Capt'n Kaos's page

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Very amazed at all the great items and ideas presented here. Last minute, first time submission. I can see the problems but want the good and bad feedback
Boots, Battle
Aura ZZfaint ZZevocation; CL 3rd
Slot ZZfeet; Price ZZ5,000 gp (+1), 20,000 gp (+2), 45,000 gp (+3); Weight ZZ2 lbs.
ZZThe wearer of these fine boots gains a luck bonous to both reflex saving throws and armor class as long as he or she has a alignment within one of chaotic good. A wearer whose alignment is chaotic good gains the additional benefit of a reduction in damage done by variable damage dice. ie for each die rolled subtract the luck bonous, minimum 1 per die ( you loose this reduction anytime you are flatfooted). Three times a day a wearer may activate the boots as a free action to use whirlwind attack. A character of neutral alignment who wears these boots in combat niether gains or suffers any bonouses or penalties. If the wearers alignment is lawful neutral they gain no bonous and suffer a increase of one to terrain modifiers above zero, in combat situations. If the wearers alignment is lawful evil. They gain no bonous and suffer the terrain modifer and a reduction to movement by 10 feet in any combat. These boots are not cursed and maybe removed at anytime so long as combat is ended or has not started.
Requirements ZZCraft Wondrous Item ZZWhirlwind Attack, either the caster or craftsman making the boots must posess the this feat ZZDivine Favor, caster level must be at least 3 times the level of the luck bonous, ZZChaotic Good Alignment; Cost ZZ2,250 gp (+1), 10,000 gp (+2), 22,500 gp (+3)

Thanks for looking