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![]() Order 5131734
![]() I want to run this for pfs as most of my local group have run this and I have not run pbp in quite a while except for my homebrew lastwall game. I have my own way of doing maps. my style of maps. I came up with this myself. Rules for posting will be one post per day. This is a module so it will give you 3 xp and 4 prestige. You need a character level 2 to 4. Rules for posting will be one post per day. I plan to start next Monday. ![]()
![]() If say a soldier uses a gear clamp on his weapon that he would not be let into say a cantina with. to lock the weapon outside so no one messes with it or steals it. can the called weapon infusion be used to summon it inside the cantina. Am I missing anything or will this work. This seems a little bit broken. ![]()
![]() I want to get back into running play by posts games having stopped my first one which was a homebrew but this module looks to be quite fun. Plot hook for this adventure
Mechanics 20 point buy
Gold 6.000 GP hp full at first level then half rounded up each level after. ![]()
![]() Finally the first prestige class I can get really exicited for a build about a prestige class from inner sea gods. Has anyone done this before ? I think this might work well with a glaive as favored weapon with reach 19-20/x2 crit and reach and sentiel espically affects favored weapon. I think going from 5 to 6 I get +1 to hit and damage in back to back levels and if I need adjacent the 2nd level ability for polearm master helps me. Although I am thinking of picking up deadly aim maybe so If I can't use my awesome glaive modifiers For stats I was thinking for a 20 point buy. str 18
Not sure what the rest of the feats should be but this could be interesting and the idea of the main melee character making art donating to random people sounds funny and flavorful but this might just work. Also the 1st boon of 1/day haste for sentinel And gliave being a good favored weapon could this be the start of an awesome character? ![]()
![]() Is what I get from the tracking number sent out automatically by email and it is driving me a bit crazy about what I will do I still want the order but it says undeliverable so I am not sure what happened with the package and the uncertainty is nervous. Also the fact that it made it all the way to my local post office then was undeliverable but the ups mail innovatoins says to contact sender so what should I do in this case? I sent a ranty emial earlier but I was not sure I was making much sense then. I did double check that my address on the order was right after I sent it and saw this several times. Since there are only non mint copies of feast of ravenmoore and refunds don't apply to those I had a bad thought of non being able to get a physical book and the mail delivery vehicle getting burned by goblins. ![]()
![]() I like the pathfinder tales novels. I purchased but in the online store and with more and more novels finding the next book with the same characters in the series like the next the sort views for novels while working for rpg books I am not sure this is the best. If I want the next book in the series and new books are still coming out so this will only get messier. ![]()
![]() I feel like seeing how much I could add to a voonith with bard levels as an theoretical npc somewhere if I do a game in the sodden lands. I was thinking for archetype to get detective but also thinking about archeologist. With archelogist luck unfortanetly doesn't work for boosting damage on natural weapons however. I end up thinking this could be really powerful for the level even though is not a class usually thought of. I want to see how this works out with 4 bard levels which would make is supposedly CR 6 but see if it could be much more powerful. For the class level ability bonus I was planning on adding +4 to CHA and INT +2 to STR and DEX and -2 TO WIS Although the will save will be improving from BARD levels. For a spell I would really want hideous laughter as the grizly jokes having an effect seems flavorful and is a powerful spell but opponents getting +4 on the save isn't that good. Skills will want to improve perception swim Lingusitics perform( comedy ) and knowledge local. For feats I am thinking Eschew materials is claws and spell component pouch isn't that flavorful. ![]()
![]() I had some players drop out of my previous game and had two posts in the old thread but the players seemed to disapper and never gave concepts so please be included. Rules are 20 point buy level 3 2 traits 1,800 gold as the party is a little under treasure right now and don't want too much intra party power disparity. Looking for 2-3 players. Current party is witch, oracle and fighter. Allowed sources are Core rulebook, Advanced players guide, ultimate magic, ultimate combat, inner sea magic, inner sea primer, inner sea world guide, and bestiaries 1-3 for animal companions anything else ask and provide a link. The game is in in lastwall and the party is currently planning to go near castle everstand which is expirence a large amount of orc from the unexpected front of the fangwood oh and is fast xp track. ![]()
![]() What alignment are the yellow musk zombies as the yellow musk creeper is neutral which the yellow musk zombie becomes. It does not say to change the alignment. I think it may make more logical sense to have them be neutral? I don't think alignment is listed as an undead trait in the bestiary but is implied by developers and they are not undead so is this just a gray area? ![]()
![]() Is this idea completely insane? For 20 point buy have stats of
![]() I am looking for three player to recriut as replacements 20 point buy. houserules
Oh level 2. 2 traits ![]()
![]() This needs an agile amulet of mighty fists to work but if you add nija levels with the scout archtype to a silvanshe agaithion. The one problem is it is tiny but this way get three sneak attack attacks off and add dex to damage on a charge. Try out stats for having pc class levels str 3 dex 19 con 14 int 8 wis 14 cha 17 Ninja tricks are vanishing trick and pressure points. For feats I am not sure what to to take. Anyone have any clues to continue this build. Edit want to add at least 4 ninja levels and see what the build will look like. BAb+7
![]() I have this awesome idea for an ulfen magus in my head but I wonder how well it will work. I think I want to use a battleaxe it may not be optimal but should still be good enough right. Name Brendan
armor lammellar leather
At level 3 was thinking of getting a raven familiar and taking weapon focus battleaxe. I still don't have all gear finalized. ![]()
![]() I really like this show and am watching it on bbc America a lot. Also will anything make Jeremy Clarkson more angry then a hybrid golf cart? This show is generally really funny. I tried searching found several refrences to it but no actual thread about it. Also did anyone notice the Stig is Gits spelled backwards. ![]()
![]() While the 7 int for the eidolon does not seem that well if you take the skilled evolution for +8 on the targeting check with knowdge egineering. then put ranks in it and make it a class skill and you are hitting on a 4 without modifiers with a bonus of to hit of +11 from skilled evolution and ranks in the skill. You will need exotic weapon proficiency light catapult though. Of course it should be bipedal to get hands. If the gm allows a +5 knowledge eginering item probably goggles it gets even better. Maybe take skilled perception as well. ![]()
![]() Does the no save for wooden item included attended wooden objects as a specail case so would it catch fire within 5 feet of the target square catch a mass of troops with wooden shields on fire and do 2d6 points of fire damage to all of the shields of everyone in the area? If I shoot this out of a +1 catipult does the fire damage needing a save to aviod get the +1 damage as well and same with flaming. ![]()
gm 3
![]() After a week of rain that washed away most of the trail of the missing girl which finally stopped yesterday in the evening the sun finally rises over southwatch on Moonday the 4th of Pharast. This small hamlet is encased in its wooden walls and near fangwood.Outside the unpaved streets are rather muddy. This morning seems to be rather noisy espically near the town hall as if the mayor and treasurer are having another shouting match that is all too common here. ![]()
![]() First time running a play by post here for pathfinder.
few corner case houserules:
Doctor_wu houserules and rulings that might not quite be RAW (A lot of these are minor corner cases) 1. Angels are not immune to petrification.
Sample format for character sheet
edit- doh start at level 1 and two traits. ![]()
![]() I never have really understood why this is the case with being immune to petrification. Because if you found an angel turned to stone giving the party some stone salve and freeing it could be an awesome adventure. Are there any real reasons for this immunitity that I am not seeing? edit I know as the gm I can houserule this away am just curious about the reasoning. ![]()
![]() I know what I want from first level but where do I go after that.
str 14
Hp 11 level 1 favored class into hp Skills
racial alternative triats
Still looking for a second trait and what spells to know. I can take dazzling display becuase I meet the prequisite from weapon mastery which gives me weapon focus. I am also thinking of grand lodge as a faction. ![]()
![]() Buy 20 obsidian arrows for 5 silver pieces but in the core rulebook for gemstones it says that obsidian is a gemstone worth 10 gold pieces. so does this has a redicolous rate of return if the gm allows it gaining 199.5 gold pieces for each 20 arrows purchased. It is worse than ladders and ten foot poles. Oh wow what have I discovered... ![]()
![]() Wow reading through primitive materials the arrows made from primitive materials seem to be better than regular arrows. First stone and obsidian arrows weigh less and they lose hardness and gain fragile. Well if you have a magic bow the arrow gets destroyed anyhow and they weigh less so you can carry more arrows. Also stone arrows are cheap like crazy. If your bow is nonmagical and you roll a 1 the arrow gets broken well half the arrows you fire that miss are already destroyed so what. I have never seen or thought of sundering someones arrows as they could just draw another. Although tihs may make me labeled a powergamer if I try to get all obsidian arrows to start out. Althought this might fight an urban barbarain that is an archer well though. This works with stone sling bullets as well. ![]()
![]() I was bored so I thought of this build and like it some I might make my next character into one of it. It can charge 100 feet at level 1. RAce half orc.
Stats assuming 20 point buy
Traits Linebreaker Inner sea primer +10 feet when charging on foot.
I was thinking of then taking power attack at level 3 but then do not know what feats to take.