
Charles Ulveling's page

Organized Play Member. 26 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Sovereign Court

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The apocalypse is crawling ever forward...

Into the Unknown Podcast is a fantasy/horror Actual Play Podcast, primarily playing the Age of Worms AP using 13th Age. It spans both geography and time, and culminates in an epic battle to save the world!

So, what makes us different than all of the other 'casts out there? Well, it's simple: we strive to provide a listening experience that makes you feel like you're at the table with us! It might not be the most polished 'cast out there, but we think that's part of the charm. So join us every Monday as we fight back against the Worm That Walks, Kyuss, Lord of Undeath and worms!

Into the Unknown Podcast

Paizo wrote:
The Age of Worms Adventure Path is the second Adventure Path for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, published over twelve installments from July 2005 through June 2006 in Dungeon magazine. A campaign designed to take player characters from 1st to 20th level, Age of Worms was given an Honorable Mention in the "Best Adventure" category of the 2007 ENnie Awards.

Sovereign Court

I have looked all over the place, but I can't fin dwhat other special powers a wayfinder brings out in an ioun stone!? Anyone else know the answer?

Sovereign Court

Hey guys!
I was just looking for a little help in adapting the 2nd SoW AP into the FR. I was thinking to set it in the Dalelands, but I'm not very versed in Realmslore. I was hoping someone could givee me a more informed answer as far as location. Thanks!