Cel'Daren |

I've never understood why humanoids are treated as not having Natural Weapons, and why the concept of an "Unarmed Strike" exists at all. Humanoids have teeth, humanoids have limbs that can be used to bludgeon things. Granted they're not the most efficient weapons, but we still have them.
So I wondered what would be the effects of removing the concept of an "Unarmed Strike" and having humanoids given 2 Natural Weapons, all sized for a creature two sizes smaller than normal. 1 Bite Weapon and 1 Slam. So far I realize it seems to be a bit of a boost to monks, and anyone who wants to fight without a weapon.
Essentially the changes I feel this would have to include in list form would look kinda like:
1. Unarmed Strikes don't exist. Nothing provokes an attack of opportunity merely by wielding a weapon which they are not proficient with.
2. Improved Unarmed Strike, Throw Anything, and Catch Off-Guard do not exist, and all things requiring these abilities simply ignore them.
3. Humanoids are given a Bite and a Non-lethal Slam Natural Weapon that is 2 sizes smaller than normal. For Medium humanoids this equals 1d3. For small humanoids this equals 1d2.
4. Monks have a few changes. Humanoid monks improve their original Bite and Slam Weapons to equal their own size at 1st level (They then increase as the Unarmed Strike does now). A monk applies their full Strength bonus to all their Natural Weapons. A monk can use any limb to perform their Slam attack, and can treat their Slam attack as any number of weapons for the purposes of Flurry of Blows and Two-Weapon Fighting and its improvements.
5. Any ability that previously gave a bonus only to Unarmed Strike now gives it to a creature's Natural Attacks (such as a monk's Ki Pool ability).
6. Natural Weapons no longer grant additional attacks beyond the creature's normal attack routine. For example, a creature with a Bite and 2 Claw weapons but with only a BAB of 6 can still only attack twice with a Full Attack Action, using any combination of their Natural weapons. The multi-attack feat restores this ability in addition to its normal effects.
7. Amulet of Mighty Fists applies its bonus only to 1 Natural Weapon, chosen at the time of donning the amulet. An Amulet of Mighty Fists is treated as a single weapon for the purposes of enchanting prices (an Amulet of Mighty Fists costs the same as say, a longsword, to enchant). An Amulet of Mighty Fists may be enchanted to provide its effect to any number of Natural Weapons, but its price changes accordingly (2 attacks doubles the original price. 3 attacks triple it, etcetc).
Now, these changes make sense, to me. However I'm not even sure what the longer term effect of these changes would be. I'm sure there are builds that would become overpowered by this, and others that suddenly lose a lot of power. Tell me what you think about these various changes, how they would effect the game, which feats and abilities would lose effectiveness, all that good stuff.
Also, thank you for your time folks!