I bought the first book through the Paizo store and it does not seem to include any blank maps without the GM notes.

The first 3 books doesnt have any map without GM notes.

But from the book 4 there are at the end clear map which is much usefull.

For Branderscar i also used the original map without hidding the room numbers or anything. There's no hidden chamber anyway,

For the 9 lesson i did made some correction on the map :

For Balentyne, we are arriving there soon so ill have to make some change but i thin ill just hide the secret passage.

Actually there's a note in page 78 "Where is Talingarde" :

Talingarde is an island about the size of England.

I also decided to keep the weather alike UK. So it slightly but often rain. And in winter, there's a bit of snow.

Also during the boat trip to the north, the crew came accross ice on the water. I also had a blizzard with the weather effect. But the PC hide and didnt help the crew to save some rope.

KingofKlubs wrote:
it was only Day 2

if it was only day 2 when they fired the firework, Sakkarot and his army could not charge since they arent even there.

Sakkarot explained that after the PC departure from his camp, he will need 1 week to regroup and 1 week to travel.

Once finished, Sakkarot has one last thing to say: “Tomorrow you must depart this camp. It will never be truly safe for you here. Over the next week, more tribes will rally to my banner. I will promise them blood and give them steel. Then at last I will be ready to march. A week after that – I will be poised to strike. I will move my horde to the valley just north of Balentyne. There we will wait for your signal. Fire this rocket into the air. Within the hour, we will attack. Make sure that the way is ready.

Which means, 2 weeks while the PC have to hold and can't expect any help from the army.
Which also mean, no risk for this army and leader to be slaughter.

That can be a solution for your problem.
Actually the army didnt attack, and your survivors PC have 2 weeks to regroup, gather new plan, get new allies ?
In the meantime, the Commander and his people wont be inactive and more search group would look around + the patrol within the castle doubled.

But at least your group is still on track, with a bit more difficulties to punish them for their foolish attempt.

pogie wrote:
Has anyone created a map for Brandescar and the Old Moor Road? I am having a hard time picturing the geography and the route the PCs will have to take through the moors.

Personally i just gave description on this part. PC going north, through the moor, (the road from Branderscar going west to the town) and to put some pressure on the need to get a place to rest, it was raining. And eventually, they meet Lashtongue.

I just used this swamp map for the fight.

And if they fail their survival check, it's just because they were turning around rather than straight to north (easy explainable with the sun covered by thick cloud, ...). But finally reach the old road and the manor visible not far, and beside the sea-coast too (remember they need to get the ship next).

Olwen wrote:
I seem to remember someone creating and posting a map of ** spoiler omitted ** without the secret doors and traps but I can't find it anymore. Did I just invent it or could someone point me to it?

i know come late, but i shopped myself the map from the bock i can share here :

does anyone have the one from Balentyne ?