Cellowyn |
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
So, I have been in and out of 2.0, mainly because my family game is on hold while my oldest son is at school, and because my Saturday night group has shifted to 5e. Somewhere in the process, I must have missed the entry on how to "level up" monsters... For example, I am sending my family party into the Bright Lands of Greyhawk. I want to use Gnolls as the main adversary, but the team is level 9 or 10. In PF1, I would add levels of a class that I needed and that would settle things. In PF2, the mechanism seems to be different, but I've been unable to find any reference to it. I get that you can make creatures "Elite" or "Weak", but what if I want to make a Gnoll cleric of Tharizdun, or a challenging Gnoll wizard - how does that work?