
Chk Chk Chk's page

23 posts. Alias of ChesterCopperpot (RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, Contributor).

Full Name

Chk Chk


HP 17/20 | AC 17 | F +5 R +5 W +9 | Perc +7 (+2 ini. 1/day)| 1st: 2/3; Vitality: 0/10


speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 0 | Active Conditions:


male shirren shadow mystic 1

About Chk Chk Chk

HP 20/20 | AC 17 | F +5 R +5 W +9 | Perc +7 (+2 ini. 1/day)|
speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:
Common, Shirren, Vercite, Shadowtongue, Limited Telepathy (30ft.)

Crafting +4, Deception +2, Zon-Shelyn Lore +4, Medicine +7, Nature +7, Religion +7, Stealth +5

+1 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +1 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom, -1 Charisma

Melee painglaive (powered, reach, tech) +4 for slashing 1d10+1

Ranged arc pistol (range 30 ft.) +5 for electric 1d4

Class DC 17


Frequency once per day
You decry one foe within 100 feet that you can see as a tyrant or villain, and prepare yourself to defy them. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus on your attack rolls against this foe, and gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against the attacks, spells, and effects of this foe. These benefits last for 1 minute.

You can transfer any number of Hit Points from your vitality network into yourself or a bonded creature you can see within 60 feet. Chk Chk’s vitality network has 10 HP. Once spent, it regenerates 4 HP each round on Chk Chk’s turn. When you Transfer Vitality, the target’s shadow darkens and swells, reducing bright light within a 10-foot emanation of the target to dim light. This is a form of magical darkness and can overcome non-magical light sources or attempts to counteract magical light as described on page 431 of Pathfinder Player Core. The target becomes concealed while in this dim light, and can use the concealed condition to Hide. This lasts until the end of your next turn.

Divine Spontaneous Spells DC 17, spell attack +7; 1st Grim tendrils, Heal, Motivating ringtone (3 slots); Cantrips Detect magic, Eldritch lance, Figment, Guidance, Void warp

Focus Spells 1 Point
SHADOW SNAP [two-actions] FOCUS 1
Connection shadow
Range 30 feet; Target 1 creature
Defense AC; Duration sustained up to 1 minute
With a snap of your fingers, you command the target’s shadow to either attack or stalk its body. If you command it to attack, attempt a spell attack roll against the target’s AC, dealing 1d10 cold damage on a hit (or double damage on a critical hit). This attack uses and contributes to your multiple attack penalty.

If you command the shadow to stalk, attempt a spell attack roll against the target’s AC the first time the target uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it’s using; if the attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate or move action, the shadow disrupts that action.

Each time you Sustain the spell, you can choose to either attack the target or command the shadow to stalk the target until the end of your next turn.


DETECT MAGIC [two-actions] CANTRIP 1
Area 30-foot emanation
You send out a pulse that registers the presence of magic. You receive no information beyond the presence or absence of magic. You can choose to ignore magic you’re fully aware of, such as the magic items and ongoing spells of you and your allies. You detect illusion magic only if that magic’s effect has a lower rank than the rank of your detect magic spell. However, items that have an illusion aura but aren’t deceptive in appearance (such as an invisibility potion) typically are detected normally.

Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature
Defense AC
You condense a beam of mind-assaulting eldritch energy from the dark spaces between the stars and fire it at a target. Make a ranged spell attack roll against the target’s AC. If you hit, you deal 2d6 mental damage. On a critical success, you deal double damage.

FIGMENT [two-actions] CANTRIP 1
Range 30 feet
Duration sustained
You create a simple illusory sound or vision. A sound adds the auditory trait to the spell and the sound can’t include intelligible words or elaborate music. A vision adds the visual trait, can be no larger than a 5-foot cube, and is clearly crude and undetailed if viewed from within 15 feet. When you Cast or Sustain the Spell, you can attempt to Create a Diversion with the illusion, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to your Deception check. If the attempt fails against a creature, that creature disbelieves the figment.

GUIDANCE [one-action] CANTRIP 1
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature
Duration until the start of your next turn
You ask for the guidance of supernatural entities, granting the target a
1 status bonus to one attack roll, Perception check, saving throw, or skill check the target attempts before the duration ends. The target chooses which roll to use the bonus on before rolling. If the target uses the bonus, the spell ends. Either way, the target is then temporarily immune for 1 hour.

VOID WARP [two-actions] CANTRIP 1
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 living creature
Defense Fortitude
You call upon the Void to harm life force. The target takes 2d4 void damage with a basic Fortitude save. On a critical failure, the target is
also enfeebled 1 until the start of your next turn.

GRIM TENDRILS [two-actions]
Area 30-foot line
Defense Fortitude
Tendrils of darkness curl out from your fingertips and race through the air. You deal 2d4 void damage and 1 persistent bleed damage to living creatures in the line. Each living creature in the line must attempt a Fortitude save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half the void damage and no persistent bleed
Failure The creature takes full damage.
Critical Failure The creature takes double void damage and double persistent bleed damage.

HEAL [one-action] TO [three-actions] SPELL 1
Range varies; Targets 1 willing living creature or 1 undead creature
You channel vital energy to heal the living or damage the undead. If the target is a willing living creature, you restore 1d8 Hit Points. If the target is undead, you deal that amount of vitality damage to it, and it gets a basic Fortitude save. The number of actions you spend when Casting this Spell determines its targets, range, area, and other parameters.
[one-action] The spell has a range of touch.
[two-actions](concentrate) The spell has a range of 30 feet. If you’re healing a living creature, increase the Hit Points restored by 8.
[three-actions](concentrate) You disperse vital energy in a 30-foot emanation. This targets all living and undead creatures in the burst.

Requirements You have a comm unit, used as a locus, and the contact info
of the target.
Range 120 feet; Targets 1 comm unit
Duration 1 minute
You cause the target comm unit to play a cosmically composed personal theme song specific to its owner. The creature who owns the target regains 1d8+4 Hit Points when you Cast the Spell, a +5-foot status bonus
to all Speeds, and a +1 status bonus to saves against fear effects for the duration, as long as the comm unit continues to play the ringtone. Creatures beginning their turn adjacent to an ally with an active ringtone gain the status bonus to Speeds and bonus to saves until the start of their next turn.

commercial medkit 1
commercial repair toolkit 1
Poetry Journal (holy talisman)
comm unit
commercial microcord armor
commercial arc pistol
commercial battery
commercial painglaive


Chk Chk’s sidearm is a pistol that deals electrical damage. It has a range increment of 30 feet. Its magazine contains 10 charges and expends 2 charges per Strike.

This pocket-sized device combines a portable computer and communications device, allowing instantaneous wireless communication with other comm units in both audio- and text-based formats at planetary range. A comm unit includes a calculator, flashlight (emits bright light in a 5-foot radius around you and dim light in the next 5 feet), a browser that accesses any local infospheres, and several entertainment options (including games).

A medkit contains analgesics, bandages, sterile gauze, and suturing tools necessary for Medicine checks to Administer First Aid, Treat Disease, Treat Poison, or Treat Wounds.

Chk Chk’s primary weapon is a fierce but elegant polearm that rips apart enemies with a motor-powered chainsaw blade. It uses two hands to wield and deals slashing damage and has the following traits.
Powered: This melee weapon uses a battery. You can activate or deactivate a powered weapon with an Interact action or as part of drawing or stowing it.
Reach: This weapon is long and can be used to attack creatures up to 10 feet away instead of only adjacent creatures.

Chk Chk has constructed and blessed a poetry journal. He writes poetry in this journal as an act of worship to Zon-Shelyn. Once per day, he can choose to gain a +2 status bonus to initiative rolls if he recently spent time composing poetry, reading from his journal, or listening to inspirational music with his comm unit.

A repair toolkit contains a variety of delicate tools and supplies that allows you to perform simple repairs while traveling. You can use a repair toolkit to Repair items using the Crafting skill.

Class Feats and Abilities
Connection (shadow)
Epiphany Spells (shadow snap)
Mystic Bond
Mystic Spellcasting
Spell Repertoire
Vitality Network (10 HP)