Race |
| SP 7/7 HP 12/12 | RP 4/4 | EAC 12; KAC 12 | Fort +1; Ref +0; Will +5 | Init: +0 | Perc: +3, SM: +9 |
Classes/Levels |
| Speed 30ft | Detect Thoughts 1/1 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: None. |
Gender |
820-2018 Male Dwarven Spell Sergeant Prole Flamewalker Mystic 1 |
About Char Forgeheart
Char Forgeheart
Char’s family lost their hard-earned family business, the Forgeheart Foundry Mining Collective, when the mega corporation Astral Extractions took it in a hostile takeover. After a year of near-slave labor, Char escaped with the assistance of a thief and forger named Volaire.
Needing to make ends meet, Char has since become a Starfinder, along with his friend Volaire.
SFS # 820-2018
Char Forgeheart
Prole Flamewalker Mystic 1
N Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +1; Senses Perc +3, SM +9,
See Header
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +3 Tactical Pike 1d8P
Space 5 ft.; Reach 10 ft. with Pike
Mindthrust 2d10 Mental Damage
Mystic Cure 1d8+3 Healing
Overheat 2d8 F (15 ft cone)
Moment’s Hesitation
Telekinetic Projectile 1d6 (25 ft)
Token Spell
Str 16, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 8
Athletics 7 = 1 rank + 3 str + 3 class
Diplomacy 5 = 1 rank - 1 cha + 3 class + 2 race
Mysticism 7 = 1 rank + 3 wis + 3 class
Physical Science 6 = 1 rank + 0 int +3 class + 2 race
Profession Miner 11 = 1 rank + 3 wis + 3 class + 2 insight +2 race
Sense Motive 9 = 1 rank + 3 wis + 3 class + 2 race
Starship-Combat Version of Skills
Omitting Class features and items that do not affect Crew Actions
Skill Synergy (Athletics, Physical Science)
Languages Common, Dwarven
Other Abilities
Combat Gear
Other Gear
Special Abilities
Flamewalker Mystic Connection
Source Starfinder #18: Assault on the Crucible pg. 52
From an early age, you’ve had an innate bond with fire. The raging inferno has always been with you, whether you’ve come to find peace and solace by staring into a flickering flame, brought fire to those in need of heat, or immolated your foes with unrestrained flames. By focusing your bond with fire, you can cause flames to do your bidding, and at more powerful stages of your advancement, you can even breach the veil to contact or even pass into the Plane of Fire itself, stepping through a portal wreathed in flickering flames.
Associated Deities: Angradd, Feronia, Sarenrae, The Devourer, Ymeri
Associated Skills: Acrobatics and Intimidate
Spells: 1st - overheat, 2nd - emberstep, 3rd - burning ash cloud, 4th - wall of fire, 5th - contact other plane, 6th - plane shift
Fire Manipulation (Su) - 1st Level
You can control minor flames within 30 feet. As a standard action, you can smother a flame afflicting a single piece of equipment held or worn by anyone within range. Alternatively, you can transfer the burning condition from one creature to another within range by succeeding at a caster level check (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × the level or CR of the target creature). The target creature gains a +2 circumstance bonus to its Reflex saving throw to end the burning condition applied in this way.
Mining Expert
Source Character Operations Manual pg. 30
Dwarves can be skilled at delving for riches, gaining a +2 racial bonus to Physical Science and Profession (miner) checks.
This replaces stonecunning.
Prole Theme Knowledge (1st Level)
Up until now, you’ve been a typical working person, punching the clock and scraping by at your everyday job. Choose a Profession skill that is Intelligence- or Wisdom-based. That skill has been the basis of your job up until now, and although you might not think about it, you’re good at what you do. When attempting a Culture or Profession check to recall knowledge about your profession or industry and its leaders, whether businesses or businesspeople, reduce the DC by 5. Since Profession is a class skill for you, you gain a +1 insight bonus to checks with your chosen profession and +1 to checks with Profession skills in general. (These bonuses stack to a total of +2 for your chosen Profession skill.) In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Intelligence or Wisdom at character creation, but the ability score you pick must match the ability score tied to your chosen Profession skill.
Tradition Mender
Source Character Operations Manual pg. 30
There is a movement among dwarves to heal past prejudices, and make friends with beings once deemed foes. These dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks.
This replaces traditional enemies.
Weapon Familiarity
Dwarves are proficient with basic and advanced melee weapons and gain specialization with those weapons at 3rd level..