![]() About Character I DearsDruidzilla:
Hana Dory
I avoid Animal Companions. To my experience, they are just things for the GM to kill when he'd rather not kill you. 3B1D2: Improved Grapple, BAB+2
Natural Spell is just one of those things you just have to take. That's what lets you cast spells while in Animal Form. 6B2D4: Multiattack, BAB+5
Multiattack reduces the penalty upon Secondary Natural Attacks from -5 to -2, and Tentacles are Secondary Natural Attacks. As a Giant Octopus at this point, you get 2 Unarmed Strikes, a Bite, and 8 Tentacles all with Grab and Constrict. The Unarmed Strikes do 1d8 for Size Large, the Bite, 1d6, the Tentacles 1d4+Constrict for 1d4+Armor Spikes for 1d8. So that's 19 attacks/round. Your Strength Mod will apply to either the Constrict or to the Armor Spikes, not to both. The bane of characters with multiple attacks is Damage Reduction. Between your ability to cast and use wands with Cleric and Druid Spells, you should be able to find the right buff you need to bypass almost anybody's DR. Weapons Against Evil comes to mind. You might want to acquire a Helm of the Mammoth Lord and get a Gore Attack, too, which will also do 1d6. Ask your GM: you might take a level in White Haired Witch and also get a Hair Attack, but your GM might rule that since octopi don't have hair, you can't use White Hair while in Octopus Form. You would be able to use it in Dire Tiger form, though. So there is the Wild Armor Enchantment, but I when I have a favorite Animal Form, I prefer to just have Barding made for me to put on after transforming. Perhaps you could prevail upon a party member to cast Swift Girding on you to dress you, or at some point you can take a level in Arcanist or something and 'Gird yourself. 8B2D4W1Fighter1: Greater Grapple, BAB+6, Ability +1
Martial Versatility lets you apply Weapon Focus to all Weapons in your Weapons Group, Unarmed Strike is in the Natural Weapons Group, so Now you get to apply Weapon Focus to any Natural Attack you happen to have in any form you happen to Wildshape into. Weapon Focus lets you apply Sacred Weapon Damage to the attack. So 2 Unarmed Strikes/Bite/Gore/8Tentacles/8Constricts/8Armor Spikes all at 1d8 base damage, 3d6 if pumped up with Strong Jaw (except for the Armor Spikes). And +2 for Weapon Specialization Unarmed, of course. 10B2D4W1F2Arcanist1: Dimensional Slide, Lv1 Spells There are a lot of useful Arcane Exploits, and dressing yourself might be very important. 11B2D4W2F2A1: Fervor 1d6, Martial Versatility Weapon Specialization +2 damage to all your attacks, including your Armor Spikes, btw: Unarmed Strikes are not just in the Natural Weapon Group, but also the Close Weapon Group. 12B2D4W3F2A1: Hamatula Strike Hamatula Strike gives you a Free Grapple with any hit with a Piercing Weapon such as Gore and Bite, also activating Constrict and Armor Spike Damage, 13B2D4W4F2A1: Sacred Weapon +1, Lv2 Spells, Channel Energy, Snake Style Snake Style turns those 2 Unarmed Strikes into Piercing Weapons, activating Hamatula Strike, Grapple, Constrict, and ASD for them, too. 14B2D4W5F2A1: Fervor 2d6, Sacred Weapon 1d8 1d8 scaling up to 2d6 for Large or 4d6 if under Strong Jaw. Inquisitor:
Name: Fahana Angelbane | Race: Oni-spawn tiefling | Class/level: Inquisitor (Spellbreaker) / 20 | Favored Class Bonuses: 20 skill points | Age: 21 | Height: 5'11" | Weight: 130 lbs. | Alignment: CE | Deity: Lamashtu | Point Buy: 14/14/14/10/15/8 = 20
Stats: Str 42 (14 + 2 race + 4 levels + 6 enhancement + 5 manual + 7 rage + 2 alter self) Dex 20 (14 + 6 enhancement) Con 27 (14 + 6 enhancement + 7 rage) Int 11 (10 + 4 enhancement) Wis 22 (15 + 2 race + 1 levels + 4 enhancement) Cha 6 (8 - 2 race) Initiative: +12
Movement: Speed 90', fly 60' (average), swim 30'
Traits: Prolong Magic, Reactionary
Special Abilities:
Spells (Incomplete list; only spells used for this combat) (CL 21): divine favor, expeditious retreat, bloodhound, countless eyes, greater invisibility, greater dispel magic, spell resistance, true seeing, heal Skills: Fly +28, Intimidate +39, Knowledge (Arcana) +24, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (Nature) +25, Knowledge (Planes) +25, Knowledge (Religion) +25, Perception +34, Stealth +27 (+67 invisible stationary; +47 invisible moving), Swim +27 Equipment: cracked pale green prism ioun stone, ring of invisibility, belt of physical perfection, headband of mental prowess (Int and Wis) +4, ring of protection +5, amulet of natural protection +5, mithral breastplate +5, crown of conquest, boots of speed, cracked dusty rose prism ioun stone, wings of flying, orange prism ioun stone, dusty rose ioun stone, eyes of the eagle, otherworldly kimono, potion of haste x5, potion of cure moderate wounds x3, bag of holding type I, falchion (courageous, cruel, furious, keen, vicious) +5, shovel, 2173 gold pieces I added Cornugon Smash, Staggering Critical (with Keen on my weapon), Cruel to my weapon, and the crown of conquest to help mitigate my lowish AC by stacking some debuffs onto them. Vacuum:
Tiefling Diviner (Foresight) 20
Str 7 (7 base, -6 age, +6 G.A.R.) Dex 26 (14 base, +2 race -6 age, +6 G.A.R., +6 belt, +4 manual) Con 13 (7 base, -6 age, +6 G.A.R, +6 belt.) Int 40 (18 base +3 age +4 race +5 levels, +6 headband, +4 manual) Wis 10 (7 base, +3 age) Cha 17 (16 base, -2 race, +3 age) HP: 120
Initiative auto 40, always acts in surprise round. (Mostly) Relevant Spells: 0th
Feats: Scribe Scroll
1st Eldritch Heritage
Traits: Magical Lineage (mass suffocation)
Saves: Fort: +14 (+6 base, +1 con, +5 resistance, +2 ioun stones)
(I started pumping reflex to evade the Balor's death throes, but realized it's not actually necessary for success, with 120 hp and protection from energy. He'll still evade on a 9 to complete the challenge with no damage taken assuming the average rolls.) Gear: Orange Prism Ioun Stone 30,000
552,000 gp spent, less spell costs (Contingency, Aroden's Spellbane) Base 10 DC
Spell Penetration +4 CL check for SR
Limburger Wolf-Bound, the Summoner
Build: Half elf Synthesist (16), Oath of Vengeance Paladin (4) Laaaaame Stats (20 point buy): 7/7/7/8/18/18+2 Half elf class bonus goes to summoner for +5 evolution points. Traits: Reactionary Feats: Improved Initiative Extra Evolution x4 Improved Natural Attack (Bite) Power Attack Dimensional Agility Dimensional Assault Defensive Combat Training Advanced Defensive Combat Training Eidolon is as follows:
CMD is 10 + 16 (BAB) + 19 (STR) + 11 (DEX) + 2(Huge) + 1(Haste) + 5(Deflection) + 8 (Feats) + 8(Smite, if evil). So, 72 or 80.
To summarize:
Specific Tactics:
Summary of Beastmass Trials:
The Balor loses initiative, gets a surprise round. He can greater dispel magic (ring of counterspells) or antimagic field. He either dies immediately or...dies immediately, because antimagic is 10 feet around him, and Limburger can attack from outside of it. The same thing happens to the pit fiend. The Linnorm can't hit Limburger's AC except on a 20, can't grapple even on a 20 (...checks don't auto-succeed or fail, right?), and his sprays o' doom are evaded on a 2. He dies in 1 round. The Gold Dragon, being Good, can't be smote. As such, he takes 2 rounds to kill. He suffers from similar problems as every other creature. Same with the solar. Can't really...do anything. And cannot heal through Limburger's massive damage. The Tarrasque takes 3 rounds to kill. During which it futilely bites, stabs, attempts to consume Limburger, who is too stinky and crunchy to be eaten. He dies, and Limburger uses his 36 Charisma to found a Sunday Polo Club wherein a bunch of level 5 half-orcs come in every sunday to power attack the tarrasque's body down to arbitrarily negative hitpoints, so it won't recover before next sunday. Reposition Fighter:
Race and traits:
Human Str 17+3, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 7 (Str: +3 Level increase) Racial Traits: Bonus Feat Heart of the Fey Traits:
*** Levels and Feats:
Foundation of Faith Cleric (Desna) 1
FCB (Fighter): +9 to CMD vs Grapple / Dirty Trick *** Magic Items:
+1 Full Plate (2,750)
108.3 / 110 *** Offense:
*** Defense:
CMD 33
=== Saves:
*** Key components of the build:
Martial Versatility. Unarmed Strike is part of the 'Monk' weapon group, so I can now apply "the effects of feats that have Improved Unarmed Strike as a prerequisite" to my Urumi: a monk weapon with a 18-20 crit range.
Repositioning weapon ability (+3). Whenever you confirm a critical hit, make a Reposition maneuver as a free action. Quote:
Luck Domain: Bit of Luck power + Headband of Fortune’s Favor. Roll every d20 twice for two rounds. Standard action to activate.
*** The Fight:
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
I begin the turn by making another saving throw against the Staggered effect (with the -4 from Shaken/Sickened), thanks to the Smelling Salts I’m wearing like a necklace. Then I ascend 20 ft up in the air (at a 45° angle to avoid the check) and cast CLW on myself the next turn. The AoO is negated with Weapon Sacrifice, and one of my Cestus eats the hit. After I’m out of reach, I can begin healing with my wand and remove the Shaken/Sickened conditions with the Freedom subdomain’s power. If I’m instead considered Grappled since I can’t be Pinned, I would use the Laughing Touch ability to make the foe break the grapple first (85% with a -6 attack penalty). Even if I drop to -1 HP the Smelling Salts would keep me up. Then after that I’d follow the same routine as before to escape its reach, except that I could avoid the AoO by 5-foot stepping away on round 3 and taking the Withdraw action on round 4. *** Math:
Both of these maneuvers gives me additional attacks as per Crashing Wave Fist, which all have a chance of critically hitting.
The average number of critical hits from the Confirmation Roll Reposition (CRR) for a full-BAB Flurry critical hit is 1,12 The average number of critical hits from the Weapon Ability Reposition (WAR) maneuver is 1,05 So 2,17 is the average number of critical hits any Full-BAB Flurry critical hit would give us. If we multiply that by the chance of it being a critical hit, we'll get the estimated number of critical hits any of those two attacks will give us (ca 1,1). Now the great part is that no matter which attack critically hit, no matter what penalty the CRR has, the WAR is always done at the same attack bonus. Since the average number of crits from the WAR is bigger than one, we have a theoretically infinite amounts of critical hits and of course, infinite damage. Jinx Witches:
I did have a concept with the halfling witch as well. Since hexes are all supernatural, I decided to just simply clad her in as much armor as possible. This, of course, will create a huge arcane spell failure rate. To counter this, I just prepare all spells that are verbal only.
1st - Command, Sure Casting
Though the spell selection is extremely limited, many are Save or Suck. With the -7 to saves, they will have a higher chance of sticking. Remember that you can use Ice Crystal Teleport offensively to send an enemy somewhere. Spit Venom, when the Ranged Touch hits, automatically blinds, no Save. Screech helps provoke AoOs from your melee allies. I know that this may seem dumb, but it is a bit neat to still be able to do stuff while having a high armor class as a witch. Halfling Witch: Shae, the Doe of Kaer Magan. 8, 14, 10, 16, 13, 16 Alternate Racial Traits:
Class and Feat selections: All class levels Witch
Simply put, she hangs back hexing things with her evil eye (of course lumping jinx as per malicious eye) misfortune, and cackling (which will be more like a rabbits screech) to extend the durations. Later on she puts larger threats to sleep, sends in her familiar to dole out beast of ill-omen, and agony of course. Scar for the role play purpose of having someone at her whim should they not do as she says. She is obviously built to maximize on jinx, allowing the full -7 to all saves, -3 to attack rolls, and initiative in one use of a skill at level 11. An additional -4 to attack rolls with one more use and all the other things capable with evil eye. All that on top of the double roll of misfortune, beast of ill-omen penalties, and agony. tsk tsk tsk... tough luck friend! She was born in the Warrens of Kaer Maga between the Pillars of Dream. She was slightly deformed and the pain of her deformity caused her unrest which made her mother need the peace of sleep to bring the child into the world. Random patches of ebony splotch her body, over sized upper central teeth, and her ears are far longer than they should be, drooping from their weight over the years. To any onlooker she might even be a were-rabbit, and in truth the auspicious nature of her birth, deformities, even her calling may yet bring surprises to her. She is in touch with the powers of fate and portents, which help her bring her damning powers to bare on anyone foolish enough to threaten the Magan Doe. Archer:
Str 14
Dex 19 (17+2) Con 14 Int 13 Wis 8 Cha 7 Be a Human. Humans are awesome. They start with two feats. You need lots of those. Level 1 Divine Hunter Paladin (of Erastil). (Be a good guy for a little while, then fall from grace… but hey, you get to keep the feat at least)
Between those feats, an extra for human, the bonus feats from archer, and your normal feats for advancement… we get 19 to choose. It is a good thing we have a lot to pick up… or we might get lost with all the options! Mandatory for build (in no particular order):
Extra that help (in no particular order):
How does this all play out? Well, my friend… Whatcha do is you run out into the battlefield and find yourself a nice spot. By the time ya get Imp Snapshot you’ll have 15’ threatened area, and can already lay the smack down. After you get it, as a full round action you declare yourself one of them there Combat Patrols. So, now you threaten 25 or 30’. Yeah that’s right. That is how far out you ‘threaten’ with your bow. From Archer Archetype, you’ve been picking up these handy Ranged Tricks, they let you perform certain combat maneuvers from 30’ and with your bow. Good thing too, because now you threaten that far out with your bow. Coincidences are fun. As soon as possible, pick up that Ranged Trip Trick. And then… you guessed it, OWN the map. If someone within 30’ of you moves, trip em. And fire off a followup free shot. And now here comes the ‘real’ fun part. If you want to, you can instead move up to the enemy, combat patrol allows you to move up to your speed while making your AoOs as part of your AoOs. Then make an unarmed strike trip attempt, and if successful, you get to place the hapless fool into ‘any other square you threaten’. YUP. Launch him across the map to the opposite side of your threatened are, put him off a cliff, toss him in between a pair of waiting allies, you name it. Plus, with Greater Trip and Vicious Stomp, you get to shoot him and kick im when he’s on the ground. Yep, 1 trip = two AoOs for you. Oh, but they can make 5’ steps or withdrawal without triggering an AoO you say? Not since you took that handy Pin Down feat… they do, and you can keep them from going, well, anywhere. Spellcasters causing you issues? Pick up those Disruptive, Spellbreaker, Teleport Tactician, and Disruptive shot feats to totally wreak havoc on enemy caster’s game. Disruptive makes it harder for them to cast defensively, which they'll be trying to do since you threaten from such a distance... and with Spellbreaker, if/when they fail, you get another free shot on em. Feel your damage isn’t up to speed? Pick up the standard archery feats instead. Like to trip ‘and’ disarm? Go with those feats too. You got a couple (7) to spare for that extras list.Weapon Focus: Longbow (Human bonus)
Raz Priest:
Sorcerer Archetype:
Razmiran Priest +3/+3 Better then Great Power. No other Sorcerer Archetype comes close. +3 Better then Great Versatility. No other Sorcerer Archetype comes close. Power: Free upgrade to False Focus? Bonus +1/2 Class Level to UMD? Oh we're actually here for being able to cast any divine spell off a scroll without expending it. No wait, we're here for the ability to use Spell Lists like the Paladins to get Greater Angelic Aspect before even the Cleric does. Oh... wait.... no... we're *REALLY* here for the ability cast spells with expensive material components for free over and over again. Versatility: Any. Divine. Spell. At only +1 spell level. Which may be significantly earlier then a full divine caster. Enchanter:
Kitsune Sorcerer (Fey Bloodline)
Kitsune favored class option, Fast Shifter Attributes: 15 point build, racial adjustments included
The character should get the following bonuses to Enchantment spells:
The end result has me casting a DC 24 Hold Person spell at 6th level, a DC 29 Dominate Person spell at 12th level and a DC 36 Dominate Monster spell at 17th level... without taking any magical equipment into consideration. I'm pretty happy with that. The character is going to have to take some buff spells (Haste, Heroism, Greater Heroism) as well as load up on the UMD skill so that she'll still be effective when facing undead and other creatures immune to mind-affecting spells, but even with that weakness she should make a nice teammate for the upcoming Rise of the Runelords campaign we're going to be running. Giants count as humanoids :) Battering Blast Sorcerer:
Orc Blooded with Blood Havoc and Blood Intensity. Which means +2 damage per dice, and 5 uses of Blood Intensity that adds +11d6 to the level cap of a damaging spell. Feats: Heighten Spell, Spell Focus(evocation). Spell Specialization (battering blast), varisian tatoo (evocation), Empower Spell, Intensify Spell, Preferred Spell(battering blast), Quicken Spell, Maximize Spell, Spell Penetration(evocation), Spell Perfection(battering blast). Blood Feat: Widen Spell, Toughness, Great Fortitude. Traits: the usual suspects. CL: 26 without items. If you can find 4 more levels in items that would make a huge difference. But lets stick with 26 for a 'fair' comparison. 26 means 5 battering blasts. Using Intensify Spell you can exceed the damage by 5 CLs, which increases it to 7d6. Not great. But if you use Blood Intensity instead you can up the damage dice by your cha or str mod (+11), which maxes out at 16d6...but you only have enough levels for 13d6. Oh well! So we'll use the 5 uses per day ability that doesn't modify the spell's level. For damage we'll pile on Empower Spell (+2), Maximize Spell (perfection), and traits (-2 metamagic level)...for a net 0 change in spell level. We really can't use more feats to pump the damage any higher. Its actually possible to pump another +4 in metamagic mods into this. So 13d6+26 x 1.5= 19.5d6+39 is an empowered blast. Maximized is 156 per ball, x5 balls = 780. And its force damage. and its touch with no save to reduce damage. And this can be comboed with either quicken or dazing. Transmuter Wizard:
Lvl 9: (DC 31) (5+1) —Arodane's Spellbane, Gate, Gate, Summon Monster IX, Shapechange (D), Time Stop
Lvl 8: (DC 30) (6+1) —Mind Blank, Moment of Prescience, Polymorph Any Object, Polymorph Any Object (D), Summon Monster VIII, Summon Monster VIII, Summon Monster VIII Lvl 7: (DC 29) (6+1) —Mage's Magnificent Mansion, Giant Form I (D), Limited Wish, Limited Wish, Limited Wish, Summon Monster VII, Summon Monster VII Lvl 6: (DC 28) (6+1) —Chains of Light, Chains of Light, Chains of Light, Dispel Magic (Greater), Dispel Magic (Greater), Flesh to Stone (D), Flesh to Stone Lvl 5: (DC 27) (6+1) —Baleful Polymorph, Icy Prison, Icy Prison, Life Bubble, Life Bubble, Overland Flight (D), Teleport Lvl 4: (DC 26) (7+1) —Dimension Door, Dimension Door, False Life (Greater), Invisibility (Greater), Invisibility (Greater), Invisibility (Greater), Invisibility (Greater), Haste (D) Lvl 3: (DC 25) (7+1) —Haste, Haste, Haste, Heroism (Two Slots), Slow, Slow (D) Lvl 2: (DC 24) (7+1) —Glitterdust, Glitterdust, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Mirror Image, Resist Energy, Tears to Wine (D), Tears to Wine Lvl 1: (DC 23) (7+1) —Ant Haul, Blood Money, Blood Money, Blood Money, Heightened Awareness, Heightened Awareness, Liberating Command (D) Lvl 0: (DC 22) (4) —Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Prestidigitation Eden (Elf Form) Stat Block:
WORN: Spell Component Pouch - 5 gp - 2 lbs. Armor: +1 Silken Ceremonial Robe - 1,180 gp - 4 lbs.
CRAFTED: 91,250 gp
Helpful Halfling:
Initial Traits: Battlefield Disciple (Combat) (increase aid another by 1 on attack rolls), Defensive Strategist (Religion, gives you almost Uncanny Dodge in a trait), Helpful (Race, halfling) (+4 to Aid another)
Initial Drawback (to pay for the extra trait): Overprotective (the penalty isn't too bad for what you're doing, and the flavor fits) 1: Mouser Swashbuckler 1: Swashbuckler awards Swashbuckler Finesse = modified Weapon Finesse (you definitely want this first) and gives you the Underfoot Assault Deed (see above); Level 1 character feat = Weapon Focus ({insert your Finessable one-handed Piercing or Slashing weapon here}) (you also want this first)
Chakram Thrower:
Churley grew up one of the roving Shoanti barbarians from the high planes in the east of Varisia. His life consisted of huts, horses, cattle, and raids on evil humanoids (and if really brave, giants). Book learning was unheard of, and the oral traditions of his ancestors was as much schooling as he saw.
At one point during his late teens, a priest of Saranrae came through his area, seeking doing good deeds and seeking converts. As it happened, Churley was gravely ill (sepsis in a wound from doing that stupid fighting giants thing). The priest healed him up on the spot, so Churley feeling a debt, converted on the spot. He traveled back to Qadira with the priest and became his bodyguard, learning the star knife as it amused Churley. Eventually the priest decided that he didn't need Churley (and his strange curiosity) and sent him off to do good deeds in Sarenrae's name. Eventually he ended up in Sandpoint, and the rest is RotRL history. Churley is a tall, dark haired, skinned tanned like old leather, and tattooed in tribal patterns. This is not always obvious since he wears full plate almost all the time. His barbaric upbringing makes him very curious about the trappings of civilization, and will often ask very strange questions. He is not actually stupid, though his broken Taldan and strange questions will give that impression. '''Churley'''<br/>
Tricked out Wizard:
N Half-Elf Foresight Diviner Wizard 20 (Prohibited Schools: Evocation, Enchantment)
Harbinger Daemon Body -
Senses: Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft., scent, true seeing
Defense: AC: 63 (10 + 6 Armor + 13 Dex + 7 Shield* (MV) +5 Deflection* (SoF), +2 Luck* (US) +20 Natural +1 Insight -1 Size)
Str: 44 (33 +6 Enhancement +5 Inherent)
BAB: +10; CMB: 27; CMD: 40 Active Spells, Greater Angelic Aspect, Magic Vestments x2 (Solars), Shield of Faith (Solar),
Speed: 30 ft. 60 Ft. Fly (Perfect) Traits: Reactionary, Fate's Favored Feats: Scribe Scroll (W1), Improved Initiative (1), Spell Focus (Evocation) (3), Fast Study (W5),
Skills: 20 Ranks in:
Languages: Common, Elven, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Draconic, Undercommon Special Qualities: Dual-Minded
Weapons: +1 Courageous, Dueling Living Steel Large Spiked Gauntlet (22,010 GP)
Armor: +1 Deathless, Ghost Touch, Heavy Fortification Living Steel Haramaki (100,506 GP)
Items: Headband of Mental Superiority +6, Belt Of Physical Perfection +6, Otherworldly Kimono, Handy Haversack,
Greensting Scorpion Familiar. In Concealing Pocket. Spell Component Pouch x 30
Gold: 3,371 Spells Known (Level Up): Starting Spell Book (Up to 6th level) (Also in both Blessed Books) 1st: Anticipate Peril, Snow Ball, Ear-Piercing Scream, Blood Money, Blood Rage, Alarm, Heighten Awareness,
3rd—fireball, lightning bolt 2nd—acid arrow, darkness, ghoul touch, gust of wind 1st—burning hands, color spray, corrosive touch, hydraulic push, hypnotism, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement,
Tome of the Transmuter (2,635) (Also in both Blessed Books) 4th—beast shape II, calcific touch, confusion, dimension door, stone shape 3rd—arcane sight, dispel magic, explosive runes, lightning bolt, greater magic weapon, slow 2nd—alter self, flaming sphere, knock, pyrotechnics, resist energy, see invisibility, whispering wind 1st—animate rope, charm person, color spray, erase, floating disk, mage armor, magic missile, protection from chaos,
0—standard plus drench, spark Blessed Book(s): All Above, in addition to: 1st (100 GP): Air Bubble, Identify, Grease, Obscuring Mist, Mount, Summoner Monster I, Comprehend Langauges,
2nd (500 GP): Arcane Lock, Protection from Arrows, Glitterdust, Stone Call, Detect Thoughts, Locate Object,
3rd (1035 GP): Magic Circle Against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Nondetection, Protection from Energy, Aqueous Orb,
4th (1040 GP): Dimensional Anchor, Stoneskin, Solid Fog, Scrying, Locate Creature, Charm Monster, Terrible Remorse,
5th (2125 GP): Mage's Private Sanctum, Siphon Magic, Cloudkill, Lesser Planar Binding, Contact Other Plane,
6th (1620 GP): Greater Heroism, Symbol of Persuasion, Chain Lightning, Contingency, Symbol of Fear, Flesh to Stone
7th (3610 GP): Spell Turning, Plane Shift, Greater Arcane Sight, Greater Scrying, Vision, Symbol of Stunning,
8th (2880 GP): Mind Blank, Protection from Spells, Trap the Soul, Discern Location, Moment of Prescience,
9th (4860 GP): Symbol of Vulnerability, Summoner Monster IX, Teleportation Circle, Foresight, Winds of Vengeance,
Components & Focuses x2 (10420):
Here was some of my Commune Questions (from 1 week prep): Is my opponent in 1 week immune to Mind-affecting powers?
My primary tactic with dealing with undetectable was to just plain not make it matter. With Battlemind Link (cool spell), both Arkalion and one of his Tzitzimitl will both have a 78 Initiative. With a Caster Level of 26, he can bring 8 medium creatures with him using Quickened Greater Teleport, so he will bring one Gargantuan creature (the Tzitzimitl) and one Norn directly to the spot where the enemy starts. Then I attempt to remove any Globe of Invulnerability, mythic or otherwise, using a spell based on what any potential spellbane the opponent has up. Once the defenses are down, the Tzitzimitl can use it's Deeper Darkness + Eclipse ability to deal guaranteed damage + stagger in a wide area. Once their initiative hits, the other Tzitzimitl will use Greater Teleport to cross to the location and spam Deeper Darkness until the opponent is dead. I'm confident that between all my defenses I can survive one round if the Fighter decides to just target my Harbinger Daemon body. Even if my body is successfully killed my soul will just return to the Spirit Jar carried on either the Norn or Tzitzimitl (another Tzitzimitl has the last spirit jar). At which point I'll possess the Norn and the Tzitzimitl's will focus fire that area. Though I also had several "Totems" with permanent symbols that I could deploy across the arena. From my prep sheet: Craft a new Totem:
Drakainia have the following ability: Birth Spawn (Ex) As a full-round action, a drakainia can give birth to a spawn, which is a Large or smaller creature of her choice with a single random mutation. Each day she can produce any number of creatures whose combined total base CR does not exceed 3 + her Constitution modifier (usually 21). Notably, the Harbinger Daemon is both 1; large or smaller and 2; CR 21. Also Birth Spawn doesn't prohibit the creation of unique creatures.
Professor Marcus D'Avore, Arcanist Extraordinaire
Male Human (Varisian) Arcanist 16 N Medium humanoid (human) Init +10; Senses darkvision 120 ft.; Perception +23 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 28, touch 15, flat-footed 24 (+4 armor, +6 shield, +4 Dex, +3 natural) HP 172/146 (16d6+80) Fort +15, Ref +13, Will +16; +8(4 points over Kimono) resistance vs. divination and mind-affecting DR10/Magic against ranged weapons (100hp prevented) --------------------
Arcanist Spells Prepared (CL 16th; concentration +26/31 for defensive casting): 8th (3/day): mind blank
Feats: Dazing Spell, Great Fortitude, Greater Spell Focus (transmutation), Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative, Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, Reach Spell, Spell Focus (transmutation), Spell Penetration, Spell Perfection (Baleful Polymorph) Traits: magical lineage (Baleful Polymorph), reactionary Skills: Appraise +14, Diplomacy +14, Disable Device +26, Escape Artist +26, Fly +17, Knowledge (arcana) +29, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +29, Knowledge (engineering) +14, Knowledge (geography) +14, Knowledge (history) +14, Knowledge (local) +14, Knowledge (nature) +29, Knowledge (nobility) +14, Knowledge (planes) +29, Knowledge (religion) +29, Linguistics +14, Perception +23, Spellcraft +34, Stealth +20, Use Magic Device +16 Languages: Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Daemonic, Draconic, Ignan, Infernal, Osiriani, Ancient, Terran, Varisian Special Qualities: arcane reservoir (9, 48 maximum), arcanist exploits (counterspell, dimensional slide [160'], disrupt spell +0, greater metamagic knowledge, metamagic knowledge, metamixing, potent magic, spell tinkerer [±50% duration or suppress 1 rds), consume spells Gear: Jingasa of the fortunate soldier (1/day), Otherworldly kimono (1/day), Ring of invisibility, Wand of Infernal Healing, +5 Mithral Buckler, Amulet of natural armor +3, Belt of physical might (Dex & Con +4), Blessed book x2, Eyes of the eagle, Gloves of elvenkind, Handy haversack (empty), Headband of vast intelligence +6 (Disable Device, , Ioun stone (clear spindle), Muleback cords, Ring of freedom of movement, Tome of clear thought +1, Vest of escape, Wayfinder (1 @ 0 lbs), Thieves' tools, masterwork, 150 GP Occultist Mech Pilot:
Race: Halfling
Class and Level: Occultist 3 Size: Small Initi: + 2, Senses: Perception + 7
Level 0: Sift, Grave Words, Message
Transmuation - 3 (Cutlass)
Necromancy - 2 (A Coin)
STR: 8 DEX: 15 CON: 12 INT: 16 WIS: 12 CHA: 16
Gear: Masterwork UMD Tool, Scroll of Possess Object, Huge Masonry Stone Statue, Cracked Magenta Prism, Wand of Ant Haul, Huge Wagon, 2 Large Horses, Chain Shirt. The above will make more sense if you're familiar with an Occultist, you can see the utility in being able to spawn a handful of Undead, a small buff to your Dex with your Cutlass, and the Sudden Insight is absolute to the build. Your Necromancy is your meat and bones for outside of your Suit. Your spells are utility as well, as grave words can be used for gathering information, sculpt corpse can easily fake your death to an enemy using their own men, and with a combination of vocal alteration and comprehend languages you have some interesting tricks you can pull. The main key is when trouble presents itself to prep and cast your Scroll of Possess Object, a DC 29 check using your +20 UMD. Before you do, you pop a point of mental focus to get a +1 from your Sudden Insight, and must roll a 29 or higher on a 1d20+21. If you fail, it’s wasted (and if you're a DM and have enough games under your belt a DM re-roll is super useful). On a successful check, Possess Object takes hold for 9 hours. The following is your build. The following is an example build with some brief explanation of the build. This is based on the first, character, or the Alpha Test character whom ran all this. The Mark - 1
Initi: - 2, Senses: Perception + 2
Transmuation - 3 (Cutlass)
Necromancy - 2 (A Coin)