Doll, Soulbound

Captain Kyanos Roikan's page

1 post. Alias of Set.

Full Name

Captain Kyanos Roikan


Azlanti Gillman


Sorcerer 7







Special Abilities

amphibious, swallow whole w/unnatural maw




Rovagug (and the Eye of Abendago, which he considers the Herald of the Apocalypse)


Drenchport and points north


Azlanti, Common (Taldan)


pirate captain, cannibal

Strength 14
Dexterity 12
Constitution 13
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 18

About Captain Kyanos Roikan

XP 2400
Gillman sorcerer (aberrant) 7
CE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception -1
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15; (+1 Dex, +4 mage armor, +1 ring of protection +1)
hp 45 (7d6+7 +7 +7)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Melee mw spiked gauntlet +6 (1d4+2), bite +6 (1d6+3), bite w/unnatural maw* +6 (1d8+3 +grab +swallow whole), unnatural maw* while enlarged and buffed w/bull’s strength +8 (2d6+7 +grab +swallow whole)
Special Attack unnatural maw* 10 rounds / day
Spells Known (CL 6th, Concentration +10, seven 1st, seven 2nd, five 3rd /day)
3rd – beast shape I, tongues(B)
2nd – bull’s strength, web (Ref DC 16), see invisibility(B)
1st – grease (Ref DC 15), mage armor silent image (Will DC 15), summon monster I, enlarge person(B)
0 (at will) – acid splash, arcane mark, daze (Will DC 14), detect magic, mage hand, message, ray of frost
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 18,
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Eschew Materials (B), Iron Will(B), Toughness, Bite Attack**, Weapon Focus (bite), Dazzling Display (bite)
Skills Appraise 1 (+4), Bluff 0 (+4), Fly 1 (+5), Intimidate 7 (+14), Knowledge (arcana) 1 (+4), Knowledge (dungeoneering) 0 (-), Linguistics (CC) 1 (+1, Azlanti), Spellcraft 1 (+4), Swim (CC) 1 (+11), Use Magic Device 1 (+8); Racial Skill Bonus +8 Swim; Armor Check Penalty 0
Languages Common (Taldan), Azlanti
SQ unnatural maw, long limbs, Bloodline Arcana (+50% duration to all polymorph subschool spells), amphibious, water-dependent
Combat Gear masterwork spiked (shark-tooth-studded) gauntlet, potion of cure light wounds (2), wand of sleep (CL 1, 10 charges, 150 gp), ring of protection +1, tanglefoot bags (2), shark’s fang necklace*** (treat as 4 sorcerer levels higher for the purposes of unnatural maw and +3 rounds / day use of that ability); Other gear manacles (4), 50 ft. silk rope
(3450 gp)

*Aberrant (replaces Acidic Ray)
Unnatural Maw (Ex): At 1st level, you can cause your mouth to transform into a hideous gaping maw as a free action. This fanged maw maw resemble the mandibles of a giant insect, or the massive mouth of a shark, or something stranger still, and is treated as a natural weapon, allowing you to make a bite attack as a standard action using your full base attack bonus, or to make a bite attack as a secondary weapon attack at -5 to hit along with another attack as a full attack action. As a natural weapon, this bite attack counts as a light weapon for the purposes of two-weapon fighting. This attack deals 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if you are Small, 1d8 if you are Large) plus your one and a half times your Strength modifier as a single attack, or your unmodified Strength modifier as a secondary attack. At 5th level, this bite attack is treated as a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming Damage Reduction. At 7th level, the damage increases by one step to 1d8 points of damage (1d6 if you are Small, 2d6 if you are Large). At 11th level, the bite gains the keen property, threatening a critical hit on 19-20, and you gain the grab and swallow whole properties (1d6 acid damage, AC 10 + Cha mod +1/2 any natural armor the sorcerer may possess, hp to cut free 1/5th sorcerer’s total hit points, rounded up). Swallow whole is treated as a supernatural ability. You can use your unnatural maw for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier, and do not gain the benefits of the grab property when the maw is not manifest. If you have swallowed a target, and you cease to maintain the unnatural maw, the target remains trapped, but if they escape the grapple, they do not return to your mouth for subsequent bite attacks, but are disgorged into a front-facing adjacent square.

Special: The long limbs bloodline ability can extend the reach of the bite attack gained through unnatural maw. If you already have a bite attack that inflicts equal or greater damage, your unnatural maw attack inflicts damage as if you were one size class larger.

**Bite Attack
Through heritage or the grotesque practice of filing your teeth and training in their use, you have a bite attack.
Benefit You have a bite attack that counts as a natural weapon inflicting 1d6 slashing or piercing damage (choose one when the feat is taken, this choice cannot be changed) plus damage equal to 1.5x your Strength modifier as a primary attack. If used in conjunction with another attack, it becomes a secondary attack (with the commensurate -5 to hit and only applying 1x your Strength modifier as bonus damage), but is treated as a light weapon if you are capable of two-weapon fighting. If you are size Small, your base damage is 1d4, and if you are size Large, your base damage is 1d8.
Special If you are a member of a race that already has unusually large dentition, such as an orc, goblinoid, gnoll or ogre, you can gain this quality as a Trait, instead, with the GM’s permission.

***Bloodline Talisman (Shark-Tooth Necklace)
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot neck; Price 1500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
A bloodline talisman enhances one of the bloodline powers of a sorcerer, generally allowing three additional uses of that ability per day, and allowing the sorcerer to add his Charisma modifier to his sorcerer level to determine the effects of that specific power. Captain Kyanos’ shark-tooth necklace enhances the potency of his unique unnatural maw ability, allowing him to use it for three additional rounds per day, and to add his Charisma modifier (+4) to his sorcerer level (7) to determine it’s effects.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, beast shape I or magic fang; Cost 750 gp.

Even by the standards of the Gillmen, Kyanos Roikan has always been violent and vindictive, using both his supernatural abilities and his fearsome shark-like teeth to terrorize all around him. He is a successful Shackles Pirate captain, dominating his crew ruthlessly, having only a few fellow Gillmen (who are treated much more like equals, but still regard him as a figure of capricious whims, best to be obeyed quickly and well, and avoided at all other times) among his crew, which otherwise consists of humans who have been pressed into service, and wear heavy manacles of iron on both wrists and ankles, not to restrain their movement, as they are not chained, but simply to prevent them from ever leaping overboard, with thought of swimming to safety.

Kyanos has a fascination with sharks, particularly with eating them, and often chums the water with fish guts and offal, so that he can hook one of the sleek predators, which he has hauled aboard and butchered for his meal. Given a choice, he only eats the flesh of predatory animals, even if it is smaller predatory fish, or stray cats that he’s snagged while at port, as he regards himself as the top of the food chain, above even the normal predatory animals, and believes that eating the flesh of herbivores or docile domesticated fare will weaken him, leaving him soft and powerless. The captain’s quarters aboard the Razor Smile reek of old blood and poorly-preserved ‘trophies’ taken from various predatory animals that have gone into his smooth belly, including ‘robes’ of tattered shark-skin and many clattering necklaces, bracelets, etc. of shark’s teeth, some impressively large.

He will make an exception to his predator-only dietary standard for a prisoner or an unlucky crewman that has displeased him, using his arcane powers to enlarge himself to grotesque proportions, and then tapping into his unique aberrant heritage to devour whole a screaming human adult. He cannot contain such a meal for long, but the long minutes that pass before he must disgorge it as his body shudders and reduces to his normal size are enough to leave the body unrecognizably disfigured by his supernaturally potent digestive acids. He prefers to show off this tactic when he has taken on new ‘crew,’ generally from the survivors of a pirate raid, picking one that seems the least likely to cooperate, or the most likely to break the will of the others, if devoured before their eyes, and then making various threats while the thrashing figure expires beneath the distended skin of his bulging belly, before wandering out of sight of those he is terrifying to disgorge the remains overboard, so that they never suspect that he can’t ‘hold his dinner.’ He can skip this last unpleasantness if the captives happen to include any gnomes, halflings or children, as he can contain a size Small target without more than extreme gastric discomfort…

The Razor Smile is Captain Kyanos’ second ship, having abandoned his first to an overwhelming assault by a Chelish ship that was far better defended than he had counted on, using his indispensible ability to simply swim away from a hopeless battle. Unfortunately for him, some of his crew survived as prisoners, and he now suffers an unsavory reputation for having deserted his ship, forcing him to recruit ‘sailors’ from those he has terrorized into obedience, as local pirate crews consider him craven and unfit to call himself a Captain...

Boons Kyanos respects few things, and resents anyone clearly more powerful than himself, refusing to back down to an almost suicidal degree, in front of his men. To someone whom he feels that he owes a boon, perhaps because they helped him save face, or because they have led him to some juicy plunder (or a tasty predatory beast that he has not yet sampled), he can offer passage, unpleasant as the accommodations may be, or share the names of some useful fences or information brokers, all of them Gillmen, his preferred contacts in Drenchport, Quent and Ollo (he avoids Port Peril, and is indeed sentenced to hang if ever he lands in that port…).

A favored son of Rovagug might learn the name of his ‘lady’ in Drenchport, a Gillman (woman, technically, although one could not be blamed for not immediately knowing the difference…) Witch, who can provide arcane services, and is particularly skilled at crafting magical talismans of use to Sorcerers, such as the Fanged Necklace that Kyanos himself wears.

His Gillmen contacts are also able to construct masterwork hide armor out of sharkskin that is exceptionally well-suited to underwater use, reducing Armor Check Penalties for Swim checks by an additional point over the masterwork reduction. The Gillman craftsman who makes these armors is also capable of making masterwork leather and studded leather armor from sharkhide, and, most uniquely, both studded leather and spiked leather, studded leather or hide armor, as well as spiked wooden shields or spiked gauntlets, where the studs and spikes are made of alchemically-strengthened shark’s teeth, suitable for use by Druids, or others who do not wish to wear metal armor. (The ‘wooden’ shields are made from tortoise shell, instead of wood, but function identically, mechanically.)