Female Fighter

Carolyn Mull's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Way to represent, Christine! Its about time a righteous female created a kick-butt adventure! Hell ya!

brent norton wrote:
Why wasn't cover the posted on the pathfinder blog like all the rest. Not fair.

You can look forward to art of the upcoming pathfinders and modules almost every friday.

I'm glad that everyone liked them. More will be coming your way, sooner than you think!!!

Nice!!! I particularly like the babies giggling in the background! It adds that extra special touch that makes you hate the goblins even more!

Just a reminder that today, is the day! Come one, come all, to talk Pathfinder or just hang out at Oroboro Games. This is our first signing event, and most likely there will be more if everyone turns out for it! Hope to see you there!

On December 19, Oroboro Games of Bellevue, WA will host an exclusive book signing and Q&A to celebrate the launch of Pathfinder #4. Fans of Paizo and Pathfinder will get a unique chance to talk to Erik Mona, James Jacobs, and F. Wesley Schneider about Paizo’s new home for adventure: the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting. Erik and company will offer a sneak peek at Golarion, the world of the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting, including a first-ever look at the world map and art from the Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer (due out this February). Bring your Pathfinder books and your questions for Erik, James, and Wes. Pathfinder #1, #3, and #4 will be available for purchase as well as the Pathfinder: Rise of the Runelords Player’s Guide. (Pathfinder #2 is sold out, though it is available in limited quantities on paizo.com.)

Pathfinder #4 Book Signing
December 19, 7pm
Oroboro Games
In the Lake Hills Shopping Center
545c 156th Ave SE
Bellevue, WA 98052 Map