![]() About Character I Dears 2Grenadier:
Traits:Enduring Mutagen
2.Annointing:Mercurial Oil
1.Steadfast Slayer
Weapon of Choice(Greatsword, Earthbreaker, Glaive or Scythe)
The general idea is to pump up on mutagen, load up a hybridized Artokus's Fire/Mineral Acid combo, and just leap in and tear up anybody that gets in your way with powerful single strike blows and point blank Bombs. Water Druid:
The sea snake: an undine druid (menhir savant) with a 1 level dip in monk to get wis to ac and grab snake style. With one of your traits being Beacon of Faith, you can get up to +3 caster level on your domain spells (+4 if you can convince your GM to let the undine's water affinity apply to the water domain/oceans subdomain even though you're not technically a cleric). Stay wildshaped into water elemental form for flavor, a con boost, and +5 ac over your base form. Since elementals can communicate naturally, might not need the wild speech feat, but you can grab it anyway. Anti Caster Caster:
Human Dirty Trickster Abjuration (Counterspell) Wizard 14 Str
Feats: Level1W: Spell Focus (Whatever, probably Evocation though), Human Bonus Feat: Spell Specialization (Burning Hands)
This is an extremely survivable character because of the crazy debuffing potential. Blind/Nauseate from Dirty Tricks is redorkulous, but even if the enemy is somehow immune to both of these conditions, you can put a -4 to Hit/Saves from Shaken/Sicken and -6 Neg Lvls from lvl6 spell slot Max/Emp Enervation for a total -10 to Hit and Save. Forcing the enemy to take a -10 to your saves makes your offensive spellcasting go right through the roof and makes you a powerhouse caster in the late game. Or you could cast Monstrous Physique III instead of Beast Shape, and remove all issues. Plus, a Gegenees has six arms, so you could wield both a reach and a non-reach two-handed weapon, plus a shield. Edit: Once you get access to Beast Shape III at level 5 spells (which should happen at level 9), you can turn yourself into a Huge Animal with +6 Str plus an additional +4 from Bull's Strength (or belt, if you can afford it). So while Huge size, you'd have 24 Strength, and your 2d4 dmg Fauchard becomes 3d6 dmg with 20 ft Reach. 24 Str = 7 mod, so with 2h bonus that becomes 10 dmg; PA at lvl 8 is +6 with an addition +3 for 2h bonus, so your damage at lvl 9 would be roughly 3d6 +19 dmg (not including enchants or anything else). And you're a wizard. And at level 9, that's the first time you can start doing -4 to their saves from Shaken/Sicken combo! <3 -4 Saves is awesome! Dirty Trick Fighter:
Wapriest bonus: Weapon Focus (Scythe) Human) Weapon of the Chosen 1) Improved Weapon of the Chosen 3) Greater Weapon of the Chosen 3 BF) Power Attack 5) Combat Reflexes 6 BF) Vital Strike 6 BF) Improved Vital Strike 7) Potion Glutton 9) Additional Traits 9 BF) Furious Focus 11) Outflank I get two bonus feats at level twelve (one from favored class bonus and another from just being a level 12 warpriest)
Blaster Wizard:
Crossblooded Sorc (Orc and Draconic-Fire) 1 / Admixture Wizard X
School: Evocation (Admixture)
Traits: Wayang Spellhunter: Fireball
Feats: Lvl1Sorc: Feat: Spell Focus (Evocation), Human Bonus Feat: Spell Specialization (retrained to Fireball at level6)
Lvl9: Preferred Spell: Fireball (now you can prepare all utility spells and never need to prep Fireball again, and trash any of them for Fireball and pump any MM feats you want into it on the fly without increasing your casting time)
================== At level 15, this is what we're building towards: With an Orange Prism ioun stone, we're looking at a CL of 15 from level + 6 (spell perfection w/ spell specialization & varisian tattoo) + 1 IounStone = 22CL.
With 1 free MM from Spell Perfection, that's always going to be Widen. So we're looking at 11 tiny 10ft-wide 2d6+4 Fireballs, which are Widened to 11 20ft-wide 2d6+4 Fireballs, and then use Magic Trick: Concentrated Fire down to 5ft-wide 11 seperate 5d6+10 Fireballs, so 55d6+110 damage. That's still just a 3rd level spell slot. With Wayang Spellhunter and Magical Lineage, we can Empower it for free, so now we're talking 55d6+110 (+50%) for a 3rd level spell slot. As Admixture, that Fireball can be fire, cold, acid, or electricity. With Creative Destruction, that's 55 Temp HP every time you Fireball. Get a Rod of Quicken Spell for levels 1-3, 4-6, and 7-9 so you can Heighten/Maximize/Quicken the Fireball to whatever level you want on the fly. Monk Druid Grappler:
Lvl1TetoriMonk: Feat: Improved Unarmed Strike, Feat: Improved Grapple
Lvl2TM: (BAB1) Feat: Stunning Pin Lvl3Druid: Feat: Deadly Grappler Lvl4D: (BAB2) Lvl5D: (BAB3) Feat: (Unreserved, pick any feat--- Suggested: Savage Slam or Imp Dirty Trick) Lvl6D: (BAB4)Wild Shape, Two tentacles Lvl7D: Feat: Natural Spell Lvl8D: (BAB5)Four tentacles Lvl9D: (BAB6)Feat: Greater Grapple Lvl10D: Six tentacles Lvl11D: Feat: (Unreserved, pick any feat--- Suggested: Greater Dirty Trick or Quick Dirty Trick, if you picked up Imp Dirty Trick at lvl 5) Lvl12D: Eight tentacles Sneaky Druid:
Drow Druid with Hellcat Stealth and Natural Spell is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of, especially if you do this build:
Lvl1: Skill Focus: Stealth
Basically, as long as the enemy fails their Perception Check, they can't even target you. Intentionally searching for an object/creature is a Move Action Perception check, and any Perception check DC increases by 1/10 per ft. distance from the object/creature. So during combat, Wild Shape into a Diminutive-sized bird, fly to max range 1200ft (+120 Perception DC), and use your Standard action to cast a Reach Spell Explosion of Rot, then use your Move action to Hellcat Stealth every round even if you're being actively viewed. If your target fails the Reflex DC on Explosion of Rot, they're staggered, meaning they can only make Standard or Move Actions. So they'd have to use a Move Action to see you, and even if they do, they can't really do anything except for a Swift Action. Next round, you Standard Action cast a spell and Move Action Hellcat Stealth again, forcing endless Perception Checks that will undoubtedly fail every single time. Use Dreamed Secrets to pick up 2 Wizard Spells every day. I recommend Contingency + Dimension Door and then set up the Contingency "If anyone attempts to harm me with an attack or spell, cast Dimension Door before it hits", or something to that effect-- then if anything tries to hit you, you can D Door 1200ft wherever you need to be, even straight up in the air if you want. Once you set up the Contingency for 1day/level, go with Disintegrate and w/e else you might want for every other day. Maxing out Stealth:
At level 20, you could have 20SkillRank + 3ClassSkill + 6SkillFocus + 1-4 CotMTrait (depending on moon cycle) + 10DrowFCB + 12Diminutive + 2Cat'sGrace + 2Heroism + 10Chameleon Power + 4dex + 20-40Greater Invisibility = 1d20+110-113 Stealth (avg. 120.5-113.5 Stealth roll) while moving, +120 to this DC if you're at 1200ft range, so Avg DC: 240.5-243.5 1d20+130-133 (avg. 140.5-143.5 Stealth roll) while NOT moving, +120 to this DC if you're at 1200ft range, so Avg DC: 260.5-263.5 If enemy has See Invis and is 0ft from you: 1d20+70-73 (avg. 80.5-83.5 Stealth) -10 Stealth from all of these figures if you're being actively viewed Even on a 1 roll, with see invis, while being actively viewed, and 0ft from the target, your worst case scenario stealth DC is 61. Which means anything with a +40 Perception or less can't see you even with a 20 roll. Two Shield Ranger:
Oread Guide Ranger 6 / Brawler Fighter 3
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 5 (25 point buy) Str 20 (22), Dex 16 (18), Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 5 (final) HP: (9d10 +18 +6 favored class) AC: 28 (10 +8 armor +3 dex +4 shield +1 deflect +1 natural +1 insight) Saves: Fortitude +11, Reflex +11, Will +6 BAB +9/+4; CMB +15 (+20 bull rush), CMD 31 (36 bull rush) Shield bearer trait Full Attack
Gear (46000 gp):
Ideal final armor would be mithral full plate, O-Yoroi, or Tatami-do, just too expensive at level 9 to be practical, IMO. Note that it can use Guide Ranger's Focus ability 2/day for +4 attack and damage, also. I rather like this concept, shame there's no decent PF feat to apply shield bonus to touch AC or lend an ally your shield's AC bonus yet. EDIT: Forgot Shield Master completely negates the TWF penalties. Heavy Hitter:
It occurs to me that if you really want to be good at demolishing people, you could just play a Titan Fighter with a level in Living Monolith, take Shikigami Style, and get yourself an Adamantine Sledge Hammer. You will inflict 12d6 Damage/hit, and you will ignore the first 20 points of any object's Hardness. The progression of Vital Strike Feats can get that up to 48d6. Take Master Craftsman and Craft Magic Arms and Armor, and turn your Adamantine Sledge Hammer into an Adamantine Maul of the Titans, and now you will do Triple Damage vs. inanimate objects, so, 144d6 Damage vs. inanimate objects. I guess you should take Greater Sunder so that when you smash someone's weapon or shield, the residual damage will go to the wielder, who will probably evaporate in a red mist.
or Be an Eldritch Knight. Make your Fighter Archetype Titan Fighter. Use a Sledge Hammer(Improvised Earthbreaker 2d6), and take Shikigami Style Feats. Create a Colossal Statue. Cast Possess Object and, animating the statue, wield a Colossal Sledge Hammer that is 1 Size Bigger. Cast Enlarge Person so it is yet another size bigger, and Shikigami Style Feats give you 3 Virtual Size increases? Assuming it's even legal to theoretically go beyond the FAQ Size Chart, then that would give you 28d6 Damage/hit as base Damage. I guess this would be a good candidate for Vital Strike Feats... Gloves of improvised might, quickmetal bracers. 1: catch off-guard
The Caster's Best Friend:
Weapon Trick: Hindering Shot wrote:
(Precise Shot, Snap Shot): You can distract a foe at a crucial moment, making it vulnerable to your allies’ abilities. You can ready an action to make a ranged attack against a foe when an ally forces the foe to attempt a saving throw. If your attack hits the foe and deals damage, the foe takes a –4 penalty on the saving throw that triggered your readied action. Overwatch Style wrote: You have learned to wait until your ranged attacks have the greatest effect. Prerequisites: Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. Benefit: While using this style, as a full-round action you can ready two ranged attacks with the chosen weapon, each with its own triggering event. You take a –2 penalty on attack rolls made with these readied actions. Special: A character with this feat and the weapon training (bows, crossbows, or firearms) class feature can use Overwatch Style with any bow, crossbow, or firearm, respectively, in addition to the chosen weapon. Overwatch Vortex wrote:
Prerequisites: Overwatch Style, Overwatch Tactician, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, base attack bonus +11. Benefit: While using the Overwatch Style, as a full-round action you can ready up to four ranged attacks, each with its own triggering event. You take a –2 penalty on attack rolls made with these readied actions. Concentrated Fire wrote:
Prerequisites: Point-Blank Shot, elf, weapon familiarity racial trait. Benefit: If you and a single ally who also has this feat both ready an action to each make a ranged attack against the same opponent and choose the same condition for the readied action, when you and the ally make those attacks, each of you can use the highest of the two attack rolls for your attack roll. Furthermore, if you and your ally both hit the target, you can total the damage for both attacks before applying the target’s damage reduction or energy resistance. *** The base idea is to use the Hindering Shot weapon trick and make several such readied actions with Overwatch Style. A standard build could then make a foe take a -8 penalty to a saving throw if both attacks hit, and with Overwatch Vortex they'd take a -16 penalty if all four attacks hit. To make this idea even better we're taking (at least) two levels of Eldritch Guardian fighter, which grants us a familiar that shares all of our combat feats. So with Overwatch Vortex you and the familiar can together ready eight attacks per round. Now that sounds good on paper but the familiar will have a significantly lower chance of hitting. Which is why we're letting the familiar piggyback on your attack roll with the Concentrated Fire combat/teamwork/racial feat (available to elves and half-elves as they can both get Weapon Familiarity). Even when the familiar stands nine ranged increments away with a weapon they're not proficient in and their total attack roll is a measly 2, they can still use your attack roll of 28 to hit. ===== As for an actual build, here's an example that uses levels of Zen Archer to get it online earlier than otherwise possible. You'll notice the lack of Deadly Aim which can be achieved at this level with another dip, but tri-classing is a bit ugly imo. Lv 7 Dual Overwatcher:
Class Progression and Feats:
Eldritch Guardian 1-4
What's next?
With a Cracked Opalescent White Pyramid ioun stone (implanted) you can become proficient with the Orc Hornbow (2d6 dmg) without paying the EWP feat tax. Your familiar has no need for a good attack bonus, but it certainly wants to stay alive. Keep it far out of reach. Since Concentrated Fire allows you to total the damage dealt by the two of you before applying DR you effectively add twice the Deadly Aim bonus no matter how weak your familiar is. In situations when accuracy is important you yourself can refrain from using Deadly Aim, but your familiar's bonus should always be active. At higher levels you want to get the familiar a +1 Seeking weapon to negate any miss chance. Gnome Sorcerer:
Dread Mage
CR 10 XP 9,600
DEFENSE AC 24, touch 22, flat-footed 18
OFFENSE Speed 20 ft.
Special Attacks ghoul claws (12rnd/day)
Sorcerer Spells Known
4th (1+1* known, 7/day)—animate dead*, freedom of movement
Bloodline ghoul/sanguine STATISTICS
Combat Gear
Early Access Dimensional Fighter:
if you stick to strict RAW and abuse these wordings (uses Ironbound Sword archetype samurai archetype):
Her samurai levels count as fighter levels and stack with fighter levels for the purposes of fighter and samurai prerequisites and class features. bonus feat (the fighter class feature) is 1 scaling ability.
take order of the blossom and get that 1d6 sneak attack. with vivisectionist samurai levels now count as rogue levels for determining how much sneak attack you have. then i steal a build i saw here a few weeks ago wonderstell wrote: Level 10 Dimensional Savant early access:
Fighter 1
*** So at level 10 you end up with [6+Wis] uses of Dimension Door per day, and the full Dimensional Savant feat path. then take 1 level of alchemist (vivisectionist) Samurai levels count as fighter AND rogue levels for determining bonus feats AND sneak attack. so its basically a triple gestalt of rogue and fighter abilities on a samurai, that can teleport and flank with themselves. pick up TWF and use that Wakizashi prof. you get a sneak attack as a rogue of your samurai level, fighter feats as a fighter of your samurai level, and full samurai abilities. hell, you could even drop those 3 horizon walker levels and grab flickering step and just pick up the teleportation mastery feat. yes its dumb that works. yes its cheesy. No i don't think those abilities got a good proof reading. but that's what those things say...and who am i to argue against RAW Pouncing Surprise:
Damien the Pouncing Deinonychus
Human, Bloodrager 1 / Weretouched Shifter 4 / Snakebite Striker 1 / Vigilante 2 / Drill Sergeant 2 Str 17+1, Dex 13+1, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Human: Focused Study (Skill Focus at lv 1, 8 & 16), replaces Bonus Feat
Class Features:
Snakebite Striker:
Drill Sergeant: Bonus Feat, Bonus Feat, Tactician Feats: 1 Power Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth)
10 Hellcat Pounce (B), Coordinated Charge (B) Magic Items:
Familiar Items:Menacing Amulet of Mighty Fists (another +2 while flanking)(4K),Quick Runner’s Shirt(1K) 58600 / 62,000 gp spent Defensive Statistics:
AC: 26, 10 + 9 (armor) +1 (Deflection) +2 (Natural) +1 (Instinct) -2 (Rage) +3 (Shield of Blades) +2 (Dexterity)
Initiative: +2
Movement: 35 (in Heavy Armor) Saves:
Will: 13 Offense Raging and Hybrid Shifter Form: 1 Bite and 2 Claw attacks. Grab and Pounce abilities.
Boots of Speed: +1 to attack/AC and another Bite attack. (You get an extra attack when pouncing) Sneak Attack: +2d6 Power Attack: -3/+6 +21/+21 (1d8+10), +21/+21 (1d6+10), +21/+21 (1d4+10)
Keep in mind that you ignore DR/Cold Iron and DR/Silver on all natural attack thanks to the Shifter Claws class feature. Also, we lost the Grab ability of the bite/claws. This character is really just a thought experiment of how many attacks you could actually fit into the surprise round, and the end result isn't too shabby.
Now, the awesome part. For every attack that hits, Damien gets another attack with the same attack bonus. All thanks to Hellcat Pounce. That's a theoretical maximum of 28 attacks in the surprise round, with a 60% chance of all 28 attacks happening. If it weren't for those pesky Natural 1's, it would be a sure thing. And this is all without any buffing done, since Shifter's Rush allows us to wildshape as a free action.
And it might be smarter to take a Rhamphorhynchus as a familiar. It can't provide flank, but it can fly and charge into your enemy's space, which will make charging easier. Damage per surprise round: Boots of Speed, Power Attack; 510
Sanctified Slayer/Ravener Hunter:
Elf(Silvanesti) Inquisitor (Ravener Hunter, Sanctified Slayer) 1 AC 18/14/14 / HP : 10/10 / F +3 R +4 W +4 / Init. +7 / Perc. +6 / Sense Motive +6
Strength 14
Warrior of Old(elf)As a child, you put in long hours on combat drills, and though time has made this training a dim memory, you still have a knack for quickly responding to trouble. You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks.
Feats: Point-Blank Shot: You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
0lvl: Acid splash, Create water, Read Magic, Stabilize,
This ability replaces domain. Wood Bond (Ex)(revelation):
This ability replaces judgment 1/day. A slayer can study an opponent he can see as a move action. The slayer then gains a +1 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks attempted against that opponent, and a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against it. The DCs of slayer class abilities against that opponent increase by 1. A slayer can only maintain these bonuses against one opponent at a time; these bonuses remain in effect until either the opponent is dead or the slayer studies a new target. If a slayer deals sneak attack damage to a target, he can study that target as an immediate action, allowing him to apply his studied target bonuses against that target (including to the normal weapon damage roll). At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels, the bonuses on weapon attack rolls, damage rolls, and skill checks and to slayer DCs against a studied target increase by 1. In addition, at each such interval, the slayer is able to maintain these bonuses against an additional studied target at the same time. The slayer may discard this connection to a studied target as a free action, allowing him to study another target in its place. At 7th level, a slayer can study an opponent as a move or swift action.
Stern Gaze (Ex):
Character sketch: Pellarin lost most of those he cared for during the war.. He carries with him the guilt of failing to protect his people without having the honor to have died in the attempt. He has little interest in helping to rebuild a new nation, but would rather see his homeland liberated and the minotaur occupiers expelled. He is driven to find any means that might help his people reclaim their former glory. Haunted by loss, this goal is all that keeps him going these days. αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर The Witness Left as a babe on the doorstep of one of Korryn's many orphanages, Ingen was raised into childhood by the closest thing to a mother he's ever known: Hatmora, the institution's Svenik headmistress. Compassionless even at the best of times, the boy nevertheless felt she picked him out for particularly poor treatment, reserving the cruelest invectives and most odious tasks just for him. Indeed, she made even his name sound like an insult. At the age of 5 he escaped into the streets of the city, surviving on his speed and wits until meeting Parson Grey, the self-proclaimed Archaeoenigmatist and Subsistence Scholar. The older man took the boy under his wing, teaching him his letters and lore, and was impressed how easily the lad took to learning. For his part, Ingen helped Parson carry his things (mostly parchments and ink) and provided extra income - a "father and son" bring in far more as beggars than a lone indigent.
Setting out from Izar for Borroka, the pair were unfortunate enough to pass through the town of Elmridge, where the Archaeoenigmatist contracted a dreadful illness. Fearing for his life and seeking to spare his protege from a similar fate, Parson Grey sent him away to Lorea - far from the sickness that seemed to be spreading through the lands of Borroka. It was the last The Witness has seen of his mentor. Upon arriving in Lorea the young man discovered the best libraries were owned by the arcane university, and so applied for entry to the divination school and was accepted. He seemed a sponge for knowledge and quickly advanced through his studies. While his impressive mental faculties were enough to win over his Atlaean classmates, The Witness never quite fit in, preferring to avoid revelry and instead celebrated his successes by indulging in tangential or off-curriculum research in the libraries. One of his tangential studies was into the possible combination of the city's horticultural expertise with the art of scrying, specifically through the use of iris flowers. While collecting data and samples in the city's famed public gardens he observed the hummingbirds which dwell there and was impressed by their speed, precision, and - after more tangential research - visual acuity. So impressed, in fact, that he chose one as his familiar - The Choreographer of Flowers. The rare occasions he did venture to more traditional celebrations were on account of Itzal, a student of the School of Illusion, whom he remains good friends with to this day. The two young wizards appear polar opposites at first, but both have a passion for perception and how it may be used to disguise or shape reality. |